IMG_8388The new massage balm by Little By Nature, is a lovely combination of grapeseed oil, organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, macadamia oil, organic beeswax and the essential oils lavender and chamomile. A perfect blend for soothing your baby after a bath and keeping her skin soft and free of rashes.

When dealing with babies, it is imperative to use natural, non-toxic products. Research has shown that babies are born with a “toxic burden” of chemicals. How frightening that tiny newborns have nasty chemicals in their body!

A ground breaking study by the Environmental Working Group found 287 industrial chemicals in the cord blood of 10 babies. Exposure to chemicals in the womb can have life long detrimental effects. Once your baby is born, it is vital that all chemicals are avoided. Their livers are smaller and their ability to break down chemicals is limited.

Most parents are aware that natural products are better, but many products marketed for babies are still full of nasty chemicals. If you start checking labels for every ingredient you might just be astounded at what is “natural”. A good resource is Skin Deep, which contains an enormous amount of great information.