ToxinsPlastics are everywhere in the average kitchen – from food storage containers to drinking straws, cooking utensils, zip lock bags and the list goes on and on. There are dozens of chemicals that make up plastics with some types of plastics being worse than others but lets focus on plastics that come into contact with food and water. A lot of research has confirmed the negative effects of many environmental chemicals, especially in regard to fertility.

BPA is a synthetic chemical used in the manufacture of primarily polycarbonate plastics which are used for packaging and in the production of epoxy linings from canned foods. BPA is one of the most ubiquitous chemicals with around 93% of people tested in Australia showing measurable levels in the body. BPA is a synthetic estrogen also known as an endocrine-disruptor capable of blocking or mimicking natural hormones in the human body and is linked to weight gain, thyroid imbalances and insulin resistance. Look for #7 on plastics

Phthalates are known as plasticizers and are a class of chemicals often used in making hard plastics soft and flexible. They are also known as endocrine-disruptors so have similar effects as BPA. Prenatal exposure to phthalates has been linked to a cluster of general birth defects in boys though so be careful if you are pregnant. Look for #3 on plastics. Instead of canned food opt for glass jars. Eden organics make canned products using enamel lining instead of BPA. Food storage opt for mason jars or glass such as lock n lock.

Non stick cookware is something we all love but unfortunately they are made with chemicals called perfluorinated chemicals. Perfluorinated chemical exposure has been linked to thyroid disorders, hyperactivity, reproductive issues and prenatal exposure has been linked to an increased risk of obesity for the offspring.  Instead opt for enamel cast iron, cast iron, stoneware, glass and stainless steel are better options, I love Neoflam.

Household cleaners – phthalates often play a role in cleaning products and they help to make them smell and is usually listed as fragrance. I use Trinature cleaning products, for more information read here.

Tap water – Some of the contaminants that are commonly present in tap water are chlorine and chloramine, both used as disinfectants. Trihalomethanes are a hotly debated additive in water which is intended to reduce dental decay that is also linked with thyroid hormone suppression. I have a 5 stage water filter as well as a travel bottle from Alkaway. 

Avoid these chemicals where ever possible!