Why is Nutrition so Important?

The importance of a clean and healthy diet cannot be understated. From our food we obtain the building blocks of our body and the vitamins and minerals required to help our cells function. The rising incidence of many chronic diseases has been positively correlated to the Western diet. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, high cholesterol levels and many types of cancer to name a few. To avoid these chronic diseases, it is more important than ever to consume a natural diet filled with vital, living fresh foods.

How do I know What I Should be Eating?

Many foods are processed and refined with little nutritional benefit left. Consumers are bombarded with information about what they should be eating to improve their health but this often leaves people confused and unsure about what to eat. For example, we were told for years that eggs were bad as they raised cholesterol but now the National Heart Foundation gives eggs a tick. Emma is trained in nutrition and guides her patients around this problem by giving simple and easily achievable dietary modifications tailored for the patient. The emphasis is always on fresh, organic where possible and unprocessed foods.

Goals of Nutritional Therapy:

  1.  To optimize nutrition status, immunity, fertility and overall wellbeing of an individual.
  2. To prevent specific nutrient deficiencies be they relative or constitutional
  3. To prevent loss of weight and lean body mass in chronic illnesses and in the aged
  4. To maximize the effectiveness of medical and pharmacological treatments
  5. Reduce inflammation and regulate gene expression
  6. To minimize health care cost

Here is what one woman had to say about her tailored health program formulated by Emma:

“I initially consulted Emma to get some support with menopausal symptoms. With what she prescribed for me, herbs and nutritional supplements, it was nothing short of miraculous. My hot flushes ceased within a week and I could sleep through the night again. I feel great and in control of my own health again.” Dianne Butler