Key Message: Pyrrole disorder is quite common however some doctors don’t know it exists
Action Point: Look for common symptoms and seek treatment before it affects your child’s learning and behaviour
Pyrrole disorder is a genetic blood disorder that results in a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6. It is caused by the overproduction of hydroxyhempyrolin (HPL). The HPL binds zinc and B6 preventing their use by the body and causing excretion in the urine and hair.
Up to 10 percent of children have pyrrole, yet some doctors don’t know it exists. Apparently this number is even higher among those with behavioural disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression. That means in a typical class of 25 to 30 kids, two or three have it and won’t be learning or behaving well.
Common symptoms include:
an inability to cope with stressors
emotional mood swings
extreme sensitivity to light and sound.
Pyrrole disorder can also cause learning difficulties and auditory processing disorders – the inability to single out the sound you should be listening to. All of these are reasons why this condition is often only diagnosed after a child has a difficult time adjusting to a preschool or kindergarten classroom.
Fortunately, there are signs of pyrrole disorder you can spot before your child has problems in the classroom.
Physical symptoms include:
white spots on the fingernails
pale skin that burns easily
overcrowded teeth
cold hands and feet – even in summer
motion sickness
joint pain
irritable bowel syndrome
Emotional symptoms include anxiety, a low tolerance for stress, mood swings, depression, and hyperactivity.
The symptoms of pyrrole can be exacerbated by stress and a poor diet. However once it has been identified, it can be easily treated with zinc and B6 supplements
Most children see rapid improvement once they start treatment, although they […]