15ml_Lavender_-_AUSI adore lavender essential oil and use it every single day. Did you know it takes 27 kilos of lavender tops to produce just 450ml of therapeutic grade essential oil? As a naturopath and herbalist I am constantly amazed at how herbs can heal – not just physically but also emotionally and mentally. Often we overlook the more gentle and subtle therapies such as aromatherapy and head straight to liquid herbs and nutritionals.

My love of essential oils began as a teenager when I began using them for perfume – the heady scent of jasmine, the grounding effect of lavender to the uplifting notes of lemongrass. In fact I stumbled across Lemongrass House in Phuket and nearly exploded with excitement! They hand make a huge range of products all based on lemongrass essential oil and supply many of the worlds leading spas.

Let me tell you about the most frequently used essential oil in my house – lavender. It’s been used for thousands of years for it’s calming and relaxing effect. I remember being in hospital when Sophia was born and I sprinkled drops on the floor under our bed. Research shows that pain scores are lower after having a C-section when you smell lavender essential oil regularly, it is a natural analgesic!

Every midwife that came in to our room would literally stop, take a deep breath and visibly relax. In fact, a study involving nurses and workplace stress showed that their stress symptoms reduced by over 55 % when they used lavender essential oil. Check out the study as it makes great evidence for adding a few drops of lavender to your workplace!

Every single day of Sophia’s life I have added lavender essential oil to her bedtime routine – sometimes in her bath, always in the diffuser and usually on her sleeping bag. I feel that lavender grounds and calms us both so beautifully.

Research snapshot:

  • PMT – inhaling lavender oil will reduce your depression and clumsiness, what a super easy way to beat PMT!
  • Anxiety – researchers liken the effects of lavender oil to a pharmaceutical anti anxiety drug. A much easier way to beat anxiety!
  • Relaxation – studies using EEG technology to monitor brain activity show that lavender essential oil relaxes the central nervous system resulting in participants feeling fresher and more relaxed. Interestingly they also had lower blood pressure!

Lavender is a pain reliever (add a drop to the back of your neck for a tension headache), antidepressant and also has antimicrobial properties. When it comes to essential oils there are many types on the market and most are poor quality. I only use Doterra essential oils, as they are so pure and effective. You only need to use the tiniest amount for an immediate effect. If you want to know more about Doterra oils or want to purchase one of their stunning oils please contact my Doterra consultant Suzie Taylor on 0407 905 392 or sooziiq@yahoo.com.