

How can you not love an entrepreneurial Greek woman who has made it to the top of her field? Thrive is her journey of tips and tricks for juggling a busy career and being a mum. She delves into the research on sleep as well as psychology to explain her compelling view on life. A fascinating read and one which will give you some strategies to make life a little easier.

Ideal for  corporate women and working mums.

The Lean Startup

The Lean Start Up

Written by entrepreneur Eric Ries, I must have read this book five or six times. My copy is full of highlighter, scrawled pen and Post-It-Notes. It teaches Eric’s strategies on how to start up a business and keep it up. His extensive case studies and research help to cut short so many mistakes that you could make.

Ideal for  business owners, students and entrepreneurs.



From the author of Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman  describes how the art of Focus is the cornerstone to success in all areas of your life. Let’s face it, our mind wanders up to 40% of the time when we read a text message! Learning this skill may just save you a lot of time, money and effort.

Ideal for students, business owners and ambitious people.

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