In this three-part series, let’s explore the potential adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields. Part 2: Is poor-quality electric power in our homes, schools and workplaces making us sick?
Key message: Poor-quality electric power in your home, school and workplace could be making you sick.
Action point: Reduce your exposure to dirty electricity using the tips in this blog post.
We are surrounded by electrical sources in our daily lives – power lines, substations, household electrical appliances and wiring. Electricity is an integral part of modern life.
However, you may not be aware that researchers have demonstrated that radiation from electricity can affect our health.
Electrical sources are known to emit low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF). (For more information about EMF, see Part One of our EMF series.)
The EMF frequency bands that are generated in connection with the production, transmission, distribution and use of electrical power usually have a frequency of 50–60 Hz. Our devices are designed to run on this frequency.
Dirty electricity
But TVs, computers, dimmer switches, compact fluorescent bulbs, motors and many other devices don’t use this power cleanly. Modern devices are designed to save energy, and they do this by turning on and off rapidly – thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times per second.
These high-frequency deviations caused by the arcing and sparking of electrical devices is also known as dirty electricity.
Dirty electricity is said to be stressful for the body and can wreak havoc on our health. For example, studies have linked dirty electricity to cancer, diabetes, asthma, and even behavioural and learning problems in children. 1,2,3,4,5,
By reducing as many EMFs as possible you lessen the load of electrostress on your body. This enables your body to do what it […]