What is Herbal Medicine?

For thousands of year’s western herbal medicine has been used by indigenous societies to treat their ills. Both in the east and in the west, philosophies as well as tradition have maintained a strong influence on health care systems. Today it is recognized by the World Health Organisation that herbs are the most widespread form of medicine used by people living on our planet. The amount of scientific research being conducted on western herbal medicine is increasing as the need for evidence based medicine becomes greater. Traditional medicine has proven that herbal medicines are effective but now we are beginning to delve into the field of chemistry to try and discern how these herbal medicines actually work.

Who uses Herbal Medicine?

Western Herbal medicine has maintained its popularity in all regions of the developing world and its use is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. The World Health Organization recognizes that western herbal medicine is one of the most important resources which can be mobilized for the attainment of health as it has contributed significantly to man’s struggle against disease and has been an important component of health care systems for thousands of years.

How do you take Herbal Medicine?

All patients will experience the benefits of herbal medicine via taking the herbs in a liquid form. These are manufactured to the highest levels of quality assurance by utilising high performance liquid chromatography and a 1:2 cold percolation extraction process. This ensures a high quality herbal medicine which is free of contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides. Emma makes use of extracts and tinctures derived exclusively from plants. Herbal preparations are able to balance the whole body unlike pharmaceuticals, which only work on one specific system. The correct herbs, when used at their appropriate doses can have a profoundly positive effect on an individual’s health. Western herbal medicine is safe when used by a qualified practitioner and is constantly substantiated with updated scientific research. The use of liquid extracts enables Emma to compound a formula that is tailor made for the individual which results in a specific and very effective medicine.

Here is what one woman had to say about her tailored health program formulated by Emma:

“I first saw Emma in November 2005 – I was lethargic, irritable, had a serious skin disorder around my eyes and basically rundown. Her first course of treatment was a herbal tonic: taken a couple of times a day. This tonic and support from Emma turned my life around. Within 2 months I was back to my old energy levels – gym/cycling 5 times a week and feeling fabulous. My husband was the first one to comment on my new found energy! Continuing the treatment also cleared up my skin condition around my eyes and I noticed a change in my complexion too. If anyone around me talks of physical complaints my first word to them is “Emma”. Thank you very much for your help.”
Kathy Morris