Many clients suffer from constipation, it’s one of the most common symptoms we see in our clinic. But the solution might not be as simple as “drink more water”. It may, in fact, be a problem with the communication between your gut and your brain.

There is a nervous system that lines your gut, called the enteric nervous system and it controls the function of your gut. The enteric nervous system is also known as the second brain. It is responsible for peristalsis, or the wave like contractions of the gut, which pushes food downwards. It controls the release of our digestive enzymes as well as many critical neurotransmitters. In fact, over 90% of your serotonin (a happiness hormone) is made in the gut!

As the vagus nerve controls the motility of your gut and increases blood flow to your gut lining, any problems with this part of the nervous system will result in sluggish digestion. If you don’t move food fast enough, it will ferment, causing yeast overgrowths, enzyme deficiencies and provide the perfect home for nasty parasites and bacteria.

How do you test your Gut Motility?

  1. You should be able to hear grumbling in your abdomen when you listen with a stethoscope
  2. When you say “ahhh” the uvula, at the back of your throat, should rise evenly
  3. You have a poor gag reflex

Research shows neurons need exercise, just like muscles. The more you exercise them, the stronger the neuronal pathways, and the better the outcome is. This is a fascinating field of research called neuroplasticity, and I love “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Dr Normal Doidge, a brilliant book on this topic.

Exercises to Increase Gut Motility:

  1. Encourage singing, but it needs to be really loud so warn your family and friends
  2. Gargling twice a day – this activates the vagus nerve and the more vigorous, the better
  3. Use a tongue depressor and press hard enough on the back of your tongue that you almost gag
  4. Coffee enemas – coffee works on the cholinergic receptors and stimulates motility

Be aware that an under-active thyroid, adrenal depletion and certain medications such as antacids or PPI’s can also cause a sluggish digestive system. It is critical to discuss this with your naturopath.

In the meantime, make sure you drink enough water and eat enough fibre to keep your gut happy!