This book changed the way I think in so many ways. Malcolm Gladwell, a prolific thinker, delves into how a snap judgment can be far more effective than a cautious decision. I run on my gut feeling all the time, but to read the research and case studies was a game changer.
Ideal for everyone!
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ and although shaped by childhood experience, emotional intelligence (EI) can be strengthened. The fast growing world of EI research is explored and I felt so much more aware after reading this book! I looked out for ways to improve my emotional intelligence and become more adept at this critical skill. Overall, it was incredibly valuable as it changed who I was.
Written by one of the most quoted psychologists around, Dr Carol Dweck, this book explores the power of your mindset. Looking at fixed or growth mindsets, this book reveal how to foster learning and nurture resilience. Despite the big topic, Mindset is an easy read.
Psychologist Mihaly explores the happy state of mind called Flow, the feeling of complete engagement in a creative or playful activity. Looking at so much research, you will learn what really motivates people.
The Brain That Changes Itself
The world of neuroplasticity is endlessly fascinating for me. This book delves into the research and incredible real stories of how the brain is able to change its structure and function. Human potential is incredibly inspiring and you will find this book changes the way you look at human nature.