alison8Alison Morgan is a smart, savvy business women (and busy Mum!) with a thriving online store called the Relauncher, a reflection of her lifelong passion for natural health, beauty and wellbeing. She is on a mission to connect the Health & Wellness industry via her Networking Events and empower small health businesses through Business Coaching. Alison’s business is a culmination of all the things she loves – living authentically, with passion and maintaining a ‘from the heart’ philosophy.


What are your top 3 tricks to getting more fruit and vegetables into
your children’s diet?

  1. My kids LOVE milkshakes.  I always put fruit in them and use almond milk.  Fruit I use ranges from bananas, berries, mango and of course a handful of greens!
  2. I always cut up carrot and celery into sticks and put them in their lunch boxes.  As long as they are cut into sticks, they’ll eat them!
  3. My kids come along to the markets each weekend and help choose the weekly produce.  They also pick something from one of the sellers to eat as we make our way around the markets.  Having them involved in the buying process makes all the difference.

For more info on Alison and the Relauncher online store check out her website where you’ll find an array of health products from skincare, super foods, meditation cushions and even kitchen and bathroom items. You can also connect with Alison via her Facebook page and Instagram.




SE-pr7Sophia Eats  – Out Now!

When I was pregnant I began thinking about how I could ensure my child also shared this passion. I simply couldn’t imagine raising a child who wouldn’t enjoy hours of cooking and meal times with me! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will know that Sophia is, indeed, a prolific eater which brings me so much joy.

I created Sophia Eats e-book is a result of everything I have learnt about toddler health, both professionally and personally over the last few years. I studied paediatric nutrition, implemented all my food knowledge and spent many hours in the kitchen. Find out more about my ebook and purchase your copy here >>