MichelleIn the fourth interview with my Community Detox Rockstars I am chatting to Michelle Lia, Maternity Wellness and Yoga Coach. From the power of daily meditation to losing a crazy 5kg and mastering the art of consistency, Michelle shares with you her winning highlights from a  month of super healthy living.

What was the biggest achievement you experienced on Community Detox?

Learning to control my cravings and being consistent with following the detox. I overcame some big personal challenges in the detox. I have never been able to stick to a program for its whole entirety before, normally I give up at the two week duration and get back into the routine I had before which would normally consist of chocolates, alcohol, coffee and all those bad things which aren’t good for my health.

I think I had a big wake-up call before this detox because after every time I had alcohol or coffee I was feeling sick even after having something high in sugar my body was feeling so toxic. I really needed this detox and it really changed my life in more ways than ever.  I now still don’t drink coffee at all, I love herbal teas and become a lover of chai tea again. I have cut down my alcohol consumption and especially sugar consumption making bliss balls (sugar free) for treats when I need them or sugar free muffins. I do treat myself every now and again but I am always asking myself if this is what my body really needs or do I need something completely different?

How would you describe Community Detox to someone?

It’s the best thing you could ever do for your body.  I am going to do the community detox 3 times per year to get rid of toxins and I feel that’s what I need to do for myself.  If you have an addiction to coffee, the detox is a great way to overcome the addiction or at least control it.  You can also lose weight in the detox I lost 5kg in 4 weeks!

I was so happy because I have been trying to get to my goal weight for a long time and nothing was helping. This detox was the one thing that made the biggest difference to my life physically, mentally and emotionally. The community is fantastic, you have so much support on the Facebook group with inspirational messages of encouragement. There are Q&A sessions which are helpful if you have any burning questions on particular topics.

Can you explain exactly how you achieved your amazing results? Do you feel there were any specific elements of Community Detox that really helped you?

For me personally, I just remembered why I was doing the detox. I set goals at the beginning even though they changed over time. I really wanted to get a handle on my eating habits, coffee and alcohol. I feel so much better for it, 5kg lighter in 4 weeks. The materials were fantastic, and the Q&A sessions and the CD support team are always there to support you and answer any questions.

What was the key lesson you learnt on this Community Detox?

Consistency is key.  Eat mindfully and practice compassion towards myself. Self care is also very important during the detox. I made sure I gave myself a facial once-a-week and enjoyed Sunday cooking and baking afternoons to prepare for week ahead.  I also started meditating on a daily basis which is now become a habit and I love it. I recommend incorporating a meditation practice in line with the detox.

I believe this is what helped me achieve my weight loss and my giving up coffee.  Remember to listen to your intuition, especially when you get the cravings for sugar “is it really sugar I am craving?” I realised that having herbal tea and water on a regular basis helped overcome sugar cravings and if I craved chocolate I would have cacao nibs or something with magnesium.

Tell us your favorite Community Detox meal/snack/drink and why you love it

Chia puddings are my favourite and I have this everyday with a healthy granola.

Do you want to share anything else?

Thanks again, see you in June for the next detox 🙂

For more information about Michelle get in touch via her  website or Facebook page.

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