Missing Your Mojo? Welcome it back with Studio You Cleanse!

“This is not a diet, it is a way of life! Show me the way!”

“While the meal plans and recipes alone were absolute gold, the community support was priceless. It is SO much easier to make a huge shift when you have a community that is doing the journey with you.”


With over 180,000 Australians currently battling symptoms of chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, millions more suffering constant tiredness, not to mention Australians leading the obesity charge, lacking mojo is a modern-day issue with far-reaching consequences.

What to do? Simple! A life of joyful abundance, mental fitness, clearer skin, less bloating, weight loss, improved concentration and digestion, better quality sleep, and best of all, a kicking mojo are all the deliverables of my Studio You Cleanse – a four week, life changing, online program.

To find all of this in just one month sounds like a big call, but my promise is this cleanse is backed by real results. With over 14 years of clinical experience with my own clients, and hundreds of happy ‘Cleanse’ participants to date, the proof is there.

The digitally delivered course includes regular live Q&A sessions so participants have all their burning questions answered. Menu plans, shopping lists and dozens of quick, delicious, wholesome recipes make your cleanse as simple and effective as possible.

There are 2 different levels to choose your cleansing capacity from;

MOTIVATE YOUR MOJO – A great introduction to re-installing your long lost Mojo (perfect for pregnant Mummas too!)
MAXIMISE YOUR MOJO – Boost your cleansing and Fast Track your results with bonus exercise videos and 3 practitioner only supplements that support liver detoxifications and optimise gut health.

You’ll have full online access to me and an enthusiastic community of supportive, engaged and inspiring fellow Cleansers 24/7. […]

What Juicer Should You Buy, And Why

I was recently contacted by Vitality 4 Life, asking me to test run a juicer, and provide some feedback. Over the last 15 years I have always had one kind of juicer, or another. I often make up a juice combo to address an ailment, as the power of food as medicine is incredible. Mother Nature has a medicine chest full of therapeutic nutrients!

A three day juice revamp is the absolute perfect way to flood your body with energy boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
What Juicer Should I Buy?
This is a great question! Juicers generally fall under two categories – centrifugal or cold pressed. I used a centrifugal the first few years of juicing then I upgraded to a cold pressed, an investment that has paid for itself many times over.

The differences are:


Most common type of juicer for domestic use
Uses a high-speed metal blade and spins the pulp and juice against a mesh filter
The fast spinning blade creates heat, which reduces the enzyme and nutrient content of the juice
Are less expensive

Recommended brand – Breville Juice Fountain as you don’t need to cut up the produce RRP $199

Cold Pressed:

They crush, squeeze and then press the produce
Have a higher yield
Don’t generate much heat at all
Are much quieter machines
Are an investment, but last 10 years
Retain far more nutritional content
Can make nut milks

Recommended brand – BioChef Atlas Whole Slow Juicer RRP $399

What I loved about the BioChef

It is the only slow juicer on the market with a wide juicing chute so you don’t have to cut up everything into small pieces. This makes it far more likely I will actually juice as it doesn’t seem like a big process of cutting all the produce into small pieces.
You can fit […]

Vitamin C Rich Winter Pesto

Last week both Sophia and I went down hard with a shocking cold. I was so congested that I was literally a ball of mucous! Sophia bounced back in three days while I soldiered on for six. To go back to my roots of Food as Medicine I made this delicious pesto, brimming with Vitamin C.
Did you know that Vitamin C helps to increase our white blood cell activity?
Our vegetable garden was overflowing with parlsey, which gram for gram, is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. Add this pesto to the top of a slow cooked beef casserole, mix a teaspoon into your cup of bone broth or simply have with eggs for a tasty breakfast.
2 bunches parsley
3 cloves garlic
50gr pine nuts
1/2cup EVOO
Juice and zest of 1 large lemon
Dry roast pine nuts and put aside. Add parsley, garlic, lemon juice and zest, then pine nuts to a high-powered blender. Pour EVOO over the top. Blend until well mixed and a paste like consistency. Store in an airtight glass jar then cover in a fine layer of EVOO to avoid mould developing.

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Emma’s Book Booster: For the dieters & cleansers

Toxin Toxout
Written by the same two incredible researchers who wrote “Slow Death by a Rubber Duck”, this book focuses on how to get harmful chemicals out of your body and life. Using themselves as guinea pigs, they get in depth in their experiments and then provide steps you can take to reduce your body burden.

I loved the section on which detox methods actually work!

Fat Resistance Diet
Research shows that losing weight is not about counting calories in and calories out, it’s far more complicated than that. Leptin resistance is becoming more and more common in my clinic and this book delves into the research behind it. Leptin controls your metabolic rate; it is a natural fat loss hormone. But, just like insulin resistance, many people become leptin-resistant, putting them in a fat storage mode. There is a fat resistance diet that is interesting but it’s the research that I loved.

The Leptin Diet
I have done so much research on leptin resistance and how to treat it. Leptin controls appetite, energy and metabolic rate and communicates directly to your brain, telling us how much fat is in storage. This book highlights 5 easy lifestyle guidelines to help balance leptin.  A great and easy read that is a perfect start if you are struggling with weight loss.

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Need an instant Cleanse Friendly Snack? I have one for you!

I have a very exciting announcement for you! I have teamed up with the very clever and dynamic Bite Smart, the Guru’s of Healthy Snacks, to bring you a Community Cleanse friendly snack! I always hear during Cleanse that members want easy snack ideas.
Something for after the gym, on the way to work, when picking up the kids from school or simply to have in their bag. Well look no further than this stunning blend of organic coconut flakes, organic Inca berries, cinnamon spiced cashews and pumpkin seeds!
Learn a bit more why these four make up a powerful Cleansing combo:

Organic coconut – a great source of iron and fibre to keep both your muscles and gut happy.

Organic Inca berries – sweet, tart and tangy all at once Inca berries are a taste sensation. Inca berries are 19% fibre, which makes you feel full for longer, and also provides a fuel source for healthy gut bacteria. Inca berries score higher in their antioxidant capacity than Goji berries, broccoli and green tea.

Cinnamon spiced cashews – cashews are rich in Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, as well as magnesium. Combined they are a skin beautifying duo indeed! The addition of cinnamon helps to stabilise your blood sugar levels and prevent insulin spikes.

Pumpkin seeds – just 25g of pumpkin seeds can provide almost 18% of your RDI for iron which is perfect for Cleanse when we are avoiding red meat.  Pumpkin seeds are a fantastic source of zinc and even the World Health Organisation recommend eating them to get your zinc fix. Preliminary studies are showing promise for pumpkin seeds in helping to regulate insulin levels, another bonus for Cleanse time!

So head over to and order your Cleanse […]

Elixir of the Gods

Kombucha – you might be wondering what this latest fad is all about. In 2011 sales of bottled kombucha in America doubled to almost $90 million. This fizzy, nutritious drink is actually not a new discovery, but only recently has it become one of the hottest trends in health beverages. During my last Community Cleanse, I ran a Kombucha Tea workshop with Shakti from The Holistic Chef. She is the all time guru at fermented foods and I have been having kombucha ever since.

Kombucha is made from black, white, or green tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) which is then fermented. The bacteria and yeast that grow on top of the drink form a mushroom-like appearance. Simply said, it is fermented tea.

Kombucha is an acquired taste – fizzy, tart-like with a sour smell similar to vinegar. Some people add juice to the base brew to make it more palatable. Don’t be surprised, though, if you find some things floating in your drink as those are bits of bacteria that make kombucha great for your health.

Apart from probiotics, healthy bacteria that improve gut function, kombucha also contains good amounts of B vitamins and antioxidants. Health benefits of kombucha are primarily based on its probiotic content of good bacteria. Studies show that probiotics found in yogurt, fermented milk and other fermented foods improve gut health, strengthen the immune system, synthesize and enhance easier absorption of nutrients, reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance, decrease the prevalence of allergy in high risk individuals and reduce the risk of some cancers. Kombucha has gained popularity for its ability to boost digestive health and relieve bloating, constipation and other gut issues.

Another study shows drinking kombucha tea not […]

Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?

Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may not be aware of toxins, but if you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! Chronic conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, may be associated with environmental toxins in your body.

The pearls of wisdom from expert speakers at The Detox Summit are essential to your health. Join us online for free from August 4-11.

This Detox Summit will provide you with the information you need to:

    Learn about environmental toxins in food, air and water
    Understand internally-generated toxins, like thoughts, emotions and behaviors
    Recognize toxins of all types and eliminate them
    Focus on breakthrough solutions to gain more energy and vitality

Navigate your way through today’s toxic terrain when you register for the free, online Detox Summit today:

“Detox” is a multi-faceted term that means many things to people, from drug and alcohol detoxification to nutritional detoxification, or cleanses using food, smoothies and juices. Deanna Minich, PhD, has selected 30 experts in various areas of medicine, nutrition and personal growth to offer a well-rounded, credible approach to the issues of environmental toxins and holistic health.

Here are a few of the incredible presenters:

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine
The Science of Nutritional Detoxification
Mark Hyman, MD, Functional Medicine Expert
Toxins and Chronic Disease: Why Detox is a Necessity for Good Health
Jeffrey Smith, Leading Spokesperson on GMOs
Genetically Modified Foods as Toxins in Everyday Eating
David Wolfe, Superfoods Guru
Foods to Enhance Vitality and Detox
Rainbeau Mars, Fitness Model and Actress
A Full Spectrum, Superstar Approach to Everyday Detox
With 30 presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for people everywhere!

Come listen to The Detox Summit ONLINE for FREE from August 4-11, and learn to survive your […]

Community Cleanse Complete!

Another stupendously amazing CC and each one just makes me so happy. My mission in life is to help women get their Mojo back and boy, does that happen on CC! Let me share with you a couple of the winning testimonials:

“I started this cleanse as a skeptic with some pretty big goals. I really didn’t think that I would get anywhere near achieving them. However I was quick to see results, dropping 3.5kgs in the first week! After about the first 10 days my skin was clearer, I was sleeping like a baby and bouncing out of bed in the morning (and I have never bounced out if bed!). My energy levels skyrocketed and I was able to really make my gym work outs count! Half way through friends and work colleagues were commenting on how good I was looking.
My trainer even pulled me aside and said he’d noticed the difference in how I was looking! I was fitting into clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in 10 years! At the end of the month I’d dropped 6.1kgs. All my goals had been smashed and best of all I’d formed some new habits that will benefit me into the future. I would say to anyone who was even a bit skeptical of this cleanse to just give it a go. It’s not as hard as it sounds and it delivers results! I’m a believer now and will be back for the next one!”
“Being a mother of an over active toddler (2.5 years old) and an 11 month old, I felt as though I had spent the last 3 years chasing my tail to get my body back, as well as my […]

Community Detox Rockstars Edition #5 – Louise Crowe

In the last of my series of interviews with Community Detox Rockstars, I chat to Louise Crowe about her journey. She not only lost 6kg but both her psoriasis and chronic back pain radically improved! Louise is incredibly inspiring, honest and one committed woman. I am so proud of her and simply can’t wait to see her back on board in June.

What was the biggest achievement you experienced on Community Detox?

Gosh where do I start?

My biggest personal achievement was actually sticking to the plan. I’ve tended to be somewhat feast or famine where my diet is concerned and any attempts at healthy living quickly saw me fall off the wagon and I’d inevitably just throw in the towel (wow that’s a lot of metaphors!). I viewed the Community Detox as the first step towards a long-term lifestyle change.

As for the biggest physical achievement, I lost over 6 kg during the program. I’m not a big woman by any stretch but in completing CD I came within 1 kg of my optimal fat levels. I had some tests (live blood analysis and bioimpedence tests) done at the beginning and end of CD and received an unequivocally positive result, with the phrase “you’ve got just about a perfect score card” making me extremely happy and proud of all my efforts.

My biggest health achievements were seeing my psoriasis improve radically as well as a massive reduction, if not cessation, of the chronic lower back pain I’ve had for the past 8 years (I spent almost two years unable to lift my infant children off the ground). I was diagnosed with sacroillitis and a bulging disk a few years back and have been treating it with daily anti-inflammatories and Pilates and restricting certain exercise […]

Community Detox Rockstars Edition #3 – Lee Sutherland

What was the biggest achievement you experienced on Community Detox?

The biggest achievement for me wasn’t anything that the scales told me (however dropping over 3% body fat in four weeks is pretty great!) what I loved was about putting the focus back on me, to nurture me. I work in the health industry (holistic PT, health coach, nutrition/herbal medicine at Fitness in the City) and it can be common to put all our focus into other people and forget the much important ‘self love’ we need to give our selves!!

How would you describe Community Detox to someone?

I would describe it a beautiful community cleanse where you eat real food, drop some bad habits for a few weeks all with the support of experts and other people who are also doing the cleanse. Watching other people kick goals or see pics of their delish healthy meals is enough to motivate anyone!!

Can you explain exactly how you achieved your amazing results? Do you feel there were any specific elements of Community Detox that really helped you?

To be honest the food component of the cleanse is very similar to how I currently eat anyway, so the only difference was cutting out red meat for 4 weeks (which was harder than I thought!!), no sneaky dark chocolates at night-time (tear) but the real game changer was Emma introducing me to Intermittent Fasting, something I have read a little about in the past but never have put it into practise. Emma made the info really easy for everyone to understand which I love and then we had two IF days a week which is where the real fat loss would have came from. It is something I will continue to […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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