Emma Sutherland is a successful mum, speaker, author & clinical naturopath and her mission in life is to inspire women to get their Mojo back. Her first book “50 Foods That Will Change Your Life” is co written with home economist Michelle Thrift and is the ultimate guide to healthy eating for women.
She was the expert nutritionist on the popular TV show “Eat Yourself Sexy” on Lifestyle You. Inspiring and uplifting, Eat Yourself Sexy encourages women to take control of their lives and get back on the road to loving themselves.
Emma’s daughter, Sophia was born in November 2011 and has been the delight of her life since. Along with Sophia’s arrival, Emma picked up an addiction to every Superfood she can get her hands on! Motherhood has been the most amazing feat she has accomplished and it has only reaffirmed her desire to work more strongly with mums-to-be, mums and their bubbas. In fact, Sophia has inspired Emma’s second book “Sophia Eats – a Parents Guide to Toddler Health and Wellbeing”.
Emma is a podcast host for FX Medicine , the health industry’s leading podcast which has over 700,000 cumulative downloads annually. It is in the top 5% of podcasts shared globally and achieves an average monthly download of over 5000 per episode. Known for her well researched questions, key clinical summaries and ability to engage both the guest and the audience alike, Emma is a skilled interviewer. If you have an area of clinical expertise and want to come on the podcast, please email emma@emmasutherland.com.au.
She has held an advisory board position with the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University and is an Adjunct Fellow there as well.
Emma has many mentors and has completed ADAPT, the inaugural training program with Chris Kresser, at the Kresser Institute. This involved delving further into the world of functional medicine and identifying the drivers underneath your health problems, and then addressing them in a strategic manner.
Her busy client-centred holistic clinic, Studio You is located in Balmain . Emma has a strong focus on supporting women, and children, through every stage of life.
With a passion for children’s health, Emma has completed her MAPS (Medical Academy of Paediatric Special Needs ) Practitioner Training as well as MINDD Practitioner Training. Nothing makes Emma happier than seeing her little patients blossoming!
Emma is an experienced speaker and has three popular keynote presentations:
1. Cultivating Resilience – perfect for corporate audiences
2. Get Your Mojo Back – for the woman who wants to get that spring back in her step. Have a taster with Emma’s complementary 2 week Energy Boosting Challenge
3. Kids Health – immersing herself in clinical research means Emma can speak
knowledgeably in the area of paediatrics
Emma is a regular media commentator and she has been extensively featured as her areas of knowledge are incredible and her opinions are regularly sought out. Emma continues her education by attending the latest seminars on cutting edge research and this ensures that she is an excellent source of information.
Emma is a fully qualified Naturopath, having completed four years of training in Herbal Medicine, Nutrition and Homoeopathy as well as a Bachelor of Health Science. She has over 20 years of experience in treating women and children at every life stage. She has
completed post-graduate training in women’s health and paediatrics. Emma is a registered Naturopath with membership to the National Herbalist Association of Australia.