sweatyAfter a hiatus of a few years, I have recently started going to Bikram yoga again. This is no ordinary yoga… Bikram yoga is done in a 38 degree room and it’s intense! You sweat, sweat and sweat some more. It’s touted as a powerful detoxifier, and I love how “clean” it makes me feel. But this form of yoga is not for everyone, so let’s explore some other (less extreme) ways to remove toxins from your body.

1. Yoga
Any form of yoga is a great start – it doesn’t have to be as extreme as Bikram for you to benefit. There are so many types of yoga to choose from – gentle Hatha, strong Ashtanga, and flowing Vinyasa are among the most popular. These types of yoga all help to increase circulation, improving the flow of blood to vital organs, while building strength and flexibility. Yoga also helps to calm your mind, and a recent study found it to have an antidepressant effect. And a happy, balanced mind will be less likely to crave caffeine, alcohol and “naughty” foods – perfect if you are trying to stick to a detox program!

2. Cardiovascular exercise
Running, swimming or even a brisk walk in the morning can set you up for the whole day. Cardiovascular exercise improves circulation to your hands and feet, fires up your digestion and is great for your lungs. Lungs are an organ of elimination (along with your bowel, liver, kidneys and skin), so exercise which gets you breathing and helps to increase your lung capacity will also help to improve the removal of toxins from your body.

3. Dry skin brushing
When used in long strokes starting at the hands and feet and brushing towards the heart, dry skin bushing improves circulation, speeds up lymphatic drainage, and gives you tingling, happy skin. The lymphatic system carries toxins through the body on their way to being excreted, so an efficient lymphatic system is essential for the effective removal of toxins.

4. Clay
Bentonite clay is a natural detoxifier for your skin. It has both drawing and healing properties. You have probably used mud masks before on your face (aren’t they wonderful?), but did you know that you can use them on the whole body? Although you can do it at home, why not spoil yourself and book yourself in for a clay wrap at your local day spa?

5. Saunas
I love saunas! They are a fantastic way to improve the removal of toxins through your skin, and all you have to do is just sit there! There are a few different types:

  • Dry saunas – the “typical” saunas with wood paneled walls. Sit on the bottom step if you are a beginner, and sit up on the top step (if there is one) if you like it hot.
  • Steam rooms – great for the lungs, and generally a little hotter than other saunas, steam rooms are for those who like things a little more intense.
  • Far Infrared saunas – perfect for first timers and often found in gyms, they use infrared rays to penetrate the skin and make you feel warm from the inside out. You don’t sweat as much as other saunas, but many people still report great results like decreased joint pain and better immunity.

 So don’t just sit there! Get out there and make the most out of your detox program by making some time for yourself and trying some new ideas. All of these have serious ongoing health benefits, and can be continued long after you finish your detox, so why not try them all?

By Jules Galloway

Hi, my name is Jules Galloway and I’m a qualified naturopath, food and wine lover, beginner surfer and recent seachanger, living just 10 minutes from Byron Bay. My goal is to educate and motivate you to explore a variety of foods, to help you to make small, achievable changes to increase your wellbeing, and to spread the word that it’s easier than you think to feel awesome again! Connect with Jules on Facebook, Twitter or her website.