712102-fruit-and-veg-excited-ladyI am a pathological goal setter. I love fresh starts and I love setting myself challenges and seeing what I can achieve. So, in honour of detox month here at Emma Sutherland, I am embarking on a nutritional, physical, emotional and technological detox. I would love, as you lovely readers follow my progress and inevitable road bumps, to give it a go yourselves and set some challenges. Perhaps your focus will be an emotional/relationship detox – are you fo’ever putting up with having someone in your life who doesn’t treat you like the goddess you are? Or maybe your focus is nutritional and you’re hoping to detox your body of caffeine or alcohol or cigarettes over the month of June (and hopefully beyond). Whatever it may be, we are in it together. Emma has created a supportive, loving and determined bunch of women here at EmmaSutherland.com and together we can do ANYTHING!

So what challenges will I be chasing this month? Well I am glad you asked beautiful! I’m a fan of the holistic detox for complete and total health and wellness. Clearing out the clutter of our minds, bodies and gut. Let’s do this!

Nutritional detox

Thanks to the uh-may-zing Peta Kelly, from Anatome Wellness, I will be trialling the ’30 day nutritional cleanse’ by Isagenix. This program boasts to be a ‘shower for your insides’ and uses natural, gentle, plant derived nutrients to cleanse and detox your system. I am excited, apprehensive, motivated and feeling blessed to be given the opportunity to trial and review this amazing product that has been all over the blogosphere recently.

Emotional detox

A month of positivity awaits. My resolution is to detox my mind of negative thoughts. How often do we hear that naggy, bitch of a voice telling us that we aren’t good enough, aren’t skinny enough and ‘can’t’ do something? Well this month’s detox will see me kicking this meanie to the kerb. I am training myself to be more conscious of my thoughts and flippin’ any nasties on their head as soon as they run through my mind. ‘You can’t do it’ will be quickly and effortlessly replied and replaced with ‘oh yes I can’; ‘you aren’t pretty enough’ will be replaced with ‘I am beautiful and perfect as I am’. No more negative back chat, no more false stories. I have a choice and I choose happiness.

Technological detox

On my previous post I talked about both the detrimental and positive effects that technology can have on our health. I touched on my obsession with instagram but I think I down played it a wee bit. I am obsessed. It provides me with recipe ideas, gossip, workout suggestions, inspiration and motivation. But obsession is not always a good thing … cue my technological detox. I am creating an ‘internet free zone’ during the hours of 7pm onwards during the week and 9pm onwards on weekends. Zilch, nada, zip. No instagram, facebook, blog scrolling etc. Why oh why do I suspect that I will find this so much more challenging than my emotional and nutritional detoxes combined?!

Physical detox

The best way to detox physically? Sweat baby! I’m keeping up my 30 minutes of daily movement and daily mat time to prioritise exercise and yoga practice e’rry dang day! Clearing out the toxins by getting my blood pumping, lymphatic system draining, sweat glistening and endorphins kicking. If physical detoxification is your focus, what moves will you be trialling to wake up your body and cells and remind them that you are alive?

I’m going to stop by every week and keep you in the loop with every single trial and tribulation that I encounter during my detox month. I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you will be doing to challenge yourself and can’t wait to start this journey with you.

Detoxification is about cleansing, purifying and ridding ourselves of any nasties that are preventing us from being our best selves. What will you change today that will set you up for your best self tomorrow?

I want to hear from YOU beautiful. What areas of your life need a detox? What habits/foods/practices will you kick to the kerb and what will you replace them with? Leave your comments on Emma’s facebook page. Let’s work together to make June our best month ever!

In love and health, Em.

by Emily Meagher, from BlessTMess.