Well today I focused on exercise and I think I got a little carried away! I did a spin class and then had a PT session with Cory, who is a machine. I worked with Cory last year for 3 months before I went to Bali and by the end of it I was the fittest I had ever been and that is an addictive feeling. While filming Eat Yourself Sexy, my exercise regime really suffered as I couldn’t keep up with 3 clinics, the show, my social life and exercise. After 5 months of not training as much as I would like, I felt terrible! So sluggish, so flabby and truly like a wobbly woman. After my session tonight I felt that I had come home, despite the fact that I almost vomited a few times. There’s always that point in a heavy session when you feel that feeling of nausea and wonder what the hell you are doing!
Now that my body is flooded with those addictive endorphins I am once again hooked on training. My energy is a little better today but I know I need to still rest and little. Magnesium is my best friend right now as it reduces muscle soreness and lactic acid build up post exercise. I usually feel this on day 2 so have booked another PT session in to crack it!