Community Cleanse

Missing Your Mojo? Welcome it back with Studio You Cleanse!

“This is not a diet, it is a way of life! Show me the way!”

“While the meal plans and recipes alone were absolute gold, the community support was priceless. It is SO much easier to make a huge shift when you have a community that is doing the journey with you.”


With over 180,000 Australians currently battling symptoms of chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, millions more suffering constant tiredness, not to mention Australians leading the obesity charge, lacking mojo is a modern-day issue with far-reaching consequences.

What to do? Simple! A life of joyful abundance, mental fitness, clearer skin, less bloating, weight loss, improved concentration and digestion, better quality sleep, and best of all, a kicking mojo are all the deliverables of my Studio You Cleanse – a four week, life changing, online program.

To find all of this in just one month sounds like a big call, but my promise is this cleanse is backed by real results. With over 14 years of clinical experience with my own clients, and hundreds of happy ‘Cleanse’ participants to date, the proof is there.

The digitally delivered course includes regular live Q&A sessions so participants have all their burning questions answered. Menu plans, shopping lists and dozens of quick, delicious, wholesome recipes make your cleanse as simple and effective as possible.

There are 2 different levels to choose your cleansing capacity from;

MOTIVATE YOUR MOJO – A great introduction to re-installing your long lost Mojo (perfect for pregnant Mummas too!)
MAXIMISE YOUR MOJO – Boost your cleansing and Fast Track your results with bonus exercise videos and 3 practitioner only supplements that support liver detoxifications and optimise gut health.

You’ll have full online access to me and an enthusiastic community of supportive, engaged and inspiring fellow Cleansers 24/7. […]

Is inflammation causing your symptoms?

Key Message: Your body can control the inflammatory response triggered by exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Action Point: Reduce any excess inflammation and include some healthy anti-inflammatory foods in your diet such as turmeric, fatty fish such as salmon and nuts like almonds and walnuts

According to researchers at Georgia State University, your body can control inflammatory responses produced by microbial pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. This is very interesting as the findings could lеаd tо the development of nеw ways to treat uncontrolled inflammation.

Thе study describes hоw mуеlоіd differentiation factor (MyD88), a рrоtеіn thаt рlауѕ a mаjоr role in mеdіаtіng hоѕt dеfеnѕе response against invading pathogens, іѕ tightly regulated tо рrеvеnt unсоntrоllеd inflammation.

For the first time it was found that a protein called CYLD, рlауѕ a crucial rоlе іn соntrоllіng the pathogen-induced іnflаmmаtоrу rеѕроnѕе by tаrgеtіng another protein called MyD88.

“CYLD acts as a “brаkе pedal” durіng thе bоdу’ѕ inflammatory rеѕроnѕе to раthоgеnѕ. It turns оff host dеfеnѕе rеѕроnѕеs аnd рrеvеntѕ оvеrасtіvе іnflаmmаtіоn” said Dr. Jіаn-Dоng Lі, dіrесtоr of the Institute fоr Bіоmеdісаl Sсіеnсеѕ аt Gеоrgіа Stаtе аnd a Georgia Rеѕеаrсh Alliance Emіnеnt Sсhоlаr іn Inflаmmаtіоn аnd Immunіtу.

Although an appropriate level of inflammatory response is crucial for combating mісrоbіаl pathogens, it is important that it be regulated as еxсеѕѕіvе оr unсоntrоllеd inflammation lеаdѕ to detrimental tіѕѕuе dаmаgе and a vаrіеtу оf diseases ѕuсh as ѕерtіс ѕhосk, asthma, саnсеr, сhrоnіс obstructive рulmоnаrу dіѕеаѕе аnd еаr іnfесtіоnѕ.

Steroids have been effective at suppressing inflammation, however they are not recommended for long term use as they can cause serious side effects. This study is significant because there is an urgent need to develop new and innovative anti-inflammatory ways to fight inflammation, and these findings could offer an alternative.

Understanding how […]

Got Milk? The Dairy Debate

Are you a firm believer in the benefits of milk? Do you believe it is integral to healthy bones, and a healthy life? There have been campaigns promoting milk since the 1940s, so why wouldn’t you believe milk is necessary for a healthy diet. However, you may want to consider this – just because something is accepted as the norm, does not necessary mean it shouldn’t be questioned.
I am a firm believer that dairy is bad for us. I understand that this is still a controversial stance to take, so I wanted to share with you some peer reviewed studies that explores the possibility that dairy consumption could in fact be more harmful than good.
Healthy Bones
The high calcium found in dairy is its most noted nutritional ‘quality’. We know calcium to be important in maintaining healthy bones. Which is true, however, numerous clinical studies question our ability to absorb the calcium from milk, making the high levels of calcium irrelevant to humans. A study published in the Paediatrics journal in 2005 found that milk consumption does not improve the bone health of children, while another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involving 72,000 women and conducted over 18 years found that milk had no protective effect on bone fracture risk.
On the other hand, adequate calcium intake from plant based foods such as leafy green vegetables and beans has been proven to decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise is another way of maintaining healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Cancer Risk 
Dairy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of some cancers. Most notably it has been linked to breast, prostate and ovarian cancers. A Swedish study found that consumption of […]

The Skinny on Brown Fat

With all the negative press surrounding fat it’s hard to believe that certain fat can help us lose weight, but it’s true! Did you know there are a number of different types of fat, each of them conducting different roles in our bodies?
Some of these fats are not our friend and you need to limit them (i.e. the fat that causes obesity known as white fat). But some fat is on your side and can contribute to helping you maintain a healthy weight, regulating blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.
The good fat is known as brown fat or Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT). Brown fat is different to white fat in that it has the ability to burn, rather than store, energy. It does this by directing energy to generate heat. It burns energy to keep us warm, resulting in an increase in our metabolic rate, which ultimately helps to shed the kilos.
While it was originally thought brown fat was only present at birth, studies have found that brown fat in humans’ remains metabolically active throughout child and adulthood. Interestingly it is switched on, in response to exposure to cold conditions. Brown fat is activated as soon as temperatures fall below 27-31 degrees. However, the function of brown fat is impaired by factors including obesity, aging and diabetes.
Because of the link between active brown fat and weight loss, it is unsurprising that it’s a huge focus as a possible solution to the obesity epidemic. However, so far the safety of a pharmacological drug to increase brown fat is yet to be confirmed.
During Community Cleanse we focus on fat loss and I use specialised technology to assess body composition. That way we can target fat […]

Is Your Tupperware Container Giving You Hell?

After attending a recent seminar on Female Hormonal Disorders I delved into the current research into plastics and the chemicals found in them.  The World Health Organizations calls them endocrine-disrupting chemicals and in 2012 stated “disease risk from EDC’s may be significantly underestimated.” There are more than 800 chemicals that disrupt hormone function and the vast majority have never been tested.

These chemicals are most dangerous during developmental periods: conception, pregnancy, early childhood, puberty, and menopause.
They are associated with cancers, behavioral and developmental issues, early puberty and fertility problems.

An EDC is a chemical found outside the body that mimics or alters the endocrine (hormone) system and causes health problems in a person, their offspring and even future generations. Endocrine disrupters exert their effect at levels far below what is considered to be harmful. It is the timing and duration of exposure and not the dose that determines what impact these chemicals have on the body. Often, these health problems don’t become apparent until years down the track.
A 2012 report release by the World Health Organisation1 says many endocrine-related diseases and disorders are on the rise across the world, including low sperm count in men, the incidence of genital malformation such as non-descending testes in baby boys, adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight and pre-term bubs, behavioral disorders associated with thyroid malfunction, endocrine-related cancers (breast, endometrial, ovarian, prostate, testicular and thyroid), obesity and type 2 diabetes.
EDCs were discussed at the International Congress of Andrology held in Melbourne in 2013 and in particular the link between these chemicals and the negative impact on male fertility and testicular cancer. 
In the last 12 months the amount of research papers published on this topic has doubled! A recent […]

Leptin – the Missing link for Weight Loss and Mojo

Let me tell you, leptin kills Mojo and is a huge factor in resistant weight loss! I am seeing more and more leptin resistance in clinic and its something that I have researched extensively. Let me give you the low down on this hormone.
Leptin is a hormone made by our fat cells. Once leptin is released from fat stores it enters the blood and travels to the brain, telling the hypothalamus how much fuel you have on hand. Your brain then determines how fast to run your metabolism, based on how much leptin is produced. Your brain relies on leptin to determine not only your state of overall nutritional and fuel reserves but also how fast or slow to run your metabolism.
If your leptin levels are low, it means eat more. When you’ve eaten enough, leptin levels rise, your brain registers your fuel reserves are full which triggers a satiety signal. We then burn calories at a normal rate. When leptin levels are low your brain thinks there is a famine and your body enters fat storage mode and it slows down your metabolism, increases food cravings and causes feelings of lethargy. Your body doesn’t understand that there is actually food available!
Many people make too much leptin in their fat cells, as they simply have too many fat cells. This should tell your brain to burn more fat for energy. But too much leptin causes a traffic jam and blocks the leptin receptors, resulting in leptin resistance. Basically your brain isn’t getting the leptin message and you remain in fat storage mode. This will affect your metabolism and disrupt thyroid function. The main cause of leptin resistance is inflammation – whether that is due to […]

Need an instant Cleanse Friendly Snack? I have one for you!

I have a very exciting announcement for you! I have teamed up with the very clever and dynamic Bite Smart, the Guru’s of Healthy Snacks, to bring you a Community Cleanse friendly snack! I always hear during Cleanse that members want easy snack ideas.
Something for after the gym, on the way to work, when picking up the kids from school or simply to have in their bag. Well look no further than this stunning blend of organic coconut flakes, organic Inca berries, cinnamon spiced cashews and pumpkin seeds!
Learn a bit more why these four make up a powerful Cleansing combo:

Organic coconut – a great source of iron and fibre to keep both your muscles and gut happy.

Organic Inca berries – sweet, tart and tangy all at once Inca berries are a taste sensation. Inca berries are 19% fibre, which makes you feel full for longer, and also provides a fuel source for healthy gut bacteria. Inca berries score higher in their antioxidant capacity than Goji berries, broccoli and green tea.

Cinnamon spiced cashews – cashews are rich in Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, as well as magnesium. Combined they are a skin beautifying duo indeed! The addition of cinnamon helps to stabilise your blood sugar levels and prevent insulin spikes.

Pumpkin seeds – just 25g of pumpkin seeds can provide almost 18% of your RDI for iron which is perfect for Cleanse when we are avoiding red meat.  Pumpkin seeds are a fantastic source of zinc and even the World Health Organisation recommend eating them to get your zinc fix. Preliminary studies are showing promise for pumpkin seeds in helping to regulate insulin levels, another bonus for Cleanse time!

So head over to and order your Cleanse […]

Elixir of the Gods

Kombucha – you might be wondering what this latest fad is all about. In 2011 sales of bottled kombucha in America doubled to almost $90 million. This fizzy, nutritious drink is actually not a new discovery, but only recently has it become one of the hottest trends in health beverages. During my last Community Cleanse, I ran a Kombucha Tea workshop with Shakti from The Holistic Chef. She is the all time guru at fermented foods and I have been having kombucha ever since.

Kombucha is made from black, white, or green tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) which is then fermented. The bacteria and yeast that grow on top of the drink form a mushroom-like appearance. Simply said, it is fermented tea.

Kombucha is an acquired taste – fizzy, tart-like with a sour smell similar to vinegar. Some people add juice to the base brew to make it more palatable. Don’t be surprised, though, if you find some things floating in your drink as those are bits of bacteria that make kombucha great for your health.

Apart from probiotics, healthy bacteria that improve gut function, kombucha also contains good amounts of B vitamins and antioxidants. Health benefits of kombucha are primarily based on its probiotic content of good bacteria. Studies show that probiotics found in yogurt, fermented milk and other fermented foods improve gut health, strengthen the immune system, synthesize and enhance easier absorption of nutrients, reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance, decrease the prevalence of allergy in high risk individuals and reduce the risk of some cancers. Kombucha has gained popularity for its ability to boost digestive health and relieve bloating, constipation and other gut issues.

Another study shows drinking kombucha tea not […]

Why You Need to Avoid Gluten

I have long been advising my clients to adopt a gluten free diet and it is an integral part of my Community Cleanse program. With the recent media attention on the “gluten free fad”  I thought I would write a blog based on science.
Recent studies on the gastrointestinal tract have shown that it has far more important functions than simply digesting and absorbing nutrients. Its role in regulating the permeability of molecules between the human body and its environment, actually controls your immune system1.
The small intestine is protected by a barrier that keeps toxins and nasty bacteria/parasites out of body. Billions of cells stick closely together to form this protective barrier. Dr. Fasano has discovered that the permeability of this barrier is regulated by a protein called zonulin. Zonulin is unique to humans and instrumental in the development of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes & celiac disease.
Researchers have found that a high concentration of zonulin leads to a “leaky gut”, something that I treat every day in clinic. Getting purified zonulin from humans, they tested it on intestinal tissue of animals and found that zonulin caused increased permeability of the intestinal protective barrier. Insulin made it through the gut wall when it was given orally – and it shouldn’t!
Another study found increased levels of zonulin in 70% of patients with type 1 diabetes which suggests that alterations in gut permeability may be a precursor to the onset of type 1 diabetes2,3. High levels of zonulin and zonulin antibodies were also found in people with celiac disease. The BIG news, is that after they followed a gluten-free diet, antibody levels went back to normal3.
Scientists theorized that gluten promotes the release of zonulin which, in turn, creates bigger spaces in the gut wall. This allows larger molecules including gluten and other […]

Community Cleanse Complete!

Another stupendously amazing CC and each one just makes me so happy. My mission in life is to help women get their Mojo back and boy, does that happen on CC! Let me share with you a couple of the winning testimonials:

“I started this cleanse as a skeptic with some pretty big goals. I really didn’t think that I would get anywhere near achieving them. However I was quick to see results, dropping 3.5kgs in the first week! After about the first 10 days my skin was clearer, I was sleeping like a baby and bouncing out of bed in the morning (and I have never bounced out if bed!). My energy levels skyrocketed and I was able to really make my gym work outs count! Half way through friends and work colleagues were commenting on how good I was looking.
My trainer even pulled me aside and said he’d noticed the difference in how I was looking! I was fitting into clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in 10 years! At the end of the month I’d dropped 6.1kgs. All my goals had been smashed and best of all I’d formed some new habits that will benefit me into the future. I would say to anyone who was even a bit skeptical of this cleanse to just give it a go. It’s not as hard as it sounds and it delivers results! I’m a believer now and will be back for the next one!”
“Being a mother of an over active toddler (2.5 years old) and an 11 month old, I felt as though I had spent the last 3 years chasing my tail to get my body back, as well as my […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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