With summer fast approaching and the festive season kicking off, most of us will be socializing more than usual. I have already been to two Christmas events in the last week! Increasing social events are often accompanied with a higher than usual alcohol consumption.

I am a huge fan of supporting your liver at this time of year and many of my clients take their trusty liver tonic before hitting the vino. Now I have found a preventative product that is designed specifically to reduce hangovers. Revivol is certified by the TGA and features ingredients that support healthy liver function and reduces fatigue and tiredness.

You take two capsules with your first drink and it acts to replenish the vitamins that are lost during alcohol consumption. Obviously binge drinking is not what I am talking about, a few drinks with friends is what I mean. For more info head to www.revivol.com.au, in the meantime make sure you share my hangover prevention tips with your drinking buddy!

  1. Ensure you hydrate and then rehydrate. The best way to do this is to have plenty of filtered water in the 12 hours preceding your event. Aim for 33ml/kilo of body weight, so for a 60kg woman that is 1.98L and for a 70kg man it’s 2.3L. Post event, rehydrate with some home made electrolytes such as icy poles made with 50% coconut water and 50% fresh juice and a tiny pinch of Himalayan sea salt, which you can make up before hand.
  2. Many of the nasty symptoms of a hangover are related to inflammation and the accumulation of toxins. Aim to eat a diet rich in antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory foods. These include turmeric, ginger, blueberries, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, kiwi fruit, red capsicum, broccoli and walnuts.
  3. Take Revivol, its unique formula supports liver detox, fights fatigue and provides nutritional support. St Mary’s thistle helps the liver break down alcohol, top up on B vitamins which are used in vast amounts when your liver processes alcohol. Revivol also contains choline, a water soluble vitamin that helps B vitamins work more effectively.
  4. Research shows that alcohol helps you get to sleep but causes a restless sleep in the second half of your night. Even one glass of wine can cause disrupted sleep. To help you sleep through, pop the air conditioning on as a cooler room facilitates better sleep quality.
  5. Make sure you don’t have that cheeky drunk cigarette; a 2013 study showed that smoking not only increases a hangover, but also makes it much worse!


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