
Day 8 of Detox – off to the Hunter Valley

Today I am off the Hunter Valley to be a guest presenter at The Golden Door Health Retreat for a specialty week called Body Blitz which is all about losing weight. I love going up there every few months to present as it is just so beautiful, I love driving along the vineyard covered roads. When I arrive at Golden Door I always walk up to the top of meditation hill and sit quietly for half an hour and soak up the peaceful surroundings.My seminar today is “Turning the Scales on Weight loss” which outlines pieces of the weight loss puzzle that you might not have thought of – vitamin D and central obesity, sleep and cortisol, hypertrophic versus hyperplastic obesity among them.I take a long hot Epsom salt bath tonight and watch a movie called “What in the World are they Spraying” which is a fascinating documentary on chemtrails and how they are affecting our health.B – Scrambled eggs with zucchini and parsleyL – Salad of rocket, snow peas, avocado and 3 bean mixD – Quinoa sushi

By |January 20th, 2011|Detox|Comments Off on Day 8 of Detox – off to the Hunter Valley

Day 7 – Am on Fire!

Despite being Sunday I am ready for a day of proactiveness and work. An 8am spin class with a ½ hour ab workout gets me going and I am starting to feel great. I went to bed at 1am after watching a beautiful Italian movie called ” I am Love” with Tilda Swinton, it made me cry about 4 times and such stunning scenery from the hills outside of Milan. So, one of my most preferred benefits of detox, needing less sleep, has begun!I interviewed a PA today and she is just perfect. Then I had a meeting with my publicist, Justine McKell to have a planning session for 2011 and damn I am so excited about my plans. We had lunch at Suvarin in Bondi which is an experience you have to try – they have all sorts of amazingly unusual health products. Today I found Natto Kinase which comes from Japan and is used by all the actresses to ensure a glowing complexion.I then spent a lovely afternoon doing my brainstorming and planning for Zero Filter’s 90 day online goal setting and performance program which I highly recommend. Shandra Moran is a brilliant coach and this program is keeping me on track with all my ambitions and goals for 2011.Here is some great info on chia seeds, one of my favourite foods:Protein accounts for 19% to 23% of chia seed, making it richer in protein, by weight, than any other known seed or grain. About 32% to 39% of the seed is oil – 60% to 63% of which is omega-3 (alpha-linolenic) – and the rest is omega-6, making an unusually favourable omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 3:2. Chia is a richer […]

By |January 16th, 2011|Detox|Comments Off on Day 7 – Am on Fire!

Day 6 of Detox

Today I went to the organic markets to shop for the week. Every time I go I find some inspirational produce and today it was the most perfect kale I have ever seen. I blanched it then sautéed it with fresh ginger, chilli and lemon for dinner. I also bought some beautiful rhubarb and stewed it with real vanilla beans and apples.The whole house smelled like vanilla and it is the smell that makes me think of food, somehow it always makes me hungry. In clinic I burn vanilla soy candles and it is such a comforting smell for me. I buy all my candles for home from and Cashmere Blanket is my favourite – it’s a combination of fig, anise and cedar. They burn for over 80 hours and are simply divine.Today I have started taking shots of aloe Vera and chlorophyll to soothe my digestive system. I have been feeling really bloated and this is so unusual for me. Aloe Vera is cooling and reduces inflammation in the intestines while chlorophyll is an excellent alkaliser and internal cleanser. Hopefully in a few days my digestion will have settled and I will feel clean and light on the inside!B – Scrambled eggs with onion, mushroom, red capsicum and parsleyL – Salad of rocket, asparagus, snow peas, avocado and tunaD – Sautéed kale with broccoli and zucchiniS – Liquorice tea

By |January 15th, 2011|Detox|Comments Off on Day 6 of Detox

Day 4 of Detox

I am in a world of post PT pain – everything aches, muscles I didn’t even know about are screaming at me. In particular, a tiny little muscle from the inside of my knee really wants to kills me every single step I take. If I had a bath I would have an Epsom salt soak with 500gr of salts and also some lavender essential oil. But I don’t so I have been dosing up on chelated magnesium. I do have another PT session tomorrow so I  today is a day off. It always takes two weeks to get on track and not feel so crippled after the sessions.Let’s talk about sustainable seafood – we all know we need to eat more seafood for the health promoting omega 3 essential fatty acids but how do you know what fish to eat?The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the only body that certifies sustainable seafood so look for their logo. They measure three factors:Sustainable fish stock – fishing must be at a level which is sustainable for the fish populationMinimising environmental impactEnsuring effective management of the fishing businessesThere is a search function on their website to find out where to buy MSC labelled products. – Hulled hemp seed nuts, sheep’s milk yoghurt, apricots, nectarinesL – Pitango organic soupD – salmon with zucchini, broccoli and edamame beansS – corn thin with avocadoJuice of the day – apple, whole lemon, mint and ginger, delicious!

By |January 14th, 2011|Detox|0 Comments

Day 3 of Detox

Well today I focused on exercise and I think I got a little carried away! I did a spin class and then had a PT session with Cory, who is a machine. I worked with Cory last year for 3 months before I went to Bali and by the end of it I was the fittest I had ever been and that is an addictive feeling. While filming Eat Yourself Sexy, my exercise regime really suffered as I couldn’t keep up with 3 clinics, the show, my social life and exercise. After 5 months of not training as much as I would like, I felt terrible! So sluggish, so flabby and truly like a wobbly woman. After my session tonight I felt that I had come home, despite the fact that I almost vomited a few times. There’s always that point in a heavy session when you feel that feeling of nausea and wonder what the hell you are doing!Now that my body is flooded with those addictive endorphins I am once again hooked on training. My energy is a little better today but I know I need to still rest and little. Magnesium is my best friend right now as it reduces muscle soreness and lactic acid build up post exercise. I usually feel this on day 2 so have booked another PT session in to crack it!

By |January 14th, 2011|Detox|Comments Off on Day 3 of Detox

Day 2 of Detox

Wow, I had an awful night’s sleep! I woke up with night sweats, the sheets were wet and I was having terrible bad dreams. It was like I had a fever that broke in the middle of the night and I felt delirious. I drank a lot of ginger tea yesterday so perhaps I increased my basal temperature a little too much. The other thing was that the Toowoomba floods happened overnight and I was anxious about that before I went to bed. Either way I will go to bed early tonight and read.I am drinking lots of chlorophyll in my water during Detox. Chlorophyll is the compound that gives plants their green colour and interestingly it is very similar in structure to haemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen around the body. Recent research published in the Cancer Prevention Research has shown that chlorophyll prevents the absorption of aflatoxin, a toxin found in many contaminated grains and legumes which leads to liver damage. This demonstrates the powerful antioxidant capacity of chlorophyll. Eating chlorophyll rich foods such as parsley, rocket, kale and spinach will also be effective.B – Hulled hemp seed nuts, sheep’s milk yoghurt, peach, passionflower, Açaí berryL – Salad of rocket, red and red capsicum, snow peas, lemon zest, avocado, red cabbage and small tin of Green seas tuna in brineD – Miso poached tuna, broccoli, zucchini and cornS – Rice cakes with avocado

By |January 11th, 2011|Detox|0 Comments

Day 1 of Detox

I felt rather light headed today and think that may be because I didn’t eat enough or perhaps it was a toxin release. I am loving the hemp seeds nuts and have fallen in love with them! My energy is a little low so I didn’t make it to the gym today which surprised me but sometimes you just need to take it easy and rest. I did an amazing amount of work at home and my mental clarity seems to have already fired up and this doesn’t usually happen till week 2. Am also taking truckloads of liquid fish oils and I know they help me enormously so perhaps it is that too.Everything that I eat is organic and I do this whether on detox or not but if you can prioritise and eat organic that is perfect. On my download page you will find my guide to organics.B – Hulled hemp seed nuts, sheep’s milk yoghurt, kiwi fruit, passionflowerL – Salad of rocket, red and red capsicum, snow peas, lemon zest, avocado, red cabbage and grilled chickenD – Grilled salmon, broccoli, zucchini and bok choy

By |January 11th, 2011|Detox|0 Comments

Detox 2011 Countdown Begins……..

Follow my Blog and get VIP updates on my Detox!Press the Facebook Like button and receive my Detox eBook valued at $29.95Well it’s the night before Detox begins and I feel so ready for this. I have been indulging since the beginning of December in celebratory vino and lovely food. That’s the problem when your birthday is in early December and you have a passion for extended birthday festivities! They kind of merge with Christmas festivities then New Year’s festivities and BANG! Before I know it the days have turned into weeks and then a month.Ouch – I must say that despite having gained a few laughter lines over the last 5 weeks I have also gained 2kg and feel like a sloppy, saggy old woman. I caught sight of myself in the mirror the other day and damn if I didn’t wonder whose butt it was. I think I must have lost mine along the way. The only option is to suck it up and get tough so hence the need for Detox to come early this year.You may be wondering what I do during Detox and this is what I will share with you over the next 4 weeks. An inside scoop on how I make the transformation into vibrant, healthy, glowing me and also how I use the same principles to help clients experience brilliant results. Time and time again I am convinced by results and I challenge anyone to defy the way they feel after Detox.I have made sure that my house does not have any contraband – I took my favourite corn chips to my brothers, I finished the open bottle of vino and I have filled the […]

By |January 9th, 2011|Detox|0 Comments

All Things Hunter Valley!

I have just spent the last 3 days guest presenting at the Golden Door Health Retreat in the beautiful Hunter Valley. I love to go there as it is a place where people transform and achieve huge goals. My role this week was to take the guests through a series of seminars and a cooking class. The focus was weight loss and how to achieve a healthy state of being. I just love this kind of work and my mission is always to inspire people to achieve an incredible level of health and wellbeing and I was in the perfect place for this!I regularly guest present at this gorgeous retreat and every time I have this experience I love it. The surroundings are rolling hills covered in vineyards. As I look out my window in the morning I can see hot air balloons slowly rising. I was blessed with a Leo full moon and I spent a good hour at the top of meditation hill soaking up the moon rays. It felt exquisite and I was so full of energy that I spent the next 5 hours writing!So if you can take a week away from your life and want to transform your current situation make a trip to the Golden Door. The crew they have are highly trained and they have hand picked the best from every occupation and therapy. There are links  below to my various activities from the last few days. If you want more information about what to expect simply email me through my website.I am in the process of organising a 5 day Female Health retreat for January 2011 so let me know what you would be interested in […]

Coconut Water – the Facts on the Fad

I am just back from an amazing trip to Bali where the beautiful weather and amazing food have totally rejuvenated me! The organic movement is strong there and I discovered many cafes and eco resorts that served incredible juices – my pick was aloe vera juice, tumeric and celery! I met a lot of great people and had my all time best ever yoga class at Desa Seni.I have posted a video on my You Tube channel of the most gorgeous organic cafe so check it out here.So, while in Bali I had coconut water every day and after speaking to the locals realised that it was not just a Western fad. Read further for the scoop!The Facts• Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.• Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.• Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.• Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. Data is based on a 100ml drinkCoconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconutCoconut Water Hydrates the BodyCoconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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