Health & Wellbeing

Time For A Good Nights Sleep!

When was the last time you had a decent sleep? We live in such a busy world now that it has become rare to have a blissful sleep every night, instead we process thoughts, ideas, jobs to be done….the list goes on.
During sleep our body repairs cells that have been damaged by free radicals so when the body is sleeping, metabolism is slowed down and our bodily systems like the nervous and digestive system becomes inactive. This is why sleep is so important because the body needs to rest and rejuvinate.
Firstly, go to bed when you are tired rather then sitting in bed tossing and turning. Make sure you end the night in a relaxing manner so put your computer away, turn your TV off and for the last half hour to an hour read a book, magazine or listen to music. Let your mind rest and if it’s still racing (like mine) write your ideas down whether it’s your shopping list, ideas for work or even just organizing your schedule for the following day. You’ll be amazed how good it feels to let go of your thoughts.
Ensure that your room is dark and free from noise. If you can’t avoid the noise then it may be a good idea to buy ear plugs.
Some helpful herbs:

Chamomile tea before bed is a great way to relax the body and assist with sleep maintenance. All you need to do is steep a teabag in hot water for about 10min then slowly drink it half an hour before you go to bed. It’s a beautiful nourishing herb that not only works as a sedative but it also has the ability to work as an anti inflammatory, […]

By |March 22nd, 2011|Health & Wellbeing|Comments Off on Time For A Good Nights Sleep!

Mission Beach, Tolstoy and the latest from Emma

I was recently in Mission Beach and it had been 3 weeks since cyclone Yasi hit. I have never been to this part of Australia before and many people had told me of its absolute beauty and the “paradise on earth” feel to it. After a few days in sunny green Cairns, Mission Beach looked strangely desolate and completely different. The trees were stark and lifeless, the air was heavy with oppressive energy and the beach was almost nonexistent.The rain was torrential and I have never experienced such downpours before. I remember the sound of rain waking me up at night and as I lay there listening I wondered if it was possible for it to rain any more. And being in Mission Beach got me thinking – my life is fairly uneventful in the scope of disaster. I live in lovely Sydney where nothing ever seems to go wrong, we don’t have to contend with bushfires, floods, cyclones or earthquakes.And my empathy and heart went out to all the people affected by the plethora of natural disasters that have occurred over the last few months. Since being in that space, my heart has been filled with gratitude at the abundance in my life. For now, I am going to concentrate on the small things – smiling at random strangers as I wizz by on my bike, give myself flowers, express my love freely and nourish myself with amazing food.As Tolstoy says “Everything I know, I know only because I love”. I found the most perfect shell while walking along the beach. It just reminded me that amongst the debris and destruction there is always a little bit of beauty to be found.If you […]

Day 28 – Broccoli Sprouts, a Superfood that I LOVE!

I go to the organic markets each Saturday and buy fresh 3 day old broccoli sprouts. I love adding them to my salads and their taste is absolutely delicious. I am always hearing about the latest “super food” that cures everything from insomnia to cancer.  The vast amount of research that I have read on broccoli sprouts is very compelling – I am convinced that the high levels of sulphoraphane are incredibly beneficial. So, go ahead and start adding this incredibly therapeutic food to your diet. This is the epitome of “food as medicine!”A new study suggests an easy way to reduce the risk of a bacteria associated with stomach cancer: eat broccoli sprouts. In a study conducted among 48 men and women from Japan, Johns Hopkins investigators found those who ate 70 grams of fresh broccoli sprouts a day significantly reduced the H. pylori in their stomachs.All of the participants tested positive for the bacteria. The researchers then randomized them to either 70 grams of broccoli sprouts per day or a similar amount of alfalfa sprouts. The subjects were retested for H. pylori at four and eight weeks. By the final follow up, the broccoli sprouts had done the trick. People who ate the alfalfa sprouts showed no change in the degree of infection.This study supports the emerging evidence that broccoli sprouts may be able to prevent cancer in humans, not just in lab animals, study author Jed Fahey, Sc.D., was quoted as saying.Broccoli sprouts are rich in Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring phytochemical that enhances the cancer-protective capacity of animal cells. According to studies by Dr. Paul Talalay and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, sulforaphane induces Phase 2 detoxification enzymes. […]

Day 26 – A Incredible Night out at Soul Sessions!

Last night I had the absolute pleasure of attending Soul Sessions which is an exclusive event hosted and created by Eloise King, journalist for Body & Soul. She invites 33 people to be a part of a small, intimate audience where the emphasis is on the sharing of knowledge, ingenuity and creativity. I have been a guest speaker at Soul Sessions and was amazed at the sharing, safe environment Eloise created. Since beginning in May 2010, Soul Sessions has moved to a very groovy venue of scented candles, great vino, amazing food by Jeevi the Laughing Chef and intimate round tables that are perfect for meeting new friends.Yesterday’s session was titled “Eat Your Heart Out” and featured the gorgeous Nici Andronicus from Organicus and rock star raw foodist, David Wolfe. The night was set to be spectacular with these two but it just exceeded all of my expectations!Nici and her husband Paul have a company called Organicus and are incredibly passionate about organic food. Their company makes organic food for many venues and they have recently opened the doors to their organic Manly cafe. They shared with me last night that they have had many requests to open another in the inner west and I certainly have my fingers crossed. Nici is a former pentathlete and triathlete (makes me hurt just contemplating that one!) but it was when Paul was diagnosed with a very rare cancer that things began to shift for them.After seeking treatment with Charlie Teo and then Harvard Medical School in Boston, Nici and Paul knew that to give it their best shot they needed to do more. So they embraced organic food with a passion and haven’t looked back since. […]

By |February 11th, 2011|Detox, Health & Wellbeing, Nutrition|Comments Off on Day 26 – A Incredible Night out at Soul Sessions!

Day 24 – Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Disease Prevention

Inflammation is at the cause of all chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Eating a diet rich in anti inflammatory foods will go a long way towards disease prevention.What do fish, flaxseeds, garlic, kiwi fruit, cherries, turmeric, ginger and water have in common? They will prevent inflammation and keep you disease free so make sure they become part of your regular diet for a long and healthy life. Here are some of my favourite foods that prevent inflammation: Omega 3 fats help to produce hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which help regulate the inflammatory response. Foods such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil and walnuts are all great sources of Omega 3 fats and should be included regularly in the diet. Garlic is a powerful anti-inflammatory food, containing compounds that inhibit lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, (the enzymes that generate inflammatory prostaglandins) thus noticeably reducing inflammation. Fresh garlic is better to consume in this case. Vitamin C has also been shown to reduce inflammation, as a recent study at the University of California in Berkeley demonstrated. Researchers showed that Vitamin C can lower levels of C-reactive protein, a biomarker of inflammation that has been shown to be a powerful predictor of heart disease and diabetes. Vitamin C-rich foods include kiwi fruit, capsicum, tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits and berries. A study by the Journal of Nutrition in April 2006 showed that cherries can significantly reduce inflammation, especially when eaten every day. Cherry juice in particular has been shown to reduce the pain of gout-associated inflammation as well as ease suffering for arthritis-related aches and pains. Turmeric has been used for centuries as a medicinal tool in India and China to treat […]

By |February 10th, 2011|Detox, Health & Wellbeing|Comments Off on Day 24 – Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Disease Prevention

Fertility Problems Linked to O Blood Type

A study out of Yale University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has found that women with blood type O are at double the risk of diminished ovarian reserve than women of other blood types. However, one expert on fertility says more research needs to be done after these “surprising and stark” findings.Women under the age of 45 were measured for levels of the reproductive hormone FSH. An FSH level greater than 10 indicated diminished ovarian reserve. Other fertility factors including age and body mass index (BMI) were considered before comparing the blood types and FSH levels of patients.Researchers discovered that women with types A or AB blood were significantly less likely to have an FSH greater than 10 than were women with types O or B blood.“This is a novel look at a poorly understood part of reproductive aging. Through studies like these we will be better able to understand the complexities of the human reproductive system,” says William Gibbons, MD, president of the ASRM. In Australia, 49% of Australians have type O, 38% type A, 10% type B and 3% type AB.More research is needed, however. The FSH method isn’t the most accurate for measuring fertility but can assess approximates of egg reserve. A more precise marker of ovarian reserve is to measure a woman’s anti-mullerian hormones (AMH).Richard Fleming, PhD, and scientific director of the Glasgow Centre for Reproductive Medicine comments on type O women wanting to have a baby, saying “It is an interesting, and to me, quite surprising finding that needs to be substantiated. Therefore, the implication for someone with type O is number one, don’t worry.”“Number two, if women have fertility concerns,” Fleming says, “get their AMH measured, […]

What Nut or Seed is Best For You?

Nuts and seeds make the most convenient snack – no refridgeration required, easily carried in your bag and full of endless nutrients. But, what is the best nut or seed for you? Read on to find out.AlmondsJust a quarter cup of almonds contains nearly 25% of your needed daily value of the important nutrient magnesium. A quarter cup of almonds has almost as much calcium as a quarter cup of milk.WalnutsWalnuts contain the antioxidant compound ellagic acid, which is known to fight cancer and support the immune system. Walnuts are the best nut to lower cholesterol and support a healthy heartCashewsCashews are lower in fat than most nuts and 65% of this fat is unsaturated fatty acids. Of this, 90% is oleic acid, the heart-healthy fat found in olive oil.PecansA study from New Mexico State University found that eating 3/4 cup of pecans a day may significantly lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and help to clear the arteries.Brazil nutsThese nuts are extremely nutrient-rich and contain protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that works to neutralize dangerous free radicals.Macadamia These nuts are high in protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium.Pumpkin Seeds Promotes prostate health, protect for men’s bones and keep them strong, anti-inflammatory benefits for those with arthritis, and help lower cholesterolSunflower SeedsSunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E which keeps your skin glowing and healthy. Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) and dietary fiber.Watermelon seedsWatermelon seeds are also loaded with several of the B vitamins such as folate, B2 and B3 as well as health promoting magnesiumHazelnutsHazelnut is a good source for B1, B2 and […]

Obesity is Pushing Girls into Puberty Earlier

It seems absurd to buy a bra for a 7-year-old. But according to a new study, some overweight young girls now require one.Because body fat is linked to the production of sex hormones, overweight girls are developing faster than they would if they were a suitable weight for their age—sometimes as early as 7 or 8 years old. According to the Guardian, research shows that “almost one in four black girls and one in 10 white girls had developed breasts by the age of seven.”In the 1700s, girls usually hit puberty at age 17 or 18 (this delay could have been a result of malnutrition). The physical liabilities of obesity include the increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, sleep apnea and other preventable health issues.But the sexual changes occurring in an obese generation are likely to have emotional and psychological consequences as well. Girls who reach puberty before their peers are more likely to take risks. They’re also more likely to be depressed, have negative body images, suffer from eating disorders, and become sexually active at an earlier age than their peers.”For the 11-year-old that looks like she’s 15 or 16, adults are going to interact with her like she’s 15 or 16, but so are her peers,” Dr. Frank Biro, author of the study and a doctor at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, told Fox News. Girls who develop at a young age “look physically older,” he said, but “it doesn’t mean that they’re psychologically or socially more mature.”Girls who develop breasts early might also have a higher risk of breast cancer. Researchers speculate that, beyond weight-related factors, environmental factors could play a role as well. Certain chemicals (such […]

By |September 26th, 2010|Children, Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments

Mushrooms – The New Superfood!

Those innocuous mushrooms in your shopping basket could be the answer to your vitamin D deficiency! Expected revisions to the recommended daily intake of vitamin D, which are expected this summer, may do wonders for mushroom sales. “There’s a better understanding of importance of vitamin D in human health,” said Tara McHugh, a research leader at the USDA.At least 40% of Australians don’t get enough vitamin D, but others estimate it may be twice that number. In addition to aiding calcium absorption by the body, vitamin D may help numerous health conditions including osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis and even a reduction in overall mortality.Vitamin D, a fat soluble vitamin found in few foods, occurs naturally in fish oils and has been added as a supplement to milk since the 1930s to help combat rickets, a major health problem at the time. Humans also create it naturally when ultraviolet rays from the sun strike the skin. It’s our “sunshine” vitamin!While it has been known for years that mushrooms also can generate the vitamin, it wasn’t until a few years ago that people started thinking about its commercial viability. It was found that exposing mushrooms to a short burst ultra violet light produces a daily allotment of vitamin D in 120 grams of mushrooms without a negative impact on other nutritional benefits, appearance, taste or shelf life. In comparison, one cup of fortified milk provides about 30% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D.So, add mushrooms into your diet for an added boost of vitamin D, an essential nutrient for optimal vitality! Read about my immune boosting soup that features the powerful Enoki mushrooms.PSHave you checked you vitamin D levels after our cold […]

Organic Food Really Is More Healthy

I am a passionate believer of organic food and have been eating organically for many years now. Not only does it taste better but I truly believe that is supports my immunity and gives me more energy. People buy organic produce because they believe it is more environmentally responsible, more healthful and tastes better than produce grown conventionally. When it comes to strawberries, turns out they’re right.A new study of 13 pairs of conventional and organic California strawberry farms over two seven-month growing seasons in 2004 and 2005 revealed that organic farms produced more flavourful and nutritious berries while leaving the soil more healthful and genetically diverse. In a surprising twist, the organic strawberries also had a longer shelf life than the other varieties.The study, published Wednesday, is among the most comprehensive of its kind nationwide. To date, most research has looked at either organic farming’s impact on nutrition or the soil – not both. “There is no paper in the literature that comprehensively and quantitatively compares so many indices of both food and soil quality at multiple sampling times on so many commercial farms,” said lead researcher John Reganold, Washington State University Regents professor of soil, science and agroecology.Reganold said the research team chose to study strawberries because the berries are near the top of the list of produce that retains pesticide residues. According to the Environmental Working Group, strawberries rank third out of 50 popular fruits and vegetables. In a single sample of conventionally grown strawberries, researchers found 13 kinds of pesticides.And California was the obvious location for the study. The state grows 90% of the nation’s strawberries and accounts for 25% of global production. The findings come as state regulators are […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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