MKP_6402aJen Dugard is a highly motivated mother of two, fitness specialist and author who thrives on showing all mums that they can put themselves first and achieve both the body and lifestyle of their dreams.

Jen is on a health mission! She’s passionate about redefining what it means to be a mother in Australia today. While previously it has been all about looking after the children, Jen is showing mums another way by bringing back communities through exercise; building support networks and challenging mums to take time out for themselves.


What are your top 3 tricks to getting more fruit and vegetables into
your children’s diet?

  1. Keep trying! – Just because your bub rejects something the first time, don’t then just give up. It takes a while for babies sometimes to gain the taste and start to ‘like’ something. This can also change as they grow up, so something they refused 6 months ago,  may be something they enjoy now.  Persistence is key!
  2. Create a habit – Habits are best formed from an early age. Everyday our children, as part of their packed lunch, get a little box of raw ‘veggie snacks’ (these can be any veggies your child enjoys, mix it up day by day to try new things).  My kids know they have to eat their veggie snack before any other part of their meal. It’s just how we’ve taught them to approach their lunch (or they can have it as a snack before lunch time) but they don’t get to eat their yogurt or little parts of their meal until they have eaten their veggies. It’s what we have always done and just the way it is. At 4 and 6yrs old, they don’t even question it!
  3.  If all else fails disguise it! – Disguise veggies in sauces, juices, home-made pies, healthy savoury muffins – any which way you can!

To find out more about Jen Dugard, visit her website or check out her book ‘How to Love your Body as much as your Baby’. Jen also has a Facebook page and Instagram page.



SE-pr7Sophia Eats  – Out Now!

When I was pregnant I began thinking about how I could ensure my child also shared this passion. I simply couldn’t imagine raising a child who wouldn’t enjoy hours of cooking and meal times with me! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will know that Sophia is, indeed, a prolific eater which brings me so much joy.

I created Sophia Eats e-book is a result of everything I have learnt about toddler health, both professionally and personally over the last few years. I studied paediatric nutrition, implemented all my food knowledge and spent many hours in the kitchen. Find out more about my ebook and purchase your copy here >>