kakadu-plumIf there was a fruit you could add to your morning routine that contained 56 times more vitamin C than an orange, would you be just a little bit curious?

The Kakadu Plum, also known as Billy Goat Plum or Gubinge, has been identified by scientists as the world’s richest source of vitamin C. Traditionally used by Aboriginals as an antiseptic and soothing balm for aching limbs and feet, this newfound super food contains 3000mg of vitamin C per 100grams of fruit.  To put this in perspective, a 100g orange contains roughly 53g of vitamin C. We would have to eat 56 oranges to match this!

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which contains essential nutrients to help slow down the aging process. It is vital for the formation of proline, an amino acid that helps the body break down proteins used in creating healthy cells.  Proline is essential in the development and maintenance of healthy skin and also required for the production of collagen in the body. Think gorgeous glowing skin and shiny hair!

With even more goodness, the Kakadu Plum contains phytochemicals, which have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities and also shows anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, anti-mutagenic and anti- bronchodilatory activities.

Here are four top reasons to add this Superfood to your diet:

1. Promotes quick recovery from illness such as cold and flu.

2. Aids in digestive health and improves healthy bacteria in the gut.

3. Has anti-inflammatory properties that your insides and out will thank you for.

4. Prevent Alzheimers – touted as a stronger antioxidant than curcumin!

Throw away your cold and flu tablet this little green plum looks like the perfect ingredient to add to your diet on those chilly winter days!

More info on Loving Earth’s Gubinge superfood powder.


Science Network 

By Lauren Edwards

Lauren Profile PicAlways moving, learning & developing, Lauren Edwards has carved out a successful career in the fitness industry as a personal trainer & weight loss enthusiast. Combining a passion for travel, a ‘get up and go’ attitude with a need to find the next big challenge, has led Lauren to some far reaching destinations; most recently participating in the New York Marathon to raise money for the local children’s charity Variety Club.

Helping people reach their goals is at the heart of what Lauren strives to achieve. Currently completing her qualifications as a Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York) and in her final year as a Nutritional Medicine student at Nature Care College; Lauren’s nutritional studies have proved to be both enlightening and rewarding from which she hopes to help shape the future, nutritionally educating and inspiring others.

A lover of all things ‘quirky’, Lauren is a self-confessed foodie, head chef in her own kitchen and a serial social media ‘photo poster’ of all her delicious kitchen creations. You can find Lauren and her fabulous foodie photos on Facebook.