
DHEA also Reduces Miscarriage Rates – Especially in Older Women

The Centre for Human Reproduction and a leading Toronto Fertility Centre has reported preliminary clinical data that suggests DHEA reduces miscarriage rates in older women with diminished ovarian reserve. DHEA supplementation may reduce the number of chromosomally abnormal embryos (aneuploidy) due to the following factors:In a small number of women who underwent preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) after being treated with DHEA, researchers found lower aneuploidy rates than in women without DHEA supplementation. Unfortunately, women in need of DHEA usually have small embryo numbers and, therefore, only rarely qualify for PGD. There is a lower miscarriage rate in DHEA pregnancies. Since miscarriages, especially in older women, are mostly due to chromosomal abnormalities, this observation, too, suggested the possibility that DHEA may reduce aneuploidy rates. Since the combined data sets between CHR and the Toronto center involve an adequate patient sample, they are now confident to state that DHEA supplementation significantly decreases the miscarriage rate in women with diminished ovarian reserve.While a reduction in miscarriage rates is seen in women of all ages, the reduction is smaller in women below age 35 than in women above age 35 years, where the reduction often exceeds 50 percent. This, of course, should not be surprising as miscarriages are known to increase with advancing female age. Most of these miscarriages are, however, due to aneuploidy and this observation brings us back to this exciting evidence on the decrease in miscarriage rates after DHEA supplementation especially in […]

DHEA May Optimise Fertility in Combination with IVF

DHEA is a natural steroid hormone produced from cholesterol by the adrenal glands, and in the body it is converted into testosterone and estrogen. The most abundant of all steroid hormones in humans, DHEA declines as we age. The concept in regards to fertility is that androgens may augment FSH-receptor expression and stimulate granulosa cell proliferation. This could potentially increase oocyte yield, by increasing the number of follicles responding to exogenous FSH administration and by improving the quality and pregnancy potential of the retrieved oocytes.
“Apparently the maximum effect of DHEA kicks in only after about four months,” says leading fertility researcher Dr Norman Gleicher. It’s also important to note that Gleicher thinks that DHEA can only boost egg production when used in combination with prescribed fertility drugs. “In a natural cycle, it doesn’t matter how many eggs a woman produces. In the end her body will release usually only one,” he explains. “When you are on fertility drugs we make the body release more eggs. And so in order to get the full benefit of DHEA, it is very likely that it will have to be taken in combination with fertility drugs so that the woman does release more than just one egg.”
Dr Gleicher has begun to conduct a larger controlled, double-blind study that might offer more concrete proof that DHEA can increase egg yield in older women. The results are due out in March 2010 but in the meantime, read below for his initial research literature results.
For optimal fertility health, it is vital to look at the health of your adrenal glands and support them using natural therapies. Stress has a huge impact on our adrenal glands, as they are activated […]

DHEA May Optimise Fertility in Combination with IVF

DHEA is a natural steroid hormone produced from cholesterol by the adrenal glands, and in the body it is converted into testosterone and estrogen. The most abundant of all steroid hormones in humans, DHEA declines as we age. The concept in regards to fertility is that androgens may augment FSH-receptor expression and stimulate granulosa cell proliferation. This could potentially increase oocyte yield, by increasing the number of follicles responding to exogenous FSH administration and by improving the quality and pregnancy potential of the retrieved oocytes. “Apparently the maximum effect of DHEA kicks in only after about four months,” says leading fertility researcher Dr Norman Gleicher. It’s also important to note that Gleicher thinks that DHEA can only boost egg production when used in combination with prescribed fertility drugs. “In a natural cycle, it doesn’t matter how many eggs a woman produces. In the end her body will release usually only one,” he explains. “When you are on fertility drugs we make the body release more eggs. And so in order to get the full benefit of DHEA, it is very likely that it will have to be taken in combination with fertility drugs so that the woman does release more than just one egg.”Dr Gleicher has begun to conduct a larger controlled, double-blind study that might offer more concrete proof that DHEA can increase egg yield in older women. The results are due out in March 2010 but in the meantime, read below for his initial research literature results. For optimal fertility health, it is vital to look at the health of your adrenal glands and support them using natural therapies. Stress has a huge impact on our adrenal glands, as they are activated […]

A Possible Hidden Reason of Miscarriage for Women with PCOS

You’re probably aware that women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome have difficulty ovulating and becoming pregnant. It’s also well known that they have a much higher rate of miscarriage than other women.There are various ideas as to the cause of the miscarriages. Researchers at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona in Spain have discovered evidence that your immune system may be involved in reducing the quality of your endometrium. The endometrium is the blood-rich mucus membrane lining the uterus (which is usually shed as your period). The embryo implants into this lining and takes early nourishment from it.They discovered that infertile PCOS women had increased levels of “anti-endometrial antibodies” or AEA. AEA is a protein that signals your immune system to attack endometrial tissue, thus compromising your ability to have a successful pregnancy.The elevated AEA appears to be caused in part by “oxidant stress”, also known as “free radicals”. Oxidant stress is a biochemical process that has gone haywire and creates enormous damage in your body. Two prime causes of oxidant stress are eating a poor diet and exposure to chemicals and pollution. The best way to reduce oxidant stress is to consume a diet that is high in antioxidants and to avoid pollution. You can also find antioxidants in a high quality multi-vitamin/mineral formula or antioxidant formula.Bottom Line: A healthy diet, high in antioxidants, plays a vital role in any successful pregnancy — and should be started BEFORE you try to conceive. Many naturopathic treatments are available to support your immune system and reduce the risk of miscarriage.ReferencePalacio JR, et al, The presence of antibodies to oxidative modified proteins in serum from polycystic ovary syndrome patients, Clin Exp Immunol. 2006 May;144(2):217-22

Relaxation Can Enhance Your Baby’s Development

Research shows that relaxation during pregnancy makes a significant and positive difference in preterm labour outcomes. The benefits of HypnoBirthing are incredible and facilitate deep relaxation. The study below demonstrates that progressive relaxation (where you tense a muscle and then relax it, moving through the whole body from top to toe) results in a longer gestation and larger newborns. In the last month of pregnancy, the baby undergoes a rapid increase in neuronal growth which is incredibly important to his/her future development. If you are suffering anxiety or are unsure about how you can adapt relaxation techniques to suit you then read more about HypnoBirthing and give Emma a call. The effect of relaxation therapy on preterm labour outcomes.Janke J.University of Alaska Anchorage, 99508, USA.OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of relaxation on preterm labour outcome. DESIGN: Quasi-experimental, with women who experienced preterm labour randomly assigned to a control or experimental group. The experimental group was to do a daily relaxation exercise. A third group was added to the study: women who were originally assigned to the relaxation group but were unable to adhere to the daily practice. Final data were analysed for three groups: control (n = 40), experimental (n = 44), and nonadherent (n = 23) participants. SETTING: Women were referred to the study from physician offices and a hospital-based obstetric triage clinic in the Northwest. PARTICIPANTS: Total sample was comprised of 107 women with singleton gestations, documented contractions with cervical change, and intact membranes. INTERVENTIONS: The experimental group was instructed in a progressive relaxation exercise. The participants were given tapes of the exercise and instructed to do it daily. OUTCOME MEASURES: Study outcomes included gestational age at birth, rate of pregnancy prolongation, […]

Launching My Beautiful Rejuvenation Tea

Thank you to all the beautiful people that came to my tea launch today – we had the most exquisite muffins and cakes and all in the name of Cancer Research. We raised a very generous amount of money and had a fantastic time chatting over a cup of Rejuvenation Tea. My tea is now available to purchase from Balmain Sports Physiotherapy so pop in and pick up your gorgeous pot.Rejuvenation TeaI have been drinking Rejuvenation Tea for five years now and I still love the way it makes me feel relaxed and serene. Rejuvenation Tea began as something that I blended for myself and drank during consultations with my patients. Curiosity meant that many people would ask me for a taste and then, without fail, they would ask me where they could buy it. So, I began to craft this wonderful blend to enable people to enjoy its many benefits. I always pop an Inspiration Card in each tisane and it has become a signature of mine that people love.Now, I want to share with you this wonderfully therapeutic tisane – it is blended from exquisite organic herbs that are grown in the mountains of Tasmania. I have travelled to this farm, Highland Herbs, and felt a very spiritual presence while I toiled the fields. The energetic value of these herbs is phenomenal and will soothe your soul while your body unwinds. Rejuvenation Tea is suitable for everyone – whether you are pregnant, undergoing IVF, suffer from high blood pressure or simply need to unwind and destress.Enjoy a relaxing cup in winter as you arrive home from your long day or sip on iced Rejuvenation Tea in summer. When you brew your tisane, […]

An Autumn Birth for a Long Life!

The season into which a baby is born may influence the development of later disease and ultimately lifespan. A recent New Zealand study has attempted to explain this phenomenon with an investigation into the influence of the seasons on nutrient intake in pregnancy. A group of 214 women were followed throughout pregnancy and their diet weighed and recorded at four and seven month’s gestation. Nutrient intake was calculated and analysed according to the season. The data was discussed with relevance to the previously reported associations between the season of birth and risk of specific disease. Babies delivered in winter were born when maternal folate and calcium levels were low. Winter babies have been shown to have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia. The authors postulate that low folate in the critical last month of brain development may account for this association. The reported increased risk of multiple sclerosis in children born in spring may be associated with the low summer intake of vitamin C, selenium and zinc correlating with early development of the infant’s nervous system. Interestingly, autumn births have been associated with longevity in a number of studies. In this study, autumn born babies were exposed to a rich intake of antioxidants throughout the crucial embryonic and early fetal period. It has been proposed that this is a critical period for free radical insults which may affect lifespan potential. Overall, it was found that intakes of many nutrients are highest in spring and lowest in summer. This insightful study brings the role of diet in pregnancy into a new light. Variations in nutrient supply during critical periods of development may have a substantial impact on the child’s later life. The role of folate […]

Infant formula: How to choose it & use it

Infants need breast milk or formula
Information about contaminants in formula and water can be scary, but remember that infants less than 1 year old should not be fed straight cow milk, and other drinks might not meet their complex nutritional needs. Breast milk and appropriate formula are the best foods for infants.
Choose powdered
A toxic chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA) can leach from the lining of metal cans and lids. Liquid formulas have higher levels, so powdered is a better bet.

Use soy formula only if medically necessary
The American Association of Pediatricians recommends that soy formula use be limited to infants who need it for medical reasons. There are longstanding concerns that natural plant estrogens in soy formula may affect the developing baby’s body. There is not enough research to make a solid conclusion, but in the meantime I recommend you limit soy formula use

Use filtered water
Both bottled and tap water can contain contaminants that are toxic for babies whose sole or main source of food is formula. Examples are fluoride and lead. If you have fluoride or lead in your water, use a reverse osmosis filter.
Avoid bottled water including ‘infant’ water – because contaminants are not known.

Choose glass or BPA-free plastic bottles.
Plastic bottles can leach a toxic chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA) into formula. Most companies sell non-BPA plastic. Look for details on packaging or from the manufacturer.
Always avoid

Unfiltered water when reconstituting formula.
Ready-to-eat liquid formulas in metal cans.
Old or used plastic baby bottles; they are more likely to contain and leach BP

Remember that the World Health Organisation recommends breast feeding until 12 months as this is ultimately the best food for your baby.

Infant formula: How to choose it&use it

Infants need breast milk or formulaInformation about contaminants in formula and water can be scary, but remember that infants less than 1 year old should not be fed straight cow milk, and other drinks might not meet their complex nutritional needs. Breast milk and appropriate formula are the best foods for infants.Choose powderedA toxic chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA) can leach from the lining of metal cans and lids. Liquid formulas have higher levels, so powdered is a better bet. Use soy formula only if medically necessaryThe American Association of Pediatricians recommends that soy formula use be limited to infants who need it for medical reasons. There are longstanding concerns that natural plant estrogens in soy formula may affect the developing baby’s body. There is not enough research to make a solid conclusion, but in the meantime I recommend you limit soy formula use Use filtered waterBoth bottled and tap water can contain contaminants that are toxic for babies whose sole or main source of food is formula. Examples are fluoride and lead. If you have fluoride or lead in your water, use a reverse osmosis filter. Avoid bottled water including ‘infant’ water – because contaminants are not known. Choose glass or BPA-free plastic bottles. Plastic bottles can leach a toxic chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA) into formula. Most companies sell non-BPA plastic. Look for details on packaging or from the manufacturer.Always avoidUnfiltered water when reconstituting formula.Ready-to-eat liquid formulas in metal cans.Old or used plastic baby bottles; they are more likely to contain and leach BPRemember that the World Health Organisation recommends breast feeding until 12 months as this is ultimately the best food for your baby.

Women: Sentinals of Imbalance

“A woman’s health is the barometer of her environment. It is moulded and shaped according to her evolution in the womb and the social, cultural and ecological environment of her childhood. It is created out of her relationships, her joys and traumas. It is grounded in the quality of her nutrition and the purity of the air and water around her.”What incredibly powerful words and I want to thank the talented Samantha Bulloch for bringing it to my attention at her fantastic seminar, Milestones in Reproductive Health. I often say to the mums that come in to see me, “Happy mum means happy family. You are at the pivotal centre of your family – emotionally, spiritually and physically”. It is absolutely vital that women practice self care and take the time they deserve to nourish themselves so that they can then nourish those around them. So, I want you to do one thing for yourself today. Whether that is booking a massage, having an Epsom salt bath with lavender essential oil or dancing to your favourite song! Whatever it may be that connects you to yourself, do it. If you can’t think of anything then sit quietly and remember what brought you joy as a child. This will give you the insight you need to tap in to your creative side and begin yourself care.Hyman MA. The Life Cycles of Women: restoring balance. Altern Ther Health Med.2007 May-Jun; 13(3):10-4, 16.

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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