I was recently contacted by Vitality 4 Life, asking me to test run a juicer, and provide some feedback. Over the last 15 years I have always had one kind of juicer, or another. I often make up a juice combo to address an ailment, as the power of food as medicine is incredible. Mother Nature has a medicine chest full of therapeutic nutrients!

A three day juice revamp is the absolute perfect way to flood your body with energy boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

What Juicer Should I Buy?

This is a great question! Juicers generally fall under two categories – centrifugal or cold pressed. I used a centrifugal the first few years of juicing then I upgraded to a cold pressed, an investment that has paid for itself many times over.

The differences are:


  • Most common type of juicer for domestic use
  • Uses a high-speed metal blade and spins the pulp and juice against a mesh filter
  • The fast spinning blade creates heat, which reduces the enzyme and nutrient content of the juice
  • Are less expensive

Recommended brand – Breville Juice Fountain as you don’t need to cut up the produce RRP $199

Cold Pressed:

  • They crush, squeeze and then press the produce
  • Have a higher yield
  • Don’t generate much heat at all
  • Are much quieter machines
  • Are an investment, but last 10 years
  • Retain far more nutritional content
  • Can make nut milks

Recommended brand – BioChef Atlas Whole Slow Juicer RRP $399

What I loved about the BioChef

  1. It is the only slow juicer on the market with a wide juicing chute so you don’t have to cut up everything into small pieces. This makes it far more likely I will actually juice as it doesn’t seem like a big process of cutting all the produce into small pieces.
  2. You can fit whole apples and peeled oranges – a huge bonus!
  3. It was actually easy to clean, which is really important to me. I don’t want a fiddly, tricky appliance as I am far too impatient. I have previously owned juicers that I don’t use, simply because just the thought of cleaning it, is enough to put me off!
  4. It has a 5 year lifetime warranty

The good people at BioChef have generously given all my readers a 10% store wide discount.

Head to Vitality 4 life here >> and use the code EMMA10.

I have put together a 3 day juice revamp that is the absolute perfect way to flood your body with energy boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Check out the 3 Day Juice revamp here >>



Emma’s Winter Cleanser 
½ cup parsley
2 Lebanese cucumbers
3 orange carrots
½ green apple
3cm of ginger

Juice ingredients in the following order – carrots, parsley, ginger, cucumber, apple.

Why it’s good for you:
Parsley contains flavonoids and essential oils which are responsible for its therapeutic effect. The flavonoid apigenin is a potent antioxidant and thought to be responsible for its potential anticancer activity

Cucumbers have a high water content so it’s effective at cooling and nourishing your body as well as soothing skin irritations when used topically. Its high water content also assists in cleansing and removing waste products from the body which makes it useful in cases of constipation and cleansing

Orange carrots are a widely eaten root vegetable rich in dietary fibre and an antioxidant called carotenoids. One of those carotenoids is beta carotene which is a precursor for vitamin A and known for its anticancer activity.

Apple is high in phenolics which contributes to its antioxidant action in the body. Studies also show it has cancer preventing properties and the ability to increase lifespan, slow down the aging process and enhance your resilience to stress

Ginger is a rhizome with an important role to play in disease prevention due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial and anti-tumour action in the body. Additionally ginger helps to relieve nausea, supports digestive function and protects the liver from damage

Check out the 3 Day Juice revamp here >>

