green and red healthy foodI wanted to share with you a little love from Community Detox, or as it is affectionally called “CD”. It was an incredible month and the results are pouring in. From my survey, the four most common benefits are weight loss, more energy, glowing skin and fantastic digestive health. All in 30 days of super healthy eating with a group of highly motivated people! If you missed this month then join us all in February for the next Community Detox!

  • Emma’s CD experience is life changing! Having an online community to keep you inspired and motivated throughout detox is invaluable. The information and support provided by Emma and her team is unsurpassed, you will feel so empowered by the information provided, shopping lists, recipes galore, discount offers on amazing products, that it feels too easy. Before you know it your waist line will be shrinking, skin glowing, energy skyrocketing, and you will wonder why you ever ate any other way. I cannot recommend this experience enough. If you are passionate about your health, and want to feel the best you possibly can, you must try Emma’s community detox!


  • My 2nd CD and was just as wow’ed by it as my 1st. I still learnt so much and loved checking in with all the fabulous members, team, and guest speakers. Thank you 🙂


  • CD in one word is AMAZING! It truly has changed my life. I feel more energetic, my digestive health has improved significantly and even my partner has comment on the fact that my skin is glowing, my hair is shining and my eyes are sparkling! I would recommend Emma’s CD to everyone.


  • This is my third community detox and if I think back from where I started the journey to where I am today, I used to be obsessed with eating well and low fat content. My regular diet now is higher in fat, but I’m leaner and my weight is a little less on average. If you had told me that a few years ago I wouldn’t have believed you! For me though this hasn’t really been about weight loss, but more about greater wellbeing. It has meant that fortunately I have peeled back some underlying health issues which, if I hadn’t have known goodness knows where I would have ended up. Putting this to one side, my general health has been better, while on CD and also due to my generally better habits I’ve established (Gluten Fee, Caffeine Free, very little processed food and refined sugar) I’m sleeping better, I have more even moods, less grumpy, my PMT isn’t as bad and I’ve become more aware of how my body works. As a result our household has also benefited, my kids eat a lot less gluten which longer term I think will benefit them. We make more conscious choices as a family, we are plastic free and only now use natural cleaning products. Also those around us, are becoming more aware – I call it the rub off effect. For me 2013 as been about making change and hopefully from here on in it will be making progress on the health front! Thanks so much to Emma and her team for changing my life 🙂 and to the support of the CD community, it really makes a difference.