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    Sweat it out, brush it, wrap it… 5 ways to help your body to detox

Sweat it out, brush it, wrap it… 5 ways to help your body to detox

After a hiatus of a few years, I have recently started going to Bikram yoga again. This is no ordinary yoga… Bikram yoga is done in a 38 degree room and it’s intense! You sweat, sweat and sweat some more. It’s touted as a powerful detoxifier, and I love how “clean” it makes me feel. But this form of yoga is not for everyone, so let’s explore some other (less extreme) ways to remove toxins from your body.
1. Yoga
Any form of yoga is a great start – it doesn’t have to be as extreme as Bikram for you to benefit. There are so many types of yoga to choose from – gentle Hatha, strong Ashtanga, and flowing Vinyasa are among the most popular. These types of yoga all help to increase circulation, improving the flow of blood to vital organs, while building strength and flexibility. Yoga also helps to calm your mind, and a recent study found it to have an antidepressant effect. And a happy, balanced mind will be less likely to crave caffeine, alcohol and “naughty” foods – perfect if you are trying to stick to a detox program!
2. Cardiovascular exercise
Running, swimming or even a brisk walk in the morning can set you up for the whole day. Cardiovascular exercise improves circulation to your hands and feet, fires up your digestion and is great for your lungs. Lungs are an organ of elimination (along with your bowel, liver, kidneys and skin), so exercise which gets you breathing and helps to increase your lung capacity will also help to improve the removal of toxins from your body.
3. Dry skin brushing
When used in long strokes starting at the hands and feet and brushing towards […]

The 3 Top Benefits of Dry Body Brushing

Ever wandered down that aisle at Priceline, stumbled upon the long handled, firm bristled brushes and thought to yourself; “Seriously, what are these used for?” You’re not alone. Up until recently, I was just like you. I couldn’t work out why anyone would want to clutter up their bathroom with a whopping great brush and even after hearing the words ‘dry-body brushing’ wasn’t convinced it was worth giving up those extra ten minutes of precious, precious sleep.
As it turns out, I was correct in my assumption that the brushes were indeed used for ‘dry body brushing’ but was completely incorrect is surmising that a session under the bristles wasn’t worth the time and effort. After reading up a little on the benefits, I decided to try it for myself (a huge sacrifice for someone who really, really likes her sleep) and I haven’t looked back. Here are the main reasons why I start my day the brushing way.

It stimulates circulation – I was paid a visit by the cellulite fairy during pregnancy and while the majority of the dimples have been banished, there’s a few stubborn patches remaining on my bottom. The key to improving the appearance of cellulite is blood flow and the best way to get the blood pumping? You guessed it, a firm brushing session. You’ll actually see the blood rushing to the surface during a brushing treatment, a great indication that you’re getting things moving.
It assists our bodies with detoxification – You’re probably already aware that the skin, like our kidneys and colon, is an organ of elimination. What you may not have known is that the skin is responsible for shifting up to 1/3 of the nasties present in […]

5 Easy Ways With Chia Seeds

It seems you can’t stroll down the aisles of your local supermarket these days without stumbling across a super food (which is great news, don’t get me wrong!) Chances are good you’ve had an encounter or two with chia seeds but haven’t had a clue what they are or why you should throw them in your trolley.
I’m here to tell you that chucking a packet of two into your basket might not be a bad idea. There are a million and one (slight exaggeration but close) ways to integrate the humble chia seed into your diet and reap the rewards that this little powerhouse has to offer.
So why should you get on the seed train? For starters, chia is packed full of nutrients. Super high in fibre, Omega 3, antioxidants, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamin C, this gluten free seed is also incredibly high in protein. It’s not often that plant based forms of protein are given the ‘complete protein’ tick (meaning they contain 8 essential amino acids for healthy growth and development) but chia manages it.
A tablespoon a day is the recommended daily intake, though you may find you need a little more or less in some recipes.
Keen to start getting your chia on? Try one of these easy ways to effortlessly include it in your life.
–       In a smoothie – Adding a tablespoon of chia to your smoothie will not only add all the aforementioned nutrients, it will also help thicken up the mixture, making it more thickshake than milkshake.
–       On your cereal – If you’re a fan of muesli or porridge in the mornings, add a spoonful to the mix before adding your milk. The taste is mild enough not to […]

A Beginners Guide To Gluten Free

When you embark on a detox program (like our Community Detox), it is likely that you will be told to avoid gluten. In fact, eating gluten free has become somewhat fashionable, with many people claiming to feel better when they avoid it. But what’s so bad about gluten anyway?
Gluten is a protein which is found in wheat, rye, barley, triticale, oats, and ancient wheat grains like spelt and kamut. This protein is difficult for some people to digest. In mild cases this can manifest as bloating or rumbling tummy, but in serious allergies it can cause immediate and intense symptoms.
What’s the difference between a gluten allergy and an intolerance?
With a food allergy, the body’s immune system gets involved and mistakenly identifies the food as being a foreign invader. The immune response can produce rashes, inflammation, digestive symptoms, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. With food allergies the symptoms usually begin soon after eating the food. Coeliac disease falls under the banner of food allergies.
Food intolerances often start out as milder symptoms which become more serious over time. These symptoms occur due to the inability of the body to properly digest the food. If left untreated, even a mild gluten intolerance can take its toll on the body, causing damage to the digestive system.
What symptoms have been linked with gluten allergy/intolerance?
Symptoms include:

eczema, hives, rashes and acne
reflux, bloating and heavy feeling in the stomach after eating
irritable bowel, gas, diarrhea, constipation
asthma, runny nose, blocked ears, sinus troubles
joint pain and stiffness
foggy brain, headaches and fatigue
depression and anxiety

Isn’t a gluten free diet just for coeliacs?
No! Just because you’re not coeliac doesn’t mean that it’s all smooth sailing. Gluten intolerance is different to coeliac disease, and won’t show up on a […]

Technology – help or hindrance?

On one side of this debate we have people screaming that technology has led to our uber sedentary lifestyles and that it is a prevalent reason for the current state of our youths’ health. According to obesity rates in children have tripled in the past 20 years and is believed to be due to high calorie consumption and limited activity/exercise. “Teens manipulate a joystick instead of a baseball bat. The television has become a constant companion, replacing outside play” (
It’s also been shown that children’s excessive use of video games and other sedentary activities are impacting on the sensory development of our youth. Putting on my speechie hat now, we have also seen a huge increase in the number of early intervention clients coming through the clinic as books are replaced with movies, play time replaced with apps and verbal interactions are fast being replaced with typed/visual interactions. But before we sharpen our pitchforks and declare an outright war on the Technology Industry, let’s have a look at the benefits it brings when utilised in a controlled environment.
I used to be on the ‘anti’ bandwagon. Thinking that my health was deteriorating because of the new fandango age I was growing up in and believing that the lure of sitting down at the computer with a cuppa, a muffin and a good facebook stalk was just too strong. Hold the phone…rather than focusing on technologies that may be detrimental to our health (ie. losing hours on facebook; sitting instead of moving etc). These are just SOME of the amazing ways that technology is revolutionizing the health and wellness community.
+ The blog world. Oh holy tolitoes. Healthy information, recipes, workouts and motivation are but a […]

Detoxing is More Than Just Weight Loss

Losing weight may be one of the main reasons why women embark on a detox program, but there are so many other benefits that you may not yet have realised. Detoxing affects every organ in the body – if not directly, then indirectly. Sure, weight loss is usually a most welcome outcome, but what other results will you discover? Here are a few examples of the benefits of a detox program:
Reduced bloating and improved digestion
Do you feel bloated and sluggish? Is your digestion all over the place, sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow? A good detox diet is full of fibre and healthy oils, which will help your digestive system get moving again. Most detox diets also eliminate potential food allergens like wheat and dairy. When you avoid these foods, your digestive system will find it easier to get back into a healthy rhythm.
Improved liver function
Do you skip breakfast because you’re not hungry in the mornings? Do you feel hungover after just one or two drinks? Does your body find it difficult to digest fatty foods? These are all signs of a liver that’s under the weather. Most people know that coffee, alcohol and prescription medications can all add extra strain on the liver, but did you know your liver function may also be affected by eating processed foods, being exposed to chemicals commonly used around the house, and long term emotional stress?
Skin problems
Detoxing can help a load of skin conditions, including acne, eczema and psoriasis. When the liver and bowel are not working at optimum levels, the skin picks up some of the slack when it comes to eliminating toxins, hence the breakouts. By sorting out the liver and bowels, you give the […]

By |May 25th, 2013|Detox|0 Comments

Detox Your Desk

When was the last time you did anything more than work at your desk? Seems like a strange question I’m sure but if you cast your mind back, can you actually remember the last time you re-organised all those bits of paper floating around?
What about sorting through that overflowing in-tray or even wiping down the keys you spend roughly eight hours a day tapping? If your desk is anything like mine, it’s in a pretty sorry state of affairs. Given that we spend such a large chunk of our week desk bound, it makes pretty good sense that we really should take stock and re-calibrate our workspace.
A quick desk detox is good for your mental and physical health. Here’s how to tune up and perhaps even improve your productivity, creativity and general wellbeing.

De-germ – See that keyboard your fingers were glued to mere seconds ago? It’s absolutely crawling with nasties. If you’ve got a few minutes, turn your keyboard upside down and give it a good bang. Once you’ve gotten over the horror at what’s lurking beneath, it’s time to clean up. With winter almost upon us, the germ situation is only going to get worse. A quick spritz with a natural, non-toxic spray is the best way to de-germ your space. For a homemade option, simply mix equal parts lemon juice, white vinegar and baking soda with some water. While you’re getting your spritz on, give your mouse, monitor and phone a going over as well.
De-clutter – Do you have papers on your desk that date back to 1992? Maybe you’re not that bad but the majority of desks seem to accumulate insane amounts of paper, even in today’s supposedly ‘paper-less’ office.’  Excess […]

Coconut Water – The Facts on the Fad

I have been drinking coconut water for over 2 years and love how I feel! When filming Eat Yourself Sexy, I swore that coconut water kept my skin hydrated on set and my energy levels high. Coconut water is the perfect base for all my smoothies and even just plain as a hydrater. Here are the facts on the coconut craze:

The Facts: Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.• Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.• Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.• Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. Data is based on a 100ml drink

Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconut

Coconut Water Hydrates the Body: Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks.

Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems: If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other […]

What is Spirulina?

I use spirulina daily and if you look through my recipes you will see that it features in many of them, so what exactly is spirulina? Well it’s a blue-green algae (don’t be turned off) and it’s been used by the Aztecs since the 16th century. This Superfood is found in fresh water lakes in hot climates and has thousands of varieties. Spirulina is picked and made into a thick paste before it is dried and turned into capsules, tablets or powder.

The reason why it is so good is because it is jam packed full of many nutrients and amino acids like:

Protein – Spirulina is packed full of protein (about 70%)

Vitamin A – This is in the form of beta-carotene and essential for the health of red blood cells, retina health and your immune system.

Vitamin B12 – Essential for the brain and nervous system as well as blood formation.

Vitamin E – Important in fighting free radical damage therefore preventing diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Iron – Super important nutrient for the health of red blood cells.

The best way to use Spirulina is by adding it to your smoothie….you can’t taste it and you are still getting all the health benefits!

The Benefits of Eating Your Greens!

When preparing our food for a meal, we don’t always think about the health benefits we may be receiving from each mouthful. There have been numerous studies conducted on different green vegetables and what medicinal properties they hold, here my top 5 green vegetables:

Asparagus – Just one cup of asparagus contains 65% of your daily folate requirements therefore giving you enormous amounts of energy!!

Broccoli – This particular vegetable goes with absolutely every meal so there is no reason not to eat broccoli.  Broccoli has the highest amount of the isothiocyanates and according to a study conducted at U.C Santa Barbara, a compound of isothiocyanates called sulforaphane works in a similar way to anti-cancer drugs by inhibiting proliferation of human tumor cells. Therefore broccoli has been shown to contain cancer-fighting compounds!!

Avocado – By far, this is my number #1 sexy food.  Avocados are full of essential fatty acids and are great for anti ageing, fertility, cancer and low libido.

Kale – High in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. Kale is such a therapeutic food and a powerful antioxidant – it will keep you looking and feeling fabulous! It also promotes the breakdown of toxins in the liver so a perfect addition to any detox.

Sea Vegetables – Packed full of nutrients and minerals like iron, iodine, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, manganese and magnesium. A small study was conducted on 32 men with hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) over a 12 week period. Each person consumed 150ml of kale juice daily and at the end of the study, it was concluded that kale juice favorably influenced serum lipid profiles and antioxidant systems, and hence contribute to reduce the risks of coronary artery disease in […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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