Key Message: There are many benefits from eating organic foods

Action Point: Eat organic foods or grow your own to improve your health and physical wellbeing

More and more grocery stores are beginning to stock organic produce. Whereas once these items made up a small selection of available products, they now make up a sizeable proportion of any large store’s stock. From meat, to veg, to fruit – organic is everywhere.

If you’ve seen organic food in your local grocery store, you’ll have noticed it costs a little more than the same item in non-organic form. There’s a reason for this. Organic foods are made without the use of hormones and artificial growth enhancers. This means such products can’t be produced on mass. That’s a good thing though, especially when it comes to your health.

Organic food provides a range of benefits. Here are some of the most important.

More Nutrients

Sometimes, food tastes so good, we actually forget what our reason for eating it is: To stay healthy.

When it comes to comparing the nutrient profiles of organic and non-organic food, there’s only one clear winner. The European Union was one of the main bodies to confirm this, having conducted a multi-million dollar study into the effectiveness of organic produce.

Not only are organic products grown in a higher class of soil, they’re allowed to develop as nature intended them to – which can only mean they’re packed full of goodness. You can reduce vitamin and mineral deficiencies simply by changing your diet.

Better Taste

Organic foods taste better. Sure, there are probably studies that confirm this, but why bother listening to them when you have your own set of tastebuds?

Chicken, tomatoes, green vegetables, and eggs are all foods that taste far better when organic. Of course, the texture of organic produce is also superior to non-organic produce, meaning if you love food, you can’t go wrong by eating organic.

Safer Foods

There has been a big discussion the world over recently concerning the safety of GMO products. GMO products, in case you didn’t know, have been genetically modified to be larger and to grow quicker.

There is a link between GMO products and cancer that is hard to ignore. While the government insists these foods are safe, many nutritional bodies suggest otherwise.

As GMO products are becoming the norm, the only way to avoid the potential risk associated with them is by eating organic. If you want to lower your risk of developing cancer, it may be best to steer clear of these “fake” foods until more is known about them.

Less Pesticides

Research conducted recently suggests pesticides can worsen children’s behavior, upset an adult’s hormonal profile, cause cell mutation, and even aggravate mental health conditions.

By cutting out these pesticides, which you can only do by growing your own food or eating organic, you stand to greatly improve your health and physical wellbeing. In a Time for Wellness blog, the changes that occurred by eating organic were documented for everybody to see. Sleep improved, and obesity lessened. Mental calmness increased, and so did fitness.

Those who have researched pesticides know that this isn’t a coincidence. The effect of eating organic is profound, which is why such foods are recommended by most knowledgeable nutritionists.


Organic food may be slightly more expensive than non-organic food, but it’s hard to argue that it’s not worth it. There are more and more cases of poor health being attributed to non-organic foods so by reducing your pesticide levels and increasing your organic food, your health will thank you.

If you have health problems that you’d like to get under control, why not start eating organic food today? As a famous dietician once said, “Good health is made in the kitchen.”


  1. Real (2015) “Family never ate organic but watch what happens when they make the switch”. Accessed online 26 August 2015.
  2. Time for wellness (2011) “Study finds fresh, organic “notox” diet work.” Accessed online 26 August 2015.
Sarah Giacomo Written by: Sandra Di Giacomo


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