This Saturday, March 23rd at 8.30pm its time to turn out the lights and join an international phenomenon called Earth Hour. This is the world’s largest mass participation event for the environment and was started from a one-city initiative in Sydney in 2007. Earth Hour now takes place in more than 6,950 cities and towns in 152 countries and territories around the world!

Australia is the highest greenhouse gas polluter, on a per capita basis, among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. This is because most of our electricity is currently produced by coal-fired power stations, making coal the number one source of carbon pollution in our country.

Globally, energy use accounts for around 2/3 of annual greenhouse gas emissions, with coal, oil and gas the biggest contributors. This year Earth Hour is focusing on pledging to switch to renewable energy such as solar or green power.

Invite some friends around for dinner, light the candles and enjoy an hour without power this Saturday!