iStock_000014335566_LargeAre you overwhelmed with the amount of information that you are exposed to?

Not sure how to actually apply what you have learnt into real, clinical situations?

Feeling confused about how to be a great naturopath and a brilliant business person?

Did you know that of all businesses only 39% are profitable, 30% break even, and 30% lose money?

So stop feeling confused, unconfident and completely bewildered about how to become a successful practitioner. Connect with an expert who has the experience and skills to help you. Start feeling excited about the incredible opportunities awaiting you!


Mentoring & Professional Supervision

Emma provides professional supervision to naturopaths, nutritionists and herbalists via Skype or if you are in Sydney, face to face. The opportunity to pick the brains of one of Australia’s most successful naturopaths is both rewarding and incredibly motivating. Topics include case studies, professional development , becoming a skillful salesperson, clinical protocols, business development and more.

Continuing professional education points may be claimable for your time with Emma and your supervision fee is tax deductible.

Fees: Supervision – $120/hour

What practitioners are saying

ES testimonial_Naomi Judge“Working with Emma was one of the best business decisions I have made, not only for my business growth but also for my personal development. Emma was able to intuitively pinpoint my areas of weakness and the areas I needed to grow and focus on. Emma’s ability to simplify things so that it doesn’t seem overwhelming or daunting helped be enormously. I am now more confident in making business decisions and have clear, concise strategy for my business moving forward.” – Naomi Judge

I approached Emma for mentoring in June this year with a view to gaining more confidence as a practitioner and improving my business as a solo naturopath. In only a few sessions my personal and business goals became clear and I finally felt as though I knew what I was working towards. Through what I would call nothing less than a counselling session, Emma helped me identify the barriers that were holding me back, both personally and professionally. Emma has not only helped me gain confidence in my ability as a practitioner but also reinvigorated my drive and passion for my business. I now have clear goals and am actioning tasks on my to-do list which are bringing me closer to the success I felt was unachievable only a few months ago. I look forward to more mentoring with Emma, her insight has been invaluable! Thank you Emma!” – Danielle Delaney, Naturopath

I have known Emma for 14 years… I first met Emma when I was her beauty therapist and she was still a Naturopathy student and even back then the fountain of her knowledge generously flowed. Inspired by her, I decided to start studying naturopathy myself. I was a little hesitant to ask, but Emma has allowed me to sit in with her patients. What I learnt in 10 hours through observation was priceless… The finer points of being a naturopath were shown to me very clearly…. I highly recommend spending time with Emma Sutherland, she is an inspiring, warm and knowledgeable leader in our natural therapy community.” Annamaria Tizzone, Naturopath

Emma is incredibly inspiring and a wealth of information and positive energy! To have insight into the reality of running your own business from a successful practitioner is priceless.

I have taken onboard a very valuable point – that we are all afraid of launching ourselves! By listening to Emma’s personal experiences of developing as a practitioner herself it has really helped to remind me that most of us suffer from self-esteem issues. That was very valuable to hear.

I now have a sense of ‘my brand’ – something I had not considered before. With these ideas I now have a solid foundation to continue to build a strategy for marketing myself when I qualify.

“I would recommend it to all students at whatever stage of their course as it is never too early to start thinking about the business side of it all. I think it would be useful for any qualified practitioner who is struggling with attracting and retaining their clients.


Student Clinical Hours

Emma offers 5 hour observational blocks to final year naturopaths, herbalists and nutritionists. Gain an extraordinary amount of knowledge as you sit in and observe Emma working directly with her clients. See how she quickly develops rapport, reviews medical pathology, assesses her client, analysis physical examination data, then determines the best course of action and writes the treatment plan. Student observational hours are limited so please book ahead. Hours are capped at 10/student unless Emma decides to take on a mentor role – this occurs 3 times per calendar year.

Fees: Observational hours – $40/hour (5 hour blocks only)

What students are saying

I was fortunate enough to be able to complete clinic hours with Emma Sutherland. After studying to be a Naturopath over the past 6 years, I felt that I had the knowledge but lacked the confidence on how to execute what was stored in my brain! Emma has helped me to take the theory and utilize it in a real life clinic setting. Her client’s cases were relevant and inspiring and her knowledge is beyond anything I imagined. I feel like I’ve learnt more from Emma than I have over the duration of my studies and will be forever grateful for the opportunity.” – Kelly Gibson


“Observing Emma in a clinical setting has not only helped me clarify the big picture and see the theory applied to real life situations but her positive attitude and wealth of knowledge is so inspiring. Being able to learn from such a professional and successful practitioner is an invaluable experience” – Sandra Di Giacomo, Nutritionist


“Observational experience in Emma’s clinic has been invaluable. It was a pleasure to experience how Emma creates rapport and trust with her clients, and be enthused by her positive energy. I have come away with a much clearer idea of how to manage my client sessions more effectively and confidently and how to use systems for all the back end clinic management. I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity.” – Ann Taylor, Nutritionist


The Role
Interns are required to research the latest health news and information to create fantastic weekly blog posts. They will learn how to generate high-quality, user-friendly information from current research that will then be published on Emma’s well-known and respected blog.

The Intern 
We are looking for someone with a professional yet fun attitude who has some experience with research, blogging and article creation. You must have great communication skills with an excellent grasp of grammar and spelling. The role is suited to someone who exudes vibrant energy, loves good food and has a keen interest in health and nutrition. Applicants need to be English-speaking and tech savvy.

Our Offer 
In exchange for 10 hours of internship per week, Emma is offering 5 observational hours in her Balmain clinic in Sydney, Australia, OR a fortnightly 1-hour one-on-one mentoring session via Skype.

If you are interested in this role, send your resume and cover letter directly to Emma at and include:
1. Why you would like an internship with Emma
2. Two examples of your own work of a blog post or article on a health topic

What interns are saying

My internship with Emma has been an invaluable experience. Researching and writing for Emma’s blog was extremely rewarding. I learnt so much about topics that, as a budding naturopath, I am super interested in. The opportunity to experience a real life clinic setting with a dispensary, and sitting in on consultations, has inspired me even more to continue my journey of becoming a naturopath.” – Casey Morgan Kellow



Please contact Emma directly to organise your session