I am super passionate about many things but none more than educating people about optimal health and vitality! I present regularly on many topics – both within the corporate arena and to the public. If you are interested in securing me for a presentation please contact me to chat further. I am sure we can have a lot of fun together!

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Keynote #1 – Cultivating Resilience 

How do we live our busy 21st century lives and remain calm, resilient and present?

Can we feel truly connected despite having so many digital interactions every day?

Emma delves into the revealing world of adrenal health. With personal experience of severe adrenal fatigue and over 15 years of treating patients for it, she is an expert in this enlightening area.

  • Learn how to detect and address adrenal fatigue
  • Discover the real reason for your hormone imbalance
  • Maximise your Mojo with easy-to-implement proven strategies


Keynote #2 – Get Your Mojo Back

Everyone deserves to have a sense of health and vitality, something Emma terms “Mojo”. There are many blocks to optimal Mojo but some of them would surprise you.

Emma dives deep into what could be depleting your individual Mojo and your teams Mojo. By combining the latest clinical research with her extensive experience in clinical practice, Emma gives actionable steps towards regaining your lost Mojo.

Join Emma’s popular Mojo boosting challenge – 2 weeks of free email support containing tips, downloads and quizzes to get you bouncing out of bed in the mornings.


Keynote #3 – Optimising Kids Health

Emma’s passion for kids’ health began many years ago but intensified 7 years ago with the birth of her daughter. After many challenges with both her and her daughter’s health, she finally found the answers through Naturopathic Medicine. This led to Emma advocating for children’s health and helping families make the transition to healthier lives.

Emma’s protocol, called the Studio You Method, addresses the five pillars of optimal health. She has helped thousands of families over the last 15 years to move from being confused and stuck to completely thriving.

What Event Co-ordinators are Saying

“I had the privilege to work with Emma for an event at Quro Health Studios and loved her professionalism and generosity. She is a well of wisdom and knowledge in so many health topics. She is also a great public speaker!”
Alejandra Ramirez Guerra, QURO Heath Studio
Emma did a fantastic job hosting the Anti Additive Awards in Sydney this month. Emma is a knowledgeable and engaging key note speaker that goes above and beyond to fulfil client’s expectations. Her knowledge in the nutrition space is astounding and PPR would definitely utilise Emma’s skills and expertise for any health events and activations in the future” Jodie Carlson, PPR Sydney
Emma’s passion for eating and living healthily is an inspiration to all. Together the knowledge she shared, paired with her personable approach, made Emma the perfect ambassador for the 2015 ‘Markets in May Taste & Talk Sydney Event’.
Edwina Voltz – Markets in May
Emma is an engaging presenter who connects with the audience in a meaningful way and inspires change through practical tips and real-life scenarios. Her deep knowledge and experience makes the time she has spent with our community powerful which is reinforced by constant feedback from those who have attended an event with Emma.
Kate Boorer – Founder, Young Professional Women Australia, International Women’s Day Inaugural Conference
Emma exceeded all expectations as our guest speaker at Mum Society, my inbox has been flooded with positive feedback from those that came along. Both witty and engaging, we will not hesitate in booking and hosting Emma again.
Kylie Ostle – Director, Mums Society
We launched our educational programme with Emma at our new retail wholefoods outlet to link conscious shopping to educating curious conscious eaters . The response from the audience proved how Emma’s passion, knowledge and integrity gives her iconic status in the new wave of natural medicine.
Deena Thompson, The Farm Wholefoods
“Emma is a woman who walks her talk! She is truly a wealth of knowledge and is someone we both admire and respect as a person and professional. Emma is brilliant in her delivery and so impactful in the way she engages our audience. Her presence is powerful and her passion is felt!”
Stevie & Tay, Wellness Out West Workshops



What Attendees are Saying

Emma’s session made a strong connection with me. I have taken a lot from her talk and implemented some actions immediately. I would love to hear from her again.

Loved it, more please!

Always love hearing from Emma, I am sure there were many women in the room who thought she was personally speaking to them regarding adrenal fatigue. This was a very meaningful session to include in the conference.

Great session – made me think about how unhealthy I’d become.





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Markets in Maywww.ben-williams.comwww.ben-williams.com

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