
Coconut Water – the Facts on the Fad

I am just back from an amazing trip to Bali where the beautiful weather and amazing food have totally rejuvenated me! The organic movement is strong there and I discovered many cafes and eco resorts that served incredible juices – my pick was aloe vera juice, tumeric and celery! I met a lot of great people and had my all time best ever yoga class at Desa Seni.I have posted a video on my You Tube channel of the most gorgeous organic cafe so check it out here.So, while in Bali I had coconut water every day and after speaking to the locals realised that it was not just a Western fad. Read further for the scoop!The Facts• Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.• Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.• Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.• Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. Data is based on a 100ml drinkCoconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconutCoconut Water Hydrates the BodyCoconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United […]

Low iodine puts baby brains at risk

Health experts are urging pregnant women in Tasmania to take iodine supplements to lessen the chances of their children developing low IQ’s. The Director of Public Health, Dr Roscoe Taylor, says most Tasmanians are iodine deficient because of low levels in soil and water. He says the health consequences of iodine deficiency in pregnant and breastfeeding women is greater because of the risk to babies.Dr Taylor says Iodine is essential to ensure normal development of the brain and nervous system. Low levels in pregnant mothers could result in their babies having lower IQ’s. He has written to all health practitioners around the state asking them to encourage expectant mothers to take an iodine supplement of 150 micrograms every day, equivalent to eating nine cans of tuna.Iodine is a trace mineral. Iodine is vital for the thyroid hormones that regulate our metabolism, body temperature, reproduction, growth, blood cell production as well as nerve and muscle function. Low thyroid hormones can cause a person to become sluggish and gain weight, affecting their general health, their fertility and ability to carry a pregnancy.It is important to ensure adequate iodine intake during preconception, pregnancy and breast feeding. During pregnancy, the foetus is entirely dependent upon maternal iodine, which plays a significant role in normal central nervous system formation and maturation. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy is the commonest worldwide cause of preventable intellectual impairment and can be associated with losses of up to 10 -15 IQ points.Around 60% of pregnant Australian women in a recent survey had low iodine levels -mainly due to decreased consumption of iodised salt and changes within the dairy industry. The recently published Australian National Iodine Nutrition Study in the Medical Journal of Australia has […]

How To Stay Infection Free with Powerful Echinacea

Echinacea – The Perfect Immune Support for Your Child!I have been prescribing a proprietary blend of Echinacea for years with all my small patients and find it incredibly effective. I use it as a preventative and begin dosing at the end of June until the end of September and find that these patients are far less likely to come down with seasonal colds and flus and if they do succumb, the duration is much shorter and milder than their playmates.  There are many natural medicines that will boost your child’s immune system and food also plays a powerful role in strengthening their resistance to bugs.The same proprietary herbal extract of Echinacea is also  incredibly effective for the common cold. There was up to a 44% reduction in symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, headache and chills in the participants taking Echinacea as opposed to those on placebo. The duration of the cold was 4 days in total for those taking the Echinacea whilst it lasted 5 ½ days for those who didn’t. That makes an enormous difference when you need to get to work, look after the kids, cook dinner, prepare for a presentation and also get a good night’s sleep!Bring your child into clinic and start an immune boosting program that will help get them through winter feeling strong and energetic. At your next appointment, ask Emma for a bottle of Echinacea to have on hand at home so that you can respond at the first sign of infection.Sources:”Echinacea purpurea L. in children: safety, tolerability, compliance, and clinical effectiveness in upper respiratory tract infections.”Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2007 Nov; 85(11):1195-9.”Efficacy of a standardized Echinacea preparation for the treatment of the common […]

By |June 13th, 2010|Children, Naturopathy|0 Comments

Compelling Research Out – Children and Pesticide Exposure

I have always passionately believed in the importance of eating organic food. Children have smaller and less mature livers than us and chemicals have a greater impact on them. I have long been advising parents to remove pesticides from their children’s diets but having solid research to emphasise this is great. Please be aware that the link between pesticides and behavioural disorders is now compelling! A Harvard based study recently published in Pediatrics demonstrates a link between Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and organophosphate pesticides. The researchers found a strong correlation between the level of pesticides detected in the urine of children and the condition known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Those children with more pesticide exposure were more likely to have ADHD.The researchers concluded: “These findings support the hypothesis that organophosphate exposure, at levels common among US children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence. Prospective studies are needed to establish whether this association is causal.”For the most commonly detected pesticide chemical, dimethylthiophosphate, children with levels higher than the median of detectable concentrations had double the odds of ADHD compared with those with non-detectable levels.”Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) “… is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity (over-activity),” says the National Institute of Mental Health. The Center for Disease Control said 3% to 7% of school-aged children in the United States had ADHD in 2003, with 2.5 million children medicated for the condition.Exposure, says the Center for Disease Control, does not have to be direct. Eating foods that have organophosphates sprayed on them can contribute to effects on an individuals’ health. So, the only safe […]

Winter Colds & Flus

Well, I can’t believe it but I have a revolting cold! A head filled with congestion, razor blade throat, a nasty cough and I feel miserable. I do find that more clients succumb to infections at the change of season than in winter itself. So I have made a huge batch of my immune boosting soup and wanted to share my recipe with you. Of course this soup is best when totally organic as the nutrient value will be much higher.

Ok so first let me explain why these ingredients are so wonderful for you:

Chicken – perfect protein to support your production of disease fighting immune molecules
Onion – helps to break down mucous
Garlic – a natural antibiotic
Ginger – stimulates circulation enabling more efficient clearing of toxins
Chilli – high in vitamin C
Enoki mushrooms – has properties that are anti cancer so can help fight any nasty bugs
Risoni – a great carbohydrate source for energy
Lemon – uplifts mood
Parsley – high in iron which stimulates immunity
Goji berries – traditionally used in China in convalescence, specifically in broths

Ingredients (use your inutition on quantities)
Chicken thighs
Chicken stock ( I always have some pre made in the freezer)
Garlic – lots
Ginger – lots
Chilli – lots
Enoki mushrooms
Lemon zest and juice
Goji berries

Saute onions, garlic, chilli, ginger until soft. Add chicken thighs and brown them. Pour in your stock and simmer. Once chicken is cooked take it out and shred with a fork. Add chicken back in with risoni, Goji berries and enoki mushrooms. To serve, place lemon zest on the bottom of your bowl. Add soup and top off with lemon juice and […]

Winter Colds & Flus

Well, I can’t believe it but I have a revolting cold! A head filled with congestion, razor blade throat, a nasty cough and I feel miserable. I do find that more clients succumb to infections at the change of season than in winter itself. So I have made a huge batch of my immune boosting soup and wanted to share my recipe with you. Of course this soup is best when totally organic as the nutrient value will be much higher.
Ok so first let me explain why these ingredients are so wonderful for you:

Chicken – perfect protein to support your production of disease fighting immune molecules
Onion – helps to break down mucous
Garlic – a natural antibiotic
Ginger – stimulates circulation enabling more efficient clearing of toxins
Chilli – high in vitamin C
Enoki mushrooms – has properties that are anti cancer so can help fight any nasty bugs
Risoni – a great carbohydrate source for energy
Lemon – uplifts mood
Parsley – high in iron which stimulates immunity
Goji berries – traditionally used in China in convalescence, specifically in broth

Ingredients (use your inutition on quantities)

Chicken thighs
Chicken stock ( I always have some pre made in the freezer)
Garlic – lots
Ginger – lots
Chilli – lots
Enoki mushrooms
Lemon zest and juice
Goji berries

Saute onions, garlic, chilli, ginger until soft. Add chicken thighs and brown them. Pour in your stock and simmer. Once chicken is cooked take it out and shred with a fork. Add chicken back in with risoni, Goji berries and enoki mushrooms. To serve, place lemon zest on the bottom of your bowl. Add soup and top off with lemon juice and […]

Natural Births Better for Babies – Compelling Research Out

Babies born by caesarean section are more vulnerable to asthma, allergies and infection as they miss out on receiving their mothers’ good bacteria during birth, a scientist says.
Professor Patricia Conway, of the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of NSW, said babies delivered vaginally received protective bacteria as they passed through the birth canal. Left on the baby’s skin, this bacteria could then colonise the intestine and help inoculate newborns against hospital bugs. Gut flora was also crucial for developing a balanced immune system, Professor Conway said. “With a C-section, the newborn baby misses an opportunity to pick up a lot of mum’s good bacteria,” she said.
“This can have long-term health implications, as the development of a good intestinal ecosystem is necessary for health and immunity to allergies, from childhood right through to adulthood.”
Professor Conway said emergency caesareans, performed after labour had begun, meant babies did receive some of the beneficial bacteria, particularly if the waters had broken. But elective caesareans were ”sterile” and gave babies no chance to pick up any of the mother’s good bacteria. However babies had other chances to receive their mother’s bacteria, during skin-to-skin contact directly after birth and if they were breastfed.
Australian College of Midwives vice-president Hannah Dahlen said babies born vaginally had the advantage of hormonal surges during labour, which made them more wide-eyed and able to connect with their mothers. Both mother and baby experienced a surge in catecholamines – the fight-or-flight hormone – during labour, making babies more alert at birth.
Recent studies had shown white blood cells in babies born by caesarean were different to those born vaginally, potentially altering the way their bodies responded to attacks on their immune systems for […]

Get Involved with Earth Day on April 22!

Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs. Earth Day Network is galvanizing millions who make personal commitments to sustainability. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy. Join the more than one billion people in 190 countries that are taking action for Earth Day by clicking here.

S.A. – you are clean, green and GE free!

In a major win for anti-GE campaigners, the South Australian Government has committed to keeping the state non-GE until 2014. Newly elected Premier Mike Rann has extended South Australia’s GE Moratorium to 2014, to protect the state’s clean, green brand and the marketing advantage this gives SA farmers in the UK and Europe.Extending the moratorium on growing genetically engineered or modified crops was one of the first decisions made by the new government. Protecting the state’s overseas trade was the main reason for the decision.The food and wine industry in South Australia has played a major role in taking this message to government and to buyers around the world. Kangaroo Island Pure Grain is one of the leading promotors of South Australia’s clean, green marketing image for food. The company is now marketing its grain directly to Japan, one of the biggest markets in the world.”We met with a group of Japanese mothers and listened to what they want as consumers,” said KI Pure Grain CEO Duncan MacGillivray. “We’ve got a very good product and we’re very careful with the cleanliness specifications and documentation – minimal chemicals, GM free and food safety.”Greenpeace, together with Gene Ethics, mothers’ group MADGE and the South Australian Soil Association will continue to meet with the South Australian Government to further develop the state’s non-GE position. Once again, the support provided by the True Food Network, particularly their role in contacting food companies to tell them domestic consumers don’t want to eat GE foods, has been a major influence in turning the tide against GE foods.

Nanotechnology – Do you know what this is?

Nanotechnology is the experimental process of manipulating matter at a scale of 1/100th the width of human hair, in order to create new products and materials.New consumer products with hidden nanotech ingredients hit the U.S. market in a nearly unregulated fashion each week, including baby toys, personal care products, clothes, and countless other products.The nanoparticles in these products are so small, they leach through the skin and spread through the environment in unpredictable ways.  The fact is that hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have shown that nanoparticles pose potential risks to human health — and, more specifically, that when ingested can cause DNA damage that can prefigure cancer and heart and brain disease.Are you exposed to nanotechnology? Get researching now and learn more about this technology and what it will mean for you and your family.

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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