End of June and, due to my belated kick off date, halfway through my holistic detox plan. Check out my original post to read up on my goals and aspirations for the 30 days of June/July.
Nutritional Cleanse – Officially started this baby midway through June and still have a few weeks to go until it’s officially deemed ‘complete’. One thing that has most DEFINITELY changed is my awareness of my daily intake and snacking habits and emotionally driven eating behaviours. I never really considered myself an ‘emotional’ eater but getting back to the essence of eating and nourishing my body has been an absolute blessing because I’m far more aware of the physiological signs of hunger, satiety and fullness. Out went all processed and nasties and I do feel better for it. Will save the real review for the very end of the 30 days so stay tuned my lovelies.
Emotional Detox
This was a bit of a doozey to be honest. I find myself bombarded with negative and self deprecating thoughts on a daily basis. The challenge was to ‘boing flip’ these emotional triggers and stop them dead in their tracks. Only catch was, I wasn’t really prepared for how ‘present’ I needed to be and how ‘aware’ I had to become to witness my fears and thoughts. I urge you all to trial this little exercise and apply it in your own lives. I have emerged from the month with a greater sense of appreciation for who I am, the strengths I possess and self acceptance. Take home notes? Affirm your strengths, dismiss the ‘smack talk’, banish the comparisons and love yourself sick. You are totally worth it and such a special unique soul.
Technology Detox
Did June seem long for anyone else? Because I felt the wrath of a techno detox people! Oh, I felt it, hard. With a partner whose sleeping patterns resemble a grizzly bear in hibernation, I found the lonely evenings long and my fingers twitched and itched for a little Facebook stalk and an Instagram inspiration safari. What did I do instead? I read, stretched, yogi’d, televisioned (yes that was allowed) and chatted to friends and family. What did I learn? I have developed a codependancy on these bloody techno apps and gadgets that are so readily available to us. I have learnt that, from time to time, it’s a timely reminder to connect to the ‘now’ and disconnect from all technologies that take us away from the beauty and magic of the illusive ‘present moment’.
Physical Detox
This wasn’t really an ‘add on’ to my daily routine, it was more one that I ensured to include during my 30 day cleanse and holistic detox because I believe it’s fundamental in enhancing our general wellbeing. Give or take a few days, I made sure to move every single day. Sometimes little sweats like walking my pup or getting some mat time and yogi-ing it up; and sometimes some big sweats during a brawling game of netball, a hefty weights session or a run in the fresh crisp winter air. One thing I noticed was how much my body was craving mellow exercise – yoga became my most favourite way to unwind, de-stress and challenge my core. And, almost as soon as the 30 days of June were over, my body was screamin’ to be pushed. It wants to be ran and it wants to experience the ache of its muscles after a hard days’ work, the breathlessness of knowing you’ve pushed yourself to the max and that feeling of being 110% alive!
I would love to hear how you all went during your detox month! What habits did you say ‘Arriverderci’ to and which new ones did you welcome in wholeheartedly? Please share your experiences in the comments below, via Emma’s Facebook page.
Yours in love and health,
Em x
Read more about Em on her blog or connect with her on Facebook