Health & Wellbeing

The Importance of Hydration

Staying hydrated this summer is essential in keeping you going from sunrise to sunset! Summer is fun and there’s always lots going on whether you are out with friends, at the beach/park or even working and it’s so easy to get to 3pm and realize you haven’t had a sip of water all day – it’s almost like we need an alarm to go off every hour to tell us to drink. Why is it so important to keep hydrated? Well first and foremost our body is made up of about 75% water, which can be mostly found in our cells, but the problem with our hydration levels occurs when the water expenditure (meaning when water is expelled from our body during breathing, sweat, and via our urine and bowel movement) is greater than our water intake.

Dehydration has an impact on your kidneys, liver, bladder, digestion, bowels, nerve function, brain, skin and is responsible for premature ageing!!

There is no set rule on how much water to consume throughout the day because we all have different body weight and activity levels so rule of thumb is a glass of water every hour, obviously you may need more during those hot summer days.
Symptoms of Dehydration

Foggy thinking
Dry mouth, lips
Dark coloured urine and a decrease in output
Muscle cramps
Heart palpitations

5 of the Best Hydrating Foods

Watermelon – 92% water and packed full of magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium
Cucumber – contain vitamin C and caffeic acid and about 92% water
Lettuce – contains about 94% water!
Capsicum/bell peppers – jam packed full of vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, vitamin B6, thiamine and contain about 92% water.
Cantaloupe – rich in vitamin A and contains about 90% water

Always carry a bottle of water with […]

Love the Skin You’re In

I have previously talked about skincare and how important it is to ensure you are using clean, organic products and not adding to your toxin load. And I have also told you what products I use – check that out here. Since having Sophia, I am even more careful about what products I use in the house and prefer to skip the chemicals altogether and head for brands like 7th Generation.
You might think that all this natural, hippy like activity comes at a compromise to vanity but it doesn’t! My most important product of all has to be my skincare. I searched for years to find a brand that was clean and also gave me results. Introducing MV SKincare, the best thing since sliced bread. It is formulated by holistic skin specialist, Sharon McGlinchey who’s fans include Maggie Gyllenhaal & Emma Watson.
I recently ran out of MV but while presenting at an Expo was fortunate enough to receive a basket of goodies from a leading brand of skincare. It is very popular, all natural and I was excited to try it. Three weeks later my skin felt bumpy and looked dehydrated. I started breaking out in little spots and I was looking worse for wear!
A quick about face back onto MV and things are looking up after only two days. This stuff really penetrates and balances my skin and I love being able to chose what booster to add to my moisturiser, depending on how I feel. Sophia kept me up half the night? Instant revival is the answer. PMT spot prevention? Hit the Rose plus for some soothing.
I dont think I will bother trying anything else for years and I just love MVs […]

By |November 13th, 2012|Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments

Sugar Alternatives – Why You Should Avoid Them

These sweeteners are found in a vast majority of products – from drinks to lollies and even in toothpaste. They are actually carbohydrates and part of their chemical structure looks like sugar and the other part like alcohol.

These sugar alcohols are like sugar in some ways, but they are not completely absorbed by the body. Because of this, the blood sugar impact of sugar alcohols is less and they provide fewer calories per gram. Additionally, sugar alcohols don’t promote tooth decay as sugars do, so are often used to sweeten chewing gum.

These sugar alcohols are far from healthy and can actually cause many digestive complaints. Maltitol is broken down into glucose and sorbitol. Some of the sorbitol is converted to fructose in the liver while the remainder feeds pathogenic bacteria in the colon resulting in diarrhea, wind, cramping and bloating. All sugar alcohols have this effect!

If you are watching your weight then read every single label. Often temptingly labeled “low carb” or “low sugar”, these products will contain sugar alcohols which should be completely avoided.

Comparison of Sugar and Sugar Alcohols


Sucrose (sugar)

Maltitol Syrup

Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate









What Sunscreen Should You Use?

After the last few days of beautiful weather I started thinking about how to protect my skin yet still enjoy the sunshine. I love summer and feel so alive after a day at the beach, sand in my toes and sun on my face! So to find out what a natural sunscreen is and how to avoid the nasty chemical sunscreens this summer keep on reading. Personally I use Wot Not sunscreen on both myself and my baby daughter.

How do sunscreens work?

Sunscreens protect the skin from burning by either absorbing the harmful rays or reflecting them from the skin. No sunscreen can provide total protection from all of the sun’s rays and that’s why it is always important to cover up using appropriate clothing and eye wear especially during the hottest part of the day. Sunscreens are filters of UV energy. They are used to filter a proportion only of UV rays.

What active ingredient does natural sunscreen use?

They use Zinc Oxide (250mg/g) which reflects UV-A and UV-B rays rather than chemical actives which absorb these rays.

Does natural sunscreen contain Nanoparticles?

Nanoparticles are man made, extremely small particles that can easily enter the body and can be found in cosmetics, moisturizers, mineral make up and sunscreens. They are used in sunscreens to prevent the white film once applied. Natural sunscreens should not contain Nanoparticles. Friends of the Earth’s Safe Sunscreen Guide states “Studies have shown that Nanoparticles can produce free radicals and DNA damage, especially when exposed to UV light. These studies suggest that rather than offering us sun protection, if nano-sunscreens are absorbed into our skin, they could result in serious damage.”

What does Broad Spectrum mean and is it important?

A sunscreen that provides broad spectrum protection protects against […]

Is Zonulin Causing Your Symptoms?

For years I have been noticing the link between gluten and autoimmune conditions as well as intestinal inflammation and poor health. Both situations involve the integrity of the intestinal lining and often the presence of leaky gut syndrome. In this syndrome, the digestive system becomes inflamed and undigested foods and toxins “leak” into the bloodstream causing not only food intolerances, allergies, eczema but also autoimmune conditions.
The intestinal lining provides a barrier to keep bacteria, toxins and undigested food out while allowing water, vitamins and minerals to be absorbed into the blood stream. In between the cells that line the digestive system are tiny spaces that were previously thought to be closed doors, only opening when it was appropriate.
The recent discovery of “zonulin” has revealed the key to intestinal inflammation1. Zonulin regulates the permeability of the tiny doors between cells and many people produce too much zonulin, which results in the doors being left open – to gluten, undigested food, toxins, bacteria, viruses and parasites!
The result is metaflammation, autoimmune disease and weight gain.  Another study had a very interesting outcome – people with higher zonulin levels had higher inflammation levels, a higher BMI, higher fasting insulin and higher cholesterol2!
According to Dr Alessio Fasano, the scientist who discovered zonulin, there are three factors that combine to cause autoimmune conditions and poor health:

Susceptible genetics
An environmental trigger e.g. gluten, stress
Excessive zonulin production resulting in leaky gut

It appears the research is clear – when your body is inflamed, zonulin levels rise and give way to many health problems. I have found that treating excess zonulin and leaky gut can be very complex and challenging. Many clients come to me having already “done a detox” to fix their leaky gut but […]

Kenya, Coconuts & Social Responsibility

I recently discovered the world of micro financing and I must say that I am a massive fan. The entire premise is that no matter where you are in the world, people have the power to create opportunity to better their lives. Providing capital, as little as $25.00 can make such a life changing difference to a person’s life. I have joined with Kiva which began in 2005 and represents people from 220 countries. I added to the $342 million that has been loaned to date, with a 98.97 repayment rate. The average Kiva user loans over eight times so it seems that once you start, the satisfaction of helping another person is addictive.
My loan was to a Kenyan woman by the name of Linet, 25 who is married with three children. Her business is selling coconuts and she wanted to increase her stock levels to meet local demand. I call Linet an entrepreneur and believe that she should be not only encouraged but also actively supported. The annual income in Kenya is $1445.00 and my loan of $25 can significantly help her. Organisations like Kiva make this possible as they connect me with a woman thousands of miles away in a country that I have never set foot in. Another micro financing organisation is Good Return – join in the revolution!

What Artificial Sweeteners Should You Avoid?

How much do you know about artificial sweeteners? Many people may think they are doing the right thing by choosing ‘sugar-free’ or ‘diet’ products to reduce their sugar intake, but the reality is, many artificial sweeteners have dangerous side effects.  The main artificial sweeteners used today are:

Acesulfame potassium

Aspartame regularly hits the headlines because it has been studied for decades. Aspartame is essentially made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methanol. The bi-products of these chemicals are formic acid, formaldehyde and Diketopiperazine (DKP), which is a proven brain tumour agent.
Due to the highly addictive nature and overconsumption of aspartame, many studies suggest that this chemical can cause headaches, migraines, confusion, balance problems and seizures. Research also suggests that diet soft drink consumption was linked to higher incidences of stroke, vascular problems and myocardial infarction.
The best thing to do is get to know your labels…look at the food additive names and numbers and know what they mean. If you do need a sweetener try Stevia, which comes from the species Stevia rebaudiana. Stevia is a great alternative as it is about 300-400 sweeter than sugar and is widely available at all health food stores and some supermarkets. For more information on the Top 10 Food Additives that you should avoid, click here.

Coconut Water – The Facts on the Fad

I have been drinking coconut water for over 2 years and love how I feel! When filming Eat Yourself Sexy, I swore that coconut water kept my skin hydrated on set and my energy levels high. Coconut water is the perfect base for all my smoothies and even just plain as a hydrater. Here are the facts on the coconut craze:

The Facts: Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.• Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.• Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.• Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. Data is based on a 100ml drink

Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconut

Coconut Water Hydrates the Body: Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks.

Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems: If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other […]

Asthma – a Continual Australian Epidemic

The prevalence of asthma in Australia is among the highest in the world: between 10% and 15% of children and between 10% and 12% of adults has asthma. That is almost 1 in 6 children and 1 in 10 adults! We spent $606 million on asthma annually, approximately 1.2% of all health expenditure and 411 people died due to asthma in 2009.
Asthma is a condition where the airways become inflamed and irritated. As a result they become narrower and produce extra mucous. This makes it more difficult for air to flow into and out of the lungs and causes the symptoms of asthma.
Recent research has highlighted a very astonishing fact – that up to 68% of asthmatic children are vitamin D deficient1. Compared to healthy children, asthmatic children were far more likely to have either a moderate or severe vitamin D deficiency. Who would have thought that a lack of sunshine could have such a huge impact on a child’s health?
Another natural treatment for asthma is magnesium and research says its role in managing acute asthma is well established2. Magnesium is highly beneficial as it relaxes tight muscles and reduces spasms within the airways.
Increasing dietary sources of the omega 3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect3. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition so this is a perfect example of the power of food as medicine. These foods include oily fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and extra virgin olive oil.
What You May Not Know:

A diet including trans fatty acids and saturated fats doubles the risk for asthma so avoid them at all costs
A high sodium intake sensitizes the lungs to histamine and increases bronchial hyperactivity
Dehydration significantly exacerbates asthma due to thickening […]

Save Our Children

Family conflict appears to be causing so much stress to our kids that they are five times more stressed than at the height of the Great Depression says Canadian research professor Stuart Shanker. Adding to the stress pile is television, social media and crowded city living, leaving our kids struggling for some inner calm. And it’s inner calm that is needed for us to “self-regulate” which is our ability to manage our own energy states, emotions, behaviours and attention in ways that are positive.
From a very early age, my daughter would self regulate by looking at me for reassurance. When she couldn’t see me, such as in the car, she couldn’t self regulate and would become very upset. We are hard wired to self regulate to establish balance and if our ability to self regulate is interrupted, such as with stress, things go pear shaped. Little nervous systems become terribly overstimulated!
The amount of time spent on computers and watching TV is rapidly overtaking the time spent on exercise, outdoor play and social interaction. The promotion of narcissism through media and social values leaves young children with very little ability to show empathy and read other peoples body language, which is an invaluable social skill.
Ways to increase Your Child’s Ability to Self Regulate

Sports, music, yoga and non-competitive Tae-Kwon-do all play an incredible role at helping kids regulate themselves
Work out your child’s stressors – what helps them stay calm and what leaves them hyper aroused?
Ensure they are getting as much sleep as possible. This is the time they process information and lay down most of the neurological patterns
Mindfulness – get them to connect in with how they are feeling by using an analogy of a car engine. […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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