Key Message: There are alternatives to coffee for a healthy start in the morning

Action Point: Try to substitute your morning coffee for water and lemon, beetroot juice, chia seeds or bananas and nut milk

Not a morning person? Can’t start the day without a latte?

While coffee may seem to be your elixir, there are actually plenty of healthy coffee alternatives to get you going in the mornings.

Cold Water and Lemon

If you thought coffee was the simplest morning revitalizer, think again. According to nutritionists, many people respond to cold water and lemon just as well. [1]

Simply pour some ice cold water into a glass and add in half a lemon or lime. You’ll find this extremely simple drink takes you from 0-60 in no time!

Acai Berries and Chia Seeds

When most people wake up in the morning, they’re in a foggy state and pick a cereal without really thinking about it. This usually leads to them picking something sugary, a decision that turns out to be a bad one. Sugar gives you a quick energy boost, but doesn’t last long at all. Afterwards, your body crashes and you’re left feeling more tired than you were before. That’s why eating a breakfast full of complex carbohydrates such as acai berries and chia seeds is a great way to start the day. These food items are gentler on your sugar levels and they’re also full of magnesium and vitamin B.

Rather than drugging your body with caffeine, why not give it some actual fuel it can use to get going?

Bananas and Nut Milk

Some people aren’t big on breakfast. Either they don’t have time for it or they just don’t feel like eating much early on in the morning. That’s not a problem if you like bananas and milk though. This light snack is full of protein, carbohydrates, potassium and natural sugars – all of which will perk you up.

Any type of nut milk is fine. Feel free to try different varieties until you find one that suits your taste buds. If you are buying nut milk, watch for hidden sugars such as malt and ensure the total sugar level is below 5g/100g.

Beetroot Juice

Ok, so beetroot juice isn’t typically something you crave early on in the morning. Or at any time of day at all, for that matter. But it’s so full of vital nutrients that it works very similar to coffee.

If you do give beetroot juice a try, rather than just drink it alone, add it to your morning smoothie. Start off with cold milk or water. Add a little beetroot juice. Then add whatever fruits you enjoy in your smoothies. Try to include a green apple if possible. These are digestive stimulants, which means they kick start your metabolizing, and therefore your whole body, too.


  1. Blatchford, E (2015) ‘Coffee alternatives to get you going in the morning’. Huffington Post Australia Online. Viewed on 22md October 2015 at

Sarah Giacomo Written by: Sandra Di Giacomo


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