LibraryIn this 6-part series, I look into some recent science in the field of health and wellness. As a clinical naturopath I read so much research and want to share with you some highlights. Happy Reading!

The World’s Richest Source of Vitamin C!

Eating foods rich in Vitamin C will help stave off colds and flu in cold weather. The Kakadu Plum, also known as Billy Goat Plum or Gubinge, has been identified by scientists as the world’s richest source of vitamin C. The Kakadu Plum contains 3,000mg of vitamin C per 100g of fruit. To put this in perspective, a 100g orange contains roughly 53g of vitamin C. We would have to eat 56 oranges to match this! Read more >

Seaweed Promotes Health, Beauty and Longevity

This study looks into the potential role of marine algae (seaweed) on female health, beauty and longevity. Seaweed is a fantastic source of nutrients that are not just great for boosting immunity and protecting against illness, they will also leave you looking and feeling gorgeous!

Sea vegetables are packed full of nutrients and minerals like iron, iodine, calcium, Vitamin A, B, C, manganese and magnesium. Sea vegetables are great for your teeth, bones, hair, skin and nails and help to keep your thyroid in good health. Read more >

How Food Can Help Protect Against Breast Cancer

Certain foods can act as “aromatase inhibitors” – aromatase is an enzyme, which converts androgens into estrogen. Synthetic aromatase inhibitors are used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

This study talks about the search for new aromatase inhibitors that don’t have the nasty side effects of the synthetic version – yes there are natural compounds, and they are found in certain foods! By adding these therapeutic foods to your diet, you can improve your estrogen profile and help decrease your risk of breast cancer. Read more >

Dairy – Could It Be Doing You Harm?

Adequate calcium intake from plant-based foods such as leafy green vegetables and beans has been proven to decrease the risk of osteoporosis. However, we’ve been taught for many years that dairy products are our best source of calcium.

I am a firm believer that dairy is bad for us. I understand that this is still a controversial stance to take, so I wanted to share with you some peer-reviewed studies that explore the possibility that dairy consumption could be more harmful than good. Read more >

The Wonder of the Chia Seed

Recent research showed that eating chia can not only reduce your waistline but also lower your glucose and cholesterol levels. This makes chia the perfect superfood for people with PCOS, insulin resistance, diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

I am in love with chia seeds for their amazing nutritional punch as well as how versatile they are. Chia seeds are a gluten free seed that have 20% complete protein. With bucket loads more alpha linolenic acid (the super-healthy omega 3) than salmon, chia seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can lower pain as well as the risk of chronic disease. Read more >

Feeding Your Child Fish May Reduce their Risk of Allergic Disease

A group of Swedish researchers conducted a study on fish intake in early infancy. Their findings suggest that the addition of fish to a child’s diet before the age of 12 can help prevent allergic diseases. Read more >


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