
Day 4 of Detox

I made quinoa porridge with raspberries for breakfast today. What I love about this meal is that it takes literally 4 minutes to make. I boil the kettle, pour 1 cup of water into a saucepan, add ½ cup quinoa flakes and ½ cup frozen raspberries then simmer for 2 minutes. This is a nice high protein breakfast with a boost of antioxidants!I then had IKU for lunch as this is the most wonderful organic fast food! I rely on it quite a lot when I am working and busy. IKU is vegetarian, organic food with a focus on macrobiotic philosophies.I spent ½ hour in the steam room today and then had a cold shower directly afterwards. This is a wonderful way to open your pores to facilitate toxin release and then stimulate lymphatic flow around the body. We carry toxins in the lymph tissue and it needs to be manually moved in order to be shifted around the body. As we move, our muscles contract and this has the effect of pushing lymph. This greatly facilitates toxin removal and I can’t emphasise enough the importance of this during detox.

By |February 4th, 2010|Detox, Emma's Detox|0 Comments

Day 3 of Detox

I am not sure if you have realised by now but organisation is the key to a successful detox. Do a pantry check – put everything you can’t eat into a box and hide it in the garage. Check the fridge/freezer and donate all “off the list” items to your friends – they will be appreciative and you won’t be tempted! Plan your weekly menu on a Saturday and then go to the market and buy everything you need for the week. Go home and spend a few hours over the weekend cooking meals for the freezer. These will prove invaluable for those nights that you are home late or for that easy lunch option. I also recommend cooking a little extra for dinner and before you dish up your plate, put some in a take away container ready for lunch the next day. So think ahead, outside the square if you need to, and use the Girl Guide motto “be prepared”!BTW, I have been taking vitamin C hourly and Andrographis compound and I feel so much better in 24 hours I can’t believe it. I also took my homeopathic acute remedy as soon as I felt congested and I think that made a world of difference. Ahh, thank goodness for natural medicine

By |February 3rd, 2010|Detox, Emma's Detox|0 Comments

Day 2 of Detox

I can’t believe it! I woke up this morning to a cold – head pounding, razor blade throat and aching muscles. I had to cancel my 6am walk and also business lunch to stay in my pyjamas on the couch reading. I am reading “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell which is just phenomenal – I highly recommend it.  Oh I don’t often fall ill but when I have been overdoing it my body lets me know. Being sick is also an effective way that your body releases toxins – often people fall ill on their detox and as long as it is just a cold or a few days of upset tummy it is fine.Just eat lightly and rest – if you can get to a steam room then go for it. Otherwise do a steam inhalation at home with a bowl of hot water, some eucalyptus oil and a towel. Just immerse your head under the towel, take nice deep belly breathes for 2 minutes, then stop and go back for another inhalation every 5 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. Make some freshly grated ginger tea but it needs to be very strong. I find using a wooden ginger grater just fabulous for this.I took the opportunity to do some cooking today – some split pea soup and stewed fruits. So the freezer has even more meals in it for those days when I am busy at work or simply have unexpected guests.Hopefully I will feel a little better tomorrow but I am using today as an opportunity to write down my detox goals ( I want to work on my fitness and also obtain incredible mental clarity as I have a […]

Day 1 Of Detox

Oh dear – day 1 can be so challenging! I must admit that I went out for dinner last night with some beautiful friends who love food as much as I do. Well, we ate and drank some amazing tastes and I farewelled all the lovely things that I was about to cease – meat, wheat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and sugar to name the main culprits. I am used to this feeling of initial loss – it happens three times a year! I have been detoxing twice a year for a month as well as a mid winter 7 day detox for many years now.The reason I am passionate about detoxing is because of how I feel at the end – incredible energy, crystal clear mental clarity and very connected mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. You can’t buy that in a jar! It takes commitment and organisation to make it work but I have never yet had a patient say they didn’t feel much better at the end.I advise you to tell all and sundry that you are about to embark on your detox. This way, your friends and family will be less likely to sabotage your efforts. They will know that instead of going to the pub on Sunday, you will meet them for a yoga class. Keep your social duties light while detoxing – there will always be something on but don’t despair. You won’t be living in a bubble but you can socialise in different ways that are more aligned with your detoxification goals.So, today is a day to drink lots of water, maybe experience a headache that is dull and annoying ( caffeine withdrawal!) and take it easy. Over the […]

By |February 2nd, 2010|Detox, Emma's Detox|0 Comments

Emma’s 30 Day Detox

Over the next 4 weeks you will be walking with me while I complete my detox program and hopefully it will make detoxing easier for you. There will be plenty of meal ideas, exercise tips and lifestyle hints that only come with years of regular detoxing. I have learnt the easy way to do things and all the practical hints you need will be in my blog. So good luck!I would love to hear how you go on your detox so drop me a line. I challenge you to get inspired, creative and nurturing during the next 28 days!

By |February 2nd, 2010|Detox|0 Comments

Birth Choices Expo – Leichhardt March 5th

I am a proud sponsor of Birth Choices Expo. I believe everyone should have access to the information they need in order to make informed decisions about parenting. Parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging and empowering things you can ever do. As I specialise in women’s health this means that I spend a lot of time with families, pregnant women and their babies.The journey of preconception, pregnancy and birth can be greatly facilitated with naturopathic care and that is what I will be focusing on at the expo. I present regularly to doulas and midwives and share with them how natural medicine benefits their women.Birth Choices Expo’s aim is to make information about pregnancy, birth & parenting more accessible so that you can make the right choices for you & your baby and experience the joy of parenting.You will have the opportunity, in a relaxed atmosphere, to meet with:•    Independent Midwives•    Birth Centre Midwives•    Doulas•    Natural Health Practitioners•    Parenting Experts•    Other parents, including dads at the Men at Birth table•    Plus enjoy speakers, food, free show bags & more…So, put the date aside in your diary, grab your friends and come to see me at the Expo. I will have a few surprise give aways on the night but you will have to be there!

Emma’s Interview on Bondi FM

Last week I was interviewed by the gorgeous Corby Sue all about detox. Bondi FM is Australia’s only private radio station and it is set in an eclectic space on Curlewis Street. A little doorway, some painted footsteps and the smell of coffee will lure you in from the sidewalk. As their website says BondiFM is “international, multi-cultural with a strong community focus and a soft spot in our heart for all things funky and experimental BONDI 88 FM is the not-so-secret lovechild of millions of diverse music lovers who transport the beach into their living rooms to top up their tans.” Sounds like my kind of fun! According to stats, more overseas visitors tour their website than the number of tourists who actually visit the world famous beach!Corby Sue is a very talented woman – she is a personal chef, runs cooking classes, designs menus and is a radio presenter amongst other nifty things. Our interview focused on Detox and we had a ball chatting about all things healthy – detox does not have to mean colonics and juice fasting! The radio studio at BondiFM is in the cafe so go and watch the action over a bite to eat. As soon as I have the podcast I will put it on the website and let you know. Corby, I want to thank you for a fantastic afternoon and I look forward to sharing your table again soon, xxx.On another note, I really want to inspire you to make some changes and become the best you can be. It’s a new decade and a beautiful time to cleanse any negative habits. I did an interview with the men’s mag FHM about […]

By |January 21st, 2010|Detox|0 Comments

Latest Stats on Global Caesarean Rates from WHO

In the 3rd phase of an international survey on delivery and maternal & perinatal outcomes conducted by WHO, results have concluded that caesareans should only be done when medically indicated. Almost 50% of babies in China are born via caesarean and overall, 1 in 4 women underwent caesarean.There is now general acceptance among international maternity service providers that caesarean section rates are too high and should not exceed one in eight births. However, in Australia the caesarean rate is much higher, and women and babies are being subjected to unnecessary operations. In Australia, the caesarean rate of 24.6 per cent for 2008-09 is too high. More efforts need to be made to organise maternity services to offer midwife-led care, which generally promotes normal and natural childbirth without medical interventions like caesareans.All caesarean sections put women at increased risk of adverse events, including death. The World Health Organization’s Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health found China has the highest overall rate (46.2%) of caesareans, and by far the highest rate of caesareans without indication (11.7%). Compared with spontaneous delivery, the risk for the maternal mortality or morbidity index is 2.7 times higher for antepartum caesarean without indications and 14.2 times higher for intrapartum caesarean without indications. Compared with spontaneous vaginal deliveries, operative vaginal deliveries were associated with just over 3 times more maternal deaths. The WHO research group urges that caesareans be done only when medically indicated for the mother or the baby.The benefits of a vaginal birth are well documented; among them are a stronger immune system for baby, higher breast feeding rates and less time in hospital. I strongly encourage every woman to have a natural birth and find that HypnoBirthing […]

Cup of Tea Anyone?

Everyone knows how much I love a cup of therapeutic herbal tea and now I have found the absolute answer to my busy days! T-Sac Disposable Tea Filters.Enjoy loose leaf tea in these convenient, simple to use, and ecologically friendly tea infusers! The T-Sac filters are ideal for those who dislike the mess commonly associated with loose-leaf tea – that’s most of us! Uniquely designed with a gusseted bottom which allows the tea leaves to completely unfurl, thus increasing the flavour and strength of the tea. T-sac tea filters also have a paper flap which is perfect for tucking under the lid of a tea pot or a travel mug.Best of all, they are made from 100% natural, unbleached, and chlorine free paper. As I make my own Rejuvenation Tea, which is a loose leaf organic blend, these tea filters are the perfect accompaniment to make a quick cup. I used to have to brew up a pot, which often meant that I would be wasting tea – a thing of the past now. Whoever invented these little beauties gets my thumbs up for practicality and sustainability! I usually find them in a Japanese tea shop or order them online.

A Take Away Coffee Cup for The Modern Girl

Ok, so most of us buy a take away coffee on a regular business day. My criteria up until now has been NO styrofoam, definately Fair Trade and a splash of dashing barista smile. Little did I realise that the world of T/A coffees was about to be revolutionised until I popped in to O Organic and saw their Keep Cups. These nifty little numbers are 100% recyclable, have a 4 year lifespan (that’s longer than any barista!), are lightweight, durable & travel friendly.And based on my current coffee consumsption, if I use a Keep Cup, I will save 416 paper cups annually as well as 1kg plastic lids, 5kg of landfill and 429mjs of energy – now this simply has to define sustainable!So for this eco girl, I now have a Keep Cup in car, both clinics and home!Thanks Mick at O Organic for his winning barista smile.

By |January 6th, 2010|Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments
How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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