detoxbookOctober on Emma Sutherland is detox month – a perfect opportunity to declutter your life and boost your health and vitality. But with so many conflicting approaches around at the moment – which are the best ways to encourage our body’s natural detoxification. Well I got on the case and went searching for the best at home remedies to kick start your body’s cleansing process.

+ Hot water in lemon – This old nugget o’ wisdom is a brilliant, tried and tested one. Consuming alkaline and sour foods encourages our liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins. Our body can’t metabolize fat when our livers are choc-a-block full of toxins so a simple lemony start to your day can to wonders for your waist line too. Add a hit o’ fresh ginger for bonus detox points.

+ Edible clay – I know. Bear with me. This one SOUNDS bizarre but it’s actually a brilliant way to get your insides squeaky clean. Without getting too ‘sciency’ on you, bentonite clay possesses a negative electrical, which, as we all know, attracts positively charged particles and sucks ‘em right up. Most toxins in the body are positively charged so the clay acts like a ‘sham-wow’ cleaning these nasties buggers out and leaving our insides beautiful and sparkly.

+ Dry body brushing – There are TONNES of articles floating around the internet that discuss the benefits of this simple and enjoyable home remedy. Dry body brushing can improve the appearance of your skin by assisting in the removal of dead skin cells, improving circulation, reducing the appearance of cellulite and stimulating the blood and lymphatic systems and … you guessed it, assisting in natural detoxification.

+ Colonic hydrotherapy – I know I know I know. You might have turned your nose up at the clay, but colonics? No thanks? I had heard, from a number of sources and teachers, that colonic hydrotherapy is incredible for detoxification and energy balance. It is important to do your research and find a trained colonic hydrotherapist who will be respectful, professional and knowledgeable about their service. When performed correctly, these bad boys can flush out stored toxins and acids that may be wreaking havoc on our colon and resulting in sluggish digestion, bloating and constipation.

What natural approaches have you tried? What is the most bizarre natural detox product you’ve ever trialled? Head over to Emma’s FB page to let us know!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and energetic detox month!

Emily Meagher

Read more about Em on her blog or  connect with her on Facebook