Broken left toeLast Thursday I did something so crazily stupid. I walked past the couch, caught my foot on the edge and stubbed my toe. Damn that hurt! But I didn’t think too much of it, just sat down and started working. An hour or so later, I stood up to get a glass of water and OUCH the pain was bad. It was then that I realised I had done something bad to my foot.

After a quick doctors visit, an Xray and then back to the doctors it was confirmed – broken little toe and the instructions “just dont use your foot”. That’s a little hard as I am mum to a very active toddler and run a busy company. For me it wasnt an option to wait 4 weeks until I could get back into action! Check out my Xray – can you see the angle of the little toe at the top?

I then thanked the Universe that I am a naturopath and have so many healing modalities at my fingertips.

  • First port of call was straight to the homeopathic kit to make up some Arnica. This miracle remedy I have used so many times over the years and even Sophia asks for her “nica” when she bumps herself. It is very effective at reducing soft tissue injury and bruising. I think every household should have Arnica in their first aide kits, for both internal use in the form of drops or external use in the form of a cream.
  • The other homeopathic I made was Symphytum, which comes from the herb Comfrey. Back in the old days, Comfrey was also known as knit bone or bone set which gives you a good idea of what it does. As a homeopathic it helps with any bone related miss hap, such as fractures and breaks. I am knocking this one back 3-4 times day.

Within 24 hours of using homeopathic Arnica and Symphytum, all pain was GONE! 

  • Next on the list was ordering some Blackmores Celloids called S.C.F., a fantastic suggestion by Kira Sutherland who is an amazing naturopath specialising in Sports Nutrition. These tablets contain the minerals Silica and Calcium Fluoride which support bone remodelling as well as supporting connective tissue elasticity & strength. Perfect to help support all the tendons, muscle and ligaments that hold bones in place.
  • I also ordered some Comfrey tincture which is NOT to be taken internally but perfect for making up a therapeutic cream. I have been slathering it on morning and night. So much so, that Sophia has proclaimed to also have a “sore toe” and she needs some special cream! Comfrey contains allantoin, a compound that helps heal bones. Luckily this is well absorbed through your skin.
  • Immobilising the toe – by wearing a big, ugly boot! As my big brother, the physio, tells me, you cant heal it if it keeps bearing pressure
  • Diet wise I am hitting
  1. the bone broth that I get from Nourish Your Health to optimise nutrient absorption
  2. lots of ginger and turmeric for their anti -inflammatory effect
  3. slow poached chicken – I need lots of easily absorbable protein for healing. Did you know bones are made up of around 50% protein?
  4. broccoli, broccoli and more broccoli – it has Vitamin K and calcium both of which are crucial for bone healing
  5. Shakti’s Superfood Blend which is highly alkalysing and full of antioxidants. I am making a daily green smoothie with coconut water and berries. Bones heal better in a lightly alkaline environment.

So far I am feeling good and the important part is to keep going with the Bone Healing Protocol for another 4 weeks. Happy healing!

Comfrey cream and SCF celloidsComfrey tincture

Homeopathics for broken bones