Health & Wellbeing

How caffeine affects your body clock

Key Message: Caffeine at night delays the circadian clock

Action Point: Removing coffee from your diet or just having one cup in the morning may help achieve earlier bedtimes and wake time
We all know that drinking caffeinated drinks before bed can disrupt sleep. But for the first time research suggests that your evening double espresso delays the internal circadian clock that tells us when to get ready for sleep and when to prepare to wake up.
A new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder and the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England shows that the internal clocks in human cells can be impacted by caffeine intake. According to Professor Kenneth Wright “this is the first study to show that caffeine, the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, has an influence on the human circadian clock.”1
In the study, they compared what happened to people’s body clocks when they were exposed to caffeine three hours before bedtime to what happened when people were exposed to bright light at nighttime – which is already known to delay the body clock.
Researchers measured saliva levels of melatonin, which is a key hormone involved in regulating the body clock. It showed that drinking caffeine at night delays the body clock by 40 minutes. But it was found that the effect of caffeine is about half of what we see with light. The study showed that bright light alone and bright light combined with caffeine induced circadian phase delays in the test subjects of about 85 minutes and 105 minutes respectively.
The research suggests that not only will caffeine keep you awake longer at night but it could also push you into you into a whole new […]

The Science Behind Snacking

Key Message: There is no evidence that snacking boots metabolism

Action Point: Snack quality is more important than frequency and should take into account the individual’s lifestyle
You may not know it, but “snacking” is a uniquely American tradition – and a recent one at that. In most cultures, people do not snack between main meals. Only in America do the majority of people snack. What’s more, a 2011 report from the US Department of Agriculture found that Americans now snack twice as often as they did in the late 1970s.
The reasons for this are varied. Some people say they eat between meals because they believe this is healthy or will help them control their weight; others report eating because of cravings for sweet or salty foods; while some snack out of simple boredom or to deal with unsettling emotions – so-called “emotional eating.”
There is no doubt the latter two reasons for snacking are unhealthy. But the idea that eating small meals regularly may be healthy – in particular, that it may keep the metabolism “revved up” throughout the day – has become widespread. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown no evidence that eating more often boosts metabolism, and in most cases, the added calories from snacking simply lead to a higher calorie intake over the day and thus an increased chance of becoming overweight.

Studies have shown that the jump in metabolic rate or thermic effect of food is not dependent on meal frequency however there has been some research to show that there is a slight benefit to appetite control when six meals are consumed compared to three and eating less than three meals per day is unfavourable for appetite control.

Both the Evidence Analysis Library of the Academy […]

My Top 5 Hangover Prevention Tips

With summer fast approaching and the festive season kicking off, most of us will be socializing more than usual. I have already been to two Christmas events in the last week! Increasing social events are often accompanied with a higher than usual alcohol consumption.
I am a huge fan of supporting your liver at this time of year and many of my clients take their trusty liver tonic before hitting the vino. Now I have found a preventative product that is designed specifically to reduce hangovers. Revivol is certified by the TGA and features ingredients that support healthy liver function and reduces fatigue and tiredness.
You take two capsules with your first drink and it acts to replenish the vitamins that are lost during alcohol consumption. Obviously binge drinking is not what I am talking about, a few drinks with friends is what I mean. For more info head to, in the meantime make sure you share my hangover prevention tips with your drinking buddy!

Ensure you hydrate and then rehydrate. The best way to do this is to have plenty of filtered water in the 12 hours preceding your event. Aim for 33ml/kilo of body weight, so for a 60kg woman that is 1.98L and for a 70kg man it’s 2.3L. Post event, rehydrate with some home made electrolytes such as icy poles made with 50% coconut water and 50% fresh juice and a tiny pinch of Himalayan sea salt, which you can make up before hand.
Many of the nasty symptoms of a hangover are related to inflammation and the accumulation of toxins. Aim to eat a diet rich in antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory foods. These include turmeric, ginger, blueberries, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, kiwi […]

Stomach Bacteria Shapes Cardiac Health

Key Message: A healthy gut is essential for a healthy heart

Action Point: Take good care of your gut by eating fermented and probiotic-rich foods and limit intake of added sugars
If you’ve been paying attention over the last few years, you’ve no doubt heard that the balance of bacteria in our gut can influence our digestive health, weight, and even emotional and mental health. Now new research is showing that a healthy gut is essential for another very important reason – it may increase your chances of having a healthy heart.

The new study, from the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands, found that the composition of a person’s gut bacteria can explain four percent of the variations seen in people’s HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, five percent of the differences in people’s body weight, and up to six percent of the variation in people’s triglyceride (blood fat) levels.

But during the study, researchers found no link between gut bacteria and people’s LDL cholesterol or total cholesterol levels, which was surprising given that epidemiological studies have found that lipid levels usually have a high degree of correlation.

However lipid metabolism is very complicated and therefore it will take more research to establish the effect of gut bacteria on specific types of lipids, as well as to understand how diet can alter microbial composition.

According to Jingyuan Fu, an associate professor of genetics at the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands and lead author of the new study, said that scientists can probably also call gut bacteria “the heart in the gut”.

While the research is still in its infancy, understanding the link between the gut microbiome and heart health factors could help scientists develop new treatments to prevent heart disease. The […]

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    Is There an Easy Fix to Your Child’s Challenging Behaviour?

Is There an Easy Fix to Your Child’s Challenging Behaviour?

Key Message: Pyrrole disorder is quite common however some doctors don’t know it exists

Action Point: Look for common symptoms and seek treatment before it affects your child’s learning and behaviour
Pyrrole disorder is a genetic blood disorder that results in a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6. It is caused by the overproduction of hydroxyhempyrolin (HPL). The HPL binds zinc and B6 preventing their use by the body and causing excretion in the urine and hair.
Up to 10 percent of children have pyrrole, yet some doctors don’t know it exists.  Apparently this number is even higher among those with behavioural disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression.  That means in a typical class of 25 to 30 kids, two or three have it and won’t be learning or behaving well.
Common symptoms include:

an inability to cope with stressors
emotional mood swings
extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Pyrrole disorder can also cause learning difficulties and auditory processing disorders – the inability to single out the sound you should be listening to. All of these are reasons why this condition is often only diagnosed after a child has a difficult time adjusting to a preschool or kindergarten classroom.
Fortunately, there are signs of pyrrole disorder you can spot before your child has problems in the classroom.

Physical symptoms include:

white spots on the fingernails
pale skin that burns easily
overcrowded teeth
cold hands and feet – even in summer
motion sickness
joint pain
irritable bowel syndrome

Emotional symptoms include anxiety, a low tolerance for stress, mood swings, depression, and hyperactivity.

The symptoms of pyrrole can be exacerbated by stress and a poor diet. However once it has been identified, it can be easily treated with zinc and B6 supplements

Most children see rapid improvement once they start treatment, although they […]

How Sleep Can be Helped With Music

Key Message: Research shows that music can help improve sleep quality

Action Point: Listen to certain types of music before bedtime to help you fall asleep quicker and improve your sleep quality
There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep. It paves the way for the day ahead, improving energy levels and mental performance.

Unfortunately, there are many out there who don’t get to enjoy the luxury of having a full eight hours of sleep. These unlucky individuals have to make do with lethargy and a type of sluggishness that they just can’t shake off.

Thankfully though, help may be at hand. Research has shown that music can actually help improve sleep quality and speed up the rate in which somebody dozes off. If you have issues with your slumber, it’s time to grab your iPod and continue reading. You might be about to discover the answer to your woes.
How Music Can Help You Sleep
The British Academy of Sound, a prestigious institution based in Great Britain, has found that certain types of songs can increase the chances of you falling and staying asleep.

Certain songs have the ability to relax the brain, which promotes rest.
What to Look for in a Song?
According to researchers, rhyme and repetition help people cross over into the land of nod. Not only this, but low tones and slow tempos help, too.

If you’re a fan of pulsating techno music, that’s unlikely to do the job, at least according to Lazlo Harmat, a German researcher tasked with understanding how music affects sleep.

Your best bet is to look for a tune that has around 60 beats per minute. If you’re wondering how to figure out a song’s BPM, simply search online, or count the beats in your […]

The Link between Biofilms and Chronic Infections


Key Message: Biofilms are common and can cause chronic infections

Action Point: There are holistic steps you can take to treat and eliminate the issue of chronic biofilm as antibiotics are ineffective
If you have ever had any recurrent infections such as chronic ear infections, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, lung infections or chronic fatigue that just won’t go away even with multiple courses of antibiotics, then biofilm may be the cause. But biofilms are not only limited to chronic infections. They can also cause more severe diseases such as autoimmune diseases, Lyme disease and kidney stones.

The issue of biofilm is regularly overlooked when treating chronic illness, yet it affects millions of people in the developed world each year. Recently it has been gaining more attention among scientists, microbiologists and medical professionals.

But what exactly are biofilms? They are complex communities of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae that live together and adapt to various environment conditions. It was once thought that they existed as individual cells, however it is now known that they start off with a few microbes forming a thin layer of slime and eventually form complex colonies, which develop into communities of millions of microbes. They can be found all over the environment and are often found on surfaces that are wet and exposed to moisture. For example the slime on top of ponds and even the plaque on your teeth is biofilm.

It seems that people with lower immune systems are more susceptible to biofilm infections as they tend to form with greater ease in such individuals. In the 19th century, a French scientist, Antonine Bechamp suggested, “it is the internal terrain/ environment of the individual which determines our susceptibility to disease”. This […]

How Phthalates Affect Fertility

Key Message: Exposure to BPA and phthalates can be harmful and could prevent couples from having children

Action Point: There are steps you can take to limit your exposure to BPA and phthalates
Most parents are aware that Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates can be harmful to young children, and are conscious of buying BPA and phthalate-free plastic items like bottles and cups for them. But new science is suggesting that chemicals like BPA and phthalates could prevent couples from having children in the first place.

The new research, presented at a recent conference of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in Boston, links exposure to BPA and phthalates, both chemicals used in many common household products to make plastic more pliable, to both increased infertility and a higher risk of miscarriage. Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with our hormones. They have previously been associated with changes in sperm quality, androgen levels, birth outcomes and neurodevelopment of children.

One study presented at the conference found that men with high phthalate concentrations in their urine experienced a 20% decline in fertility and took longer to get their partners pregnant than men with fewer phthalates in their urine.

Another study found that women who had high levels of BPA in their blood were “at significant increased risk of miscarriage compared to women with the lowest levels.” They found that BPA levels were higher in both chromosomally normal and abnormal miscarriages.

It is not routine to test men and women with fertility problems or who have experienced miscarriage for BPA or phthalates, but that may soon change thanks to the findings of the new studies. “It gives you one more thing to ask the patients about when you see unexplained […]

The Effects of Eating Organic Food

Key Message: There are many benefits from eating organic foods

Action Point: Eat organic foods or grow your own to improve your health and physical wellbeing
More and more grocery stores are beginning to stock organic produce. Whereas once these items made up a small selection of available products, they now make up a sizeable proportion of any large store’s stock. From meat, to veg, to fruit – organic is everywhere.

If you’ve seen organic food in your local grocery store, you’ll have noticed it costs a little more than the same item in non-organic form. There’s a reason for this. Organic foods are made without the use of hormones and artificial growth enhancers. This means such products can’t be produced on mass. That’s a good thing though, especially when it comes to your health.

Organic food provides a range of benefits. Here are some of the most important.
More Nutrients
Sometimes, food tastes so good, we actually forget what our reason for eating it is: To stay healthy.

When it comes to comparing the nutrient profiles of organic and non-organic food, there’s only one clear winner. The European Union was one of the main bodies to confirm this, having conducted a multi-million dollar study into the effectiveness of organic produce.

Not only are organic products grown in a higher class of soil, they’re allowed to develop as nature intended them to – which can only mean they’re packed full of goodness. You can reduce vitamin and mineral deficiencies simply by changing your diet.
Better Taste
Organic foods taste better. Sure, there are probably studies that confirm this, but why bother listening to them when you have your own set of tastebuds?

Chicken, tomatoes, green vegetables, and eggs are all foods that taste far […]

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    Eating hot food from plastic dishes could be affecting your overall health and hormones

Eating hot food from plastic dishes could be affecting your overall health and hormones

Key message: Components of some types of plastics are known to be hazardous to human health, especially when exposed to heat.

Action point: For hot food, it’s best to stick to glass or ceramics. When it comes to heat, there are no materials – short of ceramics – that don’t leach something. Or for a safe alternative for kids, try biodegradable bamboo dinnerware.
Are you using plastic containers to heat your food?

You might want to reconsider. Components of some types of plastics are known to be hazardous to human health, especially when exposed to heat.

The two main types of plastic used in dinnerware are melamine resin and polypropylene.

Melamine resin is a tough plastic that can be found in children’s dinner sets, many picnic sets and take away noodle soup bowls. On its own, the compound melamine is toxic to human health. Ingested at high concentrations, it can damage the kidneys.

A recent study1 from Taiwan showed that people who consumed hot soup, which was 90 degrees celsius when poured into a melamine bowl, excreted small amounts of melamine in their urine. This indicates that melamine from the soup bowl had been absorbed into the body.

Other plastics used in food containers to be wary of are bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. BPA is primarily found in a type of plastic called polycarbonate or PC (recycle code 7). Phthalates (such as the plasticiser diethylhexyl phthalate or DEHP) are primarily found in polyvinyl carbonate or PVC (recycle code 3).

Studies have shown that both BPA and phthalates are endocrine disruptors2. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological and immune effects in humans.

Endocrine disruptors can:

Mimic or partly mimic naturally occurring hormones in the […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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