IngredientsI am in love with chia seeds for their amazing nutritional punch as well as how versatile they are. Chia seeds are a gluten free seed that have 20% complete protein. The significant water soluble fibre levels helps to cleanse and soothe the colon as the seeds soak up to 9 times their weight in water! My pregnant clients swear by chia seeds to fix their constipation.

With bucket loads more alpha linolenic acid, the super healthy omega 3, than salmon chia seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can lower pain as well as the risk of chronic disease.

2 tablespoons of Chia = 7 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 205mgs of calcium, 5 gr omega-3

And it’s not just the tree loving hippies that love chia seeds! I always look at the clinical studies to back up nutritional claims and chia seeds are amazing.

Recent research showed that eating chia can not only reduce your waistline but also lower your glucose and cholesterol levels. This makes chia the perfect superfood for people with PCOS, insulin resistance, diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Studies show that diabetics who eat chia seeds daily for 12 weeks have lower blood pressure and their blood was less likely to clot unnecessarily.

By simply adding chia seeds to your diet, know that your digestion will be happier, glucose levels more stable and waistline smaller!

Chia Seed Protein Boost


1 cup liquid (home made nut milk, coconut water, filtered water)

2 tablespoons chia seeds

1 tablespoon organic coconut shavings

Choice of toppings

  • Natural yoghurt (sheep’s, goats or cows)
  • Activated buckwheat
  • Bee pollen
  • Pureed strawberries
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Supergreens – my fav is Shakti’s SSB 
  • Goji berries
  • Extra virgin coconut oil
  • Nut butter
  • Manuka honey
  • Vanilla powder
  • Raw cacao
  • Mesquite


finished chia seed breakyAdd liquid and chia seeds to blender and blend until evenly mixed. Alternatively add to mason jar (I buy mine from Redback Trading Company) and shake until chia seeds are evenly dispersed. Add coconut and stir though. If using a blender pour into jar. Pop into fridge and leave overnight.

In the morning, add whatever toppings you feel like. I take it to work with me and have as breaky or a mid afternoon snack.


