chiaseedsBreaky can be a pretty boring affair for most people, consisting of toast or cereal on the run. I like to break the fast with some power packed foods that will seriously boost your energy. Try a different one each week and feel the difference!

Kefir is a drinkable yogurt style fermented milk packed with friendly bacteria and synergistic yeasts. The combination of bacteria and yeast colonize in the digestive system and reduce pathogenic microorganisms.

Walnut milk – super rich in omega 3’s and easy to make at home. 1 cup walnuts: 4 parts water, soak and blend

Bee pollen – 40% protein and a complete protein, rich in B vitamins for a natural energy boost

Papaya – rich in papain, an enzyme that helps to digest proteins. A high source of vitamin C and vitamin A for antioxidant boost

Pumpkin seeds – a great source of the mineral zinc and the fat soluble anti oxidant vitamin E, pumpkin seeds are the perfect answer to beautiful, glowing skin

Coconut oil – contains medium chain fatty acids that shift your body’s metabolism into high gear. Coconut oil is high in caprylic acid which can fight bacteria in your digestive system such as Streptococcus.

Chia seeds – higher in omega 3’s than flaxseeds, rich in fibre and containing 20% protein, no wonder they were prized by the Aztecs!