Fresh limes on wooden tableAnother stupendously amazing CC and each one just makes me so happy. My mission in life is to help women get their Mojo back and boy, does that happen on CC! Let me share with you a couple of the winning testimonials:

“I started this cleanse as a skeptic with some pretty big goals. I really didn’t think that I would get anywhere near achieving them. However I was quick to see results, dropping 3.5kgs in the first week! After about the first 10 days my skin was clearer, I was sleeping like a baby and bouncing out of bed in the morning (and I have never bounced out if bed!). My energy levels skyrocketed and I was able to really make my gym work outs count! Half way through friends and work colleagues were commenting on how good I was looking.

My trainer even pulled me aside and said he’d noticed the difference in how I was looking! I was fitting into clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in 10 years! At the end of the month I’d dropped 6.1kgs. All my goals had been smashed and best of all I’d formed some new habits that will benefit me into the future. I would say to anyone who was even a bit skeptical of this cleanse to just give it a go. It’s not as hard as it sounds and it delivers results! I’m a believer now and will be back for the next one!”

“Being a mother of an over active toddler (2.5 years old) and an 11 month old, I felt as though I had spent the last 3 years chasing my tail to get my body back, as well as my mojo (quote unquote Emma!). I had done a detox with Emma years ago and had never forgotten the feeling I had at the end of it. Community Cleanse was my opportunity to address all of these things and to get that feeling again!

I have achieved a total weight loss of 4kg, made time for myself daily through exercise, feel more calm and in control and have my mojo back! None of this would have been achieved if it wasn’t for Emma, her wonderful team and most importantly the like-minded community of CCer’s who I came to rely on for support and inspiration. I have no hesitation in recommending CC to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life for their own reasons.”

Next Community Cleanse begins October 1st so stay tuned for more info in late August!