Emma - 1x personal quotesAs I am sure you know, I used to be the expert Nutritionist for the Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club. This was a fantastic platform for me to share my knowledge with thousands of mums across Australia. Many of you have stayed in touch, joined me on Community Cleanse, chatted to me on social media or cooked meals from Sophia Eat’s. I feel it is an absolute privilege to be a voice for optimal health – both for children and adults. I take it very seriously as people read what I write, listen to what I say, and then follow my advice.

It has come to my attention there are menu plans circulating that have been “written” by me. Until this week, these menu plans were up on the Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club website and included in member emails. They include:

  • 7 day health meal plan for busy mums
  • 7 day weaning plan
  • 7 day meal plan for new dads
  • 7 day pregnancy meal plan
  • 7 day conception meal plan for him
  • morning sickness meal plan

Let me clarify very clearly – I wrote the original menu plans but the ones recently in Member emails and on the Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club were amended by “Woolworths nutritionists”. In these amended menu plans you will find ingredients that I NEVER WOULD RECOMMENDED. For example margarine (in the pregnancy meal plan of all things!), low fat custard, low fat yoghurt, low fat milk, low fat milk, low fat ricotta.

If you have been following me for a while, you would know I do not recommend such toxic (margarine) and low nutrient based foods (low fat = fat soluble nutrients are removed and usually sugar added). For those of you that followed any of these plans in the belief that I wrote them, I am truly so very sorry. I feel completely mis-represented by these menu plans.

I would like to acknowledge my fantastic management team at Chic Celebrity for their prompt action. Please send your complaints direct to Woolworths via the comment box for the editorial team – here is the direct link. I encourage you to complain as this is mis-information at its worst. Please take action and share this article on social media as there may be pregnant women eating margarine and low fat dairy products!!!