You’re probably aware that women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome have difficulty ovulating and becoming pregnant. It’s also well known that they have a much higher rate of miscarriage than other women.
There are various ideas as to the cause of the miscarriages. Researchers at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona in Spain have discovered evidence that your immune system may be involved in reducing the quality of your endometrium. The endometrium is the blood-rich mucus membrane lining the uterus (which is usually shed as your period). The embryo implants into this lining and takes early nourishment from it.
They discovered that infertile PCOS women had increased levels of “anti-endometrial antibodies” or AEA. AEA is a protein that signals your immune system to attack endometrial tissue, thus compromising your ability to have a successful pregnancy.
The elevated AEA appears to be caused in part by “oxidant stress”, also known as “free radicals”. Oxidant stress is a biochemical process that has gone haywire and creates enormous damage in your body. Two prime causes of oxidant stress are eating a poor diet and exposure to chemicals and pollution. The best way to reduce oxidant stress is to consume a diet that is high in antioxidants and to avoid pollution. You can also find antioxidants in a high quality multi-vitamin/mineral formula or antioxidant formula.
Bottom Line: A healthy diet, high in antioxidants, plays a vital role in any successful pregnancy — and should be started BEFORE you try to conceive. Many naturopathic treatments are available to support your immune system and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
ReferencePalacio JR, et al, The presence of antibodies to oxidative modified proteins in serum from polycystic ovary syndrome patients, Clin Exp Immunol. 2006 May;144(2):217-22