I am so excited to announce I now have a team of highly motivated and knowledgable women who will be writing fabulous articles for my website. After screening a sea of applications, I have chosen six gorgeous hotties who will cover everything health related. From an expert on PCOS, to a children’s health specialist and also a mummy blogger who moonlights as a freelance parenting writer, we have all your needs covered!
Each week they will be posting their wisdom and expertise and we would love to know if you have any topics we need to cover. Please shoot over to my Facebook page and shout your request out loud as we will address your needs!
Over the next two weeks I will be introducing the team and posting their informative articles. Drum roll please ladies!!!
The Team
Kelly Gibson – Naturopath who specialises in natural children’s healthcare
Lauren Edwards – PT turned health coach as well as nutritionist in the making, she knows a thing or two about weight loss!
Emily Meagher – our youthful chickie babe who will keep us in the loop of the latest buzzwords and fads
Naomi Cotterill – a fellow mummy who is also a talented journalist
Dr Rebecca Harwin – a very experienced Chiro who specialises in polycystic ovarian syndrome
Jules Galloway – a passionate naturopath who will guide us through the world of allergies & intolerances
Stay tuned for more wonderful information from these talented women, I know I will be eagerly awaiting their articles each week!