October on Emma Sutherland is detox month – a perfect opportunity to declutter your life and boost your health and vitality. But with so many conflicting approaches around at the moment – which are the best ways to encourage our body’s natural detoxification. Well I got on the case and went searching for the best at home remedies to kick start your body’s cleansing process.
+ Hot water in lemon – This old nugget o’ wisdom is a brilliant, tried and tested one. Consuming alkaline and sour foods encourages our liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins. Our body can’t metabolize fat when our livers are choc-a-block full of toxins so a simple lemony start to your day can to wonders for your waist line too. Add a hit o’ fresh ginger for bonus detox points.
+ Edible clay – I know. Bear with me. This one SOUNDS bizarre but it’s actually a brilliant way to get your insides squeaky clean. Without getting too ‘sciency’ on you, bentonite clay possesses a negative electrical, which, as we all know, attracts positively charged particles and sucks ‘em right up. Most toxins in the body are positively charged so the clay acts like a ‘sham-wow’ cleaning these nasties buggers out and leaving our insides beautiful and sparkly.
+ Dry body brushing – There are TONNES of articles floating around the internet that discuss the benefits of this simple and enjoyable home remedy. Dry body brushing can improve the appearance of your skin by assisting in the removal of dead skin cells, improving circulation, reducing the appearance of cellulite and stimulating the blood and lymphatic systems and … you guessed it, assisting in natural detoxification.
+ Colonic hydrotherapy – I know I […]
Detox Month – Discover the Top 4 Fads
How to Make Amazing Jelly Vitamins
Both Sophia and I adore our jelly vitamins as they are the easiest way to get supplements into small children. I load them up with all sorts of therapeutic goodies such as probiotics, zinc, herbs and Kyolic aged garlic extract. Whenever I feel Sophia is starting to fight an infection I make a batch and they really help to prevent her going downhill. I have been known to snack on them too!
1 cup fresh organic apple juice
4 gelatin sheets – organic, approx. 10gr
Vitamin of choice – kyolic garlic, zinc, probiotics, herbs
Silicone mini muffin tray
Cut up gelatin sheets and soak in cold water for 5 minutes. This will allow them to swell. Remove the expanded gelatin from the water and gently squeeze out excess water.
Add apple juice to saucepan and very gently heat to just about luke warm. Add the gelatin and stir continuously until dissolved. The idea is to only heat up the juice enough to melt the gelatin – too much heat will reduce water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C.
Once gelatin is dissolved, take off the heat and set aside for a few minutes. Pour in vitamin of choice and stir well.
Spoon into silicon tray and put in fridge to set. Once completely set, run a hot knife around the edge and pop jelly vitamin out.
Then enjoy and have fun eating them together! Remember that you can use whatever fresh, organic juice you like.
My Top 5 Tips for Reducing Exposure to Phthalates
Phthalates are a class of toxic chemicals that are used as softeners or lubricants in products that we use every day and are the most commonly used plasticizers in the world. These chemicals are commonly used with PVC, a known carcinogen, and some other chemicals to make cosmetics and personal care products, medical devices, food and water containers, footwear, solvents, wires and cables, automotive components and children’s toys1,2.
Questions have been raised over the safety of the use of phthalates. Studies have proven that of the 20 types of phthalates commonly used, some are detrimental to our health, with children being more easily affected than adults3.
Babies and young children are at higher risk because of their extensive chewing or sucking on toys. Research was conducted by Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) into children’s plastic products. It found that if levels of DEHP, a common phthalate were higher than 1%, there was an increased risk for reproductive system toxicity in children up to 36 months of age who chew and suck objects on a recurrent basis for more than 40 minutes per day1.
As babies and toddler are still rapidly growing and their nervous system maturing they are at higher risk for the harmful effects of phthalates. Since 2011, Australia has banned children’s toys, childcare articles, eating utensils and plates containing DEHP in excess of 1%.
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in particular, is listed in Tox Town, the US National Library of Medicine web site, as a substance “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen”. Male newborn babies who had medical tubes or other plastic devices inserted, especially for feeding, breathing or medication have been found to suffer from adverse effects2. Recently, research has shown that […]
Our top 4 Tips to Eating Out Gluten Free
Just because you’re on a gluten free diet doesn’t mean you can’t eat out anymore. It takes a little extra effort, but it’s not that hard once you get used to it. Here’s some tips to make eating out a breeze.
1. Planning and preparation
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but having food allergies does tend to take the spontaneity out of eating (this is the price you pay to stay healthy, right?). Planning ahead is crucial if you don’t want to get caught out. Google your destination. Menus for most good restaurants are online now, so you can look everything up before you go. Can’t find them online? Phone ahead. If you have a serious allergy, you will need to ask them about cross contamination (do they use a separate preparation area, separate cookware, etc?). If they don’t take you seriously, cancel and go somewhere else.
2. Ask to speak to the chef
Gluten free diets are pretty common now – chances are the chef has come across this stuff before and has some workarounds up their sleeve. Or some of them, like celebrity chef Toby Puttock, might have a partner or family member who’s gluten free and already have their head around it. Ask which dishes can be made gluten free. I’ve had a steak sandwich without bread, grilled fish without batter, and I’ve had pizzas made to be both gluten and dairy free. Ask questions – are the rice noodles 100% rice or do they contain wheat? What flour is used to thicken the sauce? Be clear with them about which grains you cannot eat (they might think wheat is the only culprit).
3. Keep it simple to avoid hidden surprises
The more ingredients, […]
Addiction – is it all Bad?
I admit I am an addict. But it simply makes me feel too good to quit!
Addiction: The continued use of a mood altering substance or behaviour despite adverse consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviours.
Maybe the word “addict” is a bit excessive, but I needed to get your attention. For over 13 years I have LOVED exercising. Sometimes I train with a specific goal in mind, and other times I simply train as it is deeply engrained as one of my personal core values.
The other day in a coffee shop I had a gentleman say to me “There is no point in exercising unless you are training for a specific goal or event, otherwise it is a waste of time”. I stood staring at this man for a minute, nonchalantly bowed my head, picked my jaw up off the ground in disbelief of such an outrageously stupid statement, turned and walked away all the time thinking what a sad and depressing thing to say to someone.
Countless times I have been called an exercise addict and know what? I can think of worse things to be addicted to! So why is it that to me EXERCISE MAKES EVERYTHING OK?! I know if I’m feeling blah the best thing for me to do is lift heavy weights. If I have 1001 things racing through my mind, I throw my Nikes on and hit the pavement. If it’s been “one of those days” and the slightest look sideways from the wrong person has me wanting to climb walls, I go to hot yoga. So why is this? Why does exercise truly make everything ok?
Endorphins! That’s right, I am addicted to myself! Endorphins are endogenous opioid […]
Supercharge Your Life – Interview with Lee Holmes
Lee Holmes from Supercharged Food has a fantastic goal – to alter the perception that cooking fresh, wholesome, nutrient rich meals are difficult, complicated and time consuming. She has personal experience of a crippling autoimmune condition that was healed through using food as medicine and then went on to become a certified Health Coach. She now helps other people on their health journey with her amazing blog and recipe books. Her latest book, “Supercharged Food Kids Recipe Book” is out now and Sophia & I have already fallen in love with many of the yummy recipes!
Tell us what originally inspired you to create your blog, Supercharged food and how did you come up with the name?
I started my blog because friends were asking me to share my recipes and I thought it would be fun to have one centralised place where people could visit anytime they needed a new recipe and become inspired. The blog has tons of delicious recipes as well as articles about how to dehydrate foods, soak nuts and seeds and how to live a wholefoods lifestyle. The blog also contains in-depth information about a recipe’s ingredients and their nutritional values, cooking videos and you can enter competitions to win nurturing products and read news and reviews too. I chose the name because I wanted to call it something positive which would inspire people to take action and heal themselves naturally. I didn’t want it to be about giving things up but more an empowering experience.
Blogging is incredibly popular in the field of health and wellbeing with thousands upon thousands of blogs dedicated to healthy food. You recently won an award for “best healthy eating” in the BUPA health influencer blog […]
Week of Tastes – A Breakthrough for Children’s Health
The Week of Tastes is a program that culminates in an annual event, designed to change children’s relationship with food and address eating habits relating to the obesity epidemic. The Week of Tastes is the first national program that seeks to positively impact food choices and behaviors by teaching children experientially about taste and the food they eat, and placing them in direct contact with food and those who produce it.
Founder, Helen Campbell, has developed a taste/sensory education program that is conducted in primary schools throughout Australia.
The objectives of the program include eliminating a child’s fear of trying new food as well as expanding a child’s food vocabulary. Some of the outcomes are a better understanding of using the 5 senses to appreciate food, an understanding of the link between food choices and health and a hands on experience with a food professional. This year some of Sydney’s’ best chefs are involved (Darren Simpson, Peter Kurivita and Colin Fassnidge) as well as many outstanding food professionals.
I had the opportunity to meet Helen and ask her a few questions
Q. Your background is a very interesting one – both as a researcher and private chef. What influences you in the field of food? So many of my life experiences have led me to this point, living in many foreign countries, my interest in health and wellness and that food is to be enjoyed and shared.
Q. The Australian Week of Tastes was originally inspired by the French program that has been running since 1990. How did you come across it? I was visiting France just before one of their “La Semaine du Gout” was about to start and thought “that is what is lacking in Australia’s children […]
Weight! Get the most out of your cardio session when training for fat loss!
Shedding the kilos is much more complex than the old expression “calories in VS calories out”. There are many elements that influence your ability to lose weight. One is the timing of your meal around exercise, so let’s ensure you are gaining the maximum results!
When your cardio session is in the morning:
For me this is my favourite time to punch out a quick 20minute high intensity cardio session, or on a weekend a brisk 60minute walk. So why is this?
When you wake from slumber your body’s number one energy store is low (glycogen). During a training session, your energy demands increase. Usually the first port of call for immediate energy is from the food you have recently consumed which is available in your stomach; second is to pull energy from your stored glycogen; and third is to pull triglycerides from your fat stores (hips, butt, thighs), convert them into free fatty acids and then back into glycogen. So as you can see, when training first thing morning, energy systems 1 and 2 aren’t an option, which means your body must turn to its FAT stores! YAY!
When your cardio is later in the day:
To maximise the benefits of cardio later in the day, plan when you will eat you pre-workout meal and be sure it is not a large meal, high in simple carbohydrates (sugars). I recommend you eat your last meal at least 2-3 hours before commencing a cardio session. Try to make this more of a snack as opposed to a full-blown meal. Choose low GI carbohydrates to minimise blood sugar spikes and to maximise your fat burn. I’d choose something like a small apple with a scraping of ABC nut spread, 2rice […]
From Sickly Child To Vital Woman – How Cleaning Eating Saved My Immune System
In an earlier blog post I described how I embarked on an 8 week anti-candida diet a to sort out some health issues. Since then, I have continued to clean up my diet, and one of the most welcome effects of this change was that my immune system improved out of sight. So I would like to share these “immune boosting” secrets with you.
Having always been a “sickly child,” I had a past history of recurrent conditions – bronchitis and chest infections every winter, tonsillitis that kept coming back to haunt me, and I was one of those kids that caught every virus that came along, leading to huge amounts of time off school. I thought this was just how things were for me – the doctor said, “some kids just catch more bugs than others.” Apparently I was one of those kids. No amount of Echinacea or vitamin C seemed to help, and I ended up on antibiotics more often than not. I had no idea at the time that it was all being driven by the foods I was eating. Not knowing any better, I continued to live like this for years to come.
After cleaning up my diet in my late 20’s, winter came along, and the changes were obvious. Sure, I still got one or two head colds, but each one went for only 3-4 days. They didn’t go to my chest. They didn’t stick around in my sinuses and fester away. I didn’t need antibiotics. And I didn’t get the usual fatigue for days afterward that I was so used to living with, year after year.
The concept of “clean eating” has gained a lot of momentum recently (just type #eatclean […]
Top 5 “SCARE” Tatics To Control Cortisol Levels In Our Body
To control cortisol levels in our body sometimes we need a little SCARE!
“I just can’t lose weight! I exercise everyday, make healthy choices but the kilos will not shift!”
Does this sound familiar? Have you caught yourself saying this exact same thing to someone? With over 7 years experience as a personal trainer in the weight loss industry, I have learnt that it takes more than a good sweat session and “healthy” food to get your body moving in the right direction.
Cortisol doesn’t have to be dirty word!
Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, and is released as part of your daily hormonal cycle, and also in reaction to perceived stress.
Cortisol helps your body become even more effective at producing glucose from proteins (breaking down our muscles), and is designed to help quickly increase the body’s energy in times of stress.
It is believed that if we live our lives in a constant state of stress (whether it be emotion, physical or mental), we will have a constant state of elevated cortisol. With excess cortisol comes the production of glucose. With an excess of glucose floating around our bloodstream our body goes into storage mode and converts this glucose to fat and tucks it into our adipose tissue. YUK!
In response to my clients who are ticking the exercise and healthy eating box I ask them, “Have you had a SCARE today?”
SCARE is 5 principles for you to try and live by that will have a beneficial effect on the production of cortisol in your body.
Sleep: Cortisol levels are highest in the early morning and they drop significantly throughout the day, reaching their lowest levels at around 10 p.m. This shows that the body is […]