
Your diet before conception affects your child’s DNA

Key Message: What a woman eats prior to conception can affect her children’s genes 
Action Point: Maintain a healthy diet and be mindful of your eating patterns well before conception
Women can often obsess about their diet during pregnancy to make sure they are doing everything right for their baby. However, the latest twist in this development has shaken the foundations of genetics.

It has been claimed by the Medical Research Council (MRC) that even before conception, a mother’s diet can have an impact on her unborn child’s immune system and pose a risk, on a long term basis, to life threatening diseases.
Basis of claim
After extensive testing on pregnant women from Gambia, the MRC came to this astonishing conclusion. As we all know a child inherits genes from his or her parents. The genes in discussion here are at the mercy of a process called DNA methylation, which is affected by epigenetics.

This affects how genes are either upregulated or downregulated and ultimately affects cell function. Research on this complex subject has pinpointed a tumor suppressor gene called VTRNA20-1, which is largely dependent on the diet of the female and vital in determining the future health of the child.

A compound called methyl group is added to the DNA, and this forces gene silencing and therefore limits their ability to express themselves properly.
How the tests were carried out
The researchers at the MRC in London required the services of pregnant African women from Gambia. Initially they were separated in two groups, as per the season they had conceived in. When divided in to the rainy season group and the dry season group, their blood was examined and comprehensively tested.

When they gave birth to their children, their blood was tested too […]

Birth canal bacteria could help C-section babies

Key Message: Birth canal bacteria could restore some of the bacteria lost during c-section births
Action Point: More research is needed however a restoring intervention may be possible for babies that have not passed the birth canal
Researchers have begun to experiment with the concept of collecting birth-canal bacteria and wiping them onto babies (born by C section) as opposed to a normal birth where the effluvia is wiped off.

They are doing this in an effort to explore the theory that altered bacterial populations could help explain why C-section babies tend to have higher chances of asthma, allergies, obesity and other health risks.

Obviously during labour, the baby is rubbing against the mucosa of the birth canal for a long time and bacteria start growing before the baby is even out and continues to grow exponentially. In this study, researchers are trying to determine whether it might help babies delivered by C-section to restore some of the vaginal bacteria that they would have been exposed to if they had gone through the birth canal.
It has been found that vaginal delivery exposes the baby to many more bacteria than C-section babies.
While the research is intriguing and the intervention seems so simple, many questions still remain and much more research is still needed.

There are concerns that this work will encourage women to have C-sections, however Dr Maria Gloria Dominguex-Bello, associate professor in the Human Microbiome Program at the NYU School of Medicine says, “the microbes are just one part of labor and we don’t understand completely the whole process and why it is important.”

Her main concern in this study is to determine the impact of not having a heavily inoculated canal and if this can be restored.

With the initial […]

Coffee Alternatives to Help Get You Going in the Morning

Key Message: There are alternatives to coffee for a healthy start in the morning

Action Point: Try to substitute your morning coffee for water and lemon, beetroot juice, chia seeds or bananas and nut milk
Not a morning person? Can’t start the day without a latte?

While coffee may seem to be your elixir, there are actually plenty of healthy coffee alternatives to get you going in the mornings.

Cold Water and Lemon

If you thought coffee was the simplest morning revitalizer, think again. According to nutritionists, many people respond to cold water and lemon just as well.

Simply pour some ice cold water into a glass and add in half a lemon or lime. You’ll find this extremely simple drink takes you from 0-60 in no time!

Acai Berries and Chia Seeds

When most people wake up in the morning, they’re in a foggy state and pick a cereal without really thinking about it. This usually leads to them picking something sugary, a decision that turns out to be a bad one. Sugar gives you a quick energy boost, but doesn’t last long at all. Afterwards, your body crashes and you’re left feeling more tired than you were before. That’s why eating a breakfast full of complex carbohydrates such as acai berries and chia seeds is a great way to start the day. These food items are gentler on your sugar levels and they’re also full of magnesium and vitamin B.

Rather than drugging your body with caffeine, why not give it some actual fuel it can use to get going?

Bananas and Nut Milk

Some people aren’t big on breakfast. Either they don’t have time for it or they just don’t feel like eating much early on in the morning. That’s not a […]

How Phthalates Affect Fertility

Key Message: Exposure to BPA and phthalates can be harmful and could prevent couples from having children

Action Point: There are steps you can take to limit your exposure to BPA and phthalates
Most parents are aware that Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates can be harmful to young children, and are conscious of buying BPA and phthalate-free plastic items like bottles and cups for them. But new science is suggesting that chemicals like BPA and phthalates could prevent couples from having children in the first place.

The new research, presented at a recent conference of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in Boston, links exposure to BPA and phthalates, both chemicals used in many common household products to make plastic more pliable, to both increased infertility and a higher risk of miscarriage. Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with our hormones. They have previously been associated with changes in sperm quality, androgen levels, birth outcomes and neurodevelopment of children.

One study presented at the conference found that men with high phthalate concentrations in their urine experienced a 20% decline in fertility and took longer to get their partners pregnant than men with fewer phthalates in their urine.

Another study found that women who had high levels of BPA in their blood were “at significant increased risk of miscarriage compared to women with the lowest levels.” They found that BPA levels were higher in both chromosomally normal and abnormal miscarriages.

It is not routine to test men and women with fertility problems or who have experienced miscarriage for BPA or phthalates, but that may soon change thanks to the findings of the new studies. “It gives you one more thing to ask the patients about when you see unexplained […]

Alert: Research shows Chemicals cause Early Menopause

An endocrine disrupting chemical is a chemical found outside the body that mimics or alters the endocrine (hormone) system and causes health problems in a person, their offspring and even future generations. Endocrine disrupters exert their effect at levels far below what is considered to be harmful. It is the timing and duration of exposure and not the dose that determines what impact these chemicals have on the body. Often, these health problems don’t become apparent until years down the track.
I have written about EDC before so check out this previous blog.

Researchers studied over 31,500 women and assessed their exposure rate to EDC’s. Astonishingly, women aged 45-55 that had the highest exposure rate went through menopause 1.9-3.8 years earlier than women with the lowest exposure rates. The researchers feel that these harmful chemicals damage the follicles in the ovary, leading to reduced ovarian reserve.
The researchers concluded “Earlier menopause can alter the quantity and quality of a woman’s life and has profound implications for fertility, human reproduction, and our global society.” Another recent study on 501 couples showed that exposures to EDCs was associated with approximately 20% reduced fertility.

The results of this research also suggest that increasing levels of blood or urine EDC’s and NOT just high levels are associated with loss of ovarian function. So for any woman who is having trouble ovulating, with fertility or regulating her hormones, this research is profound. As the researchers note “The health of future generations is at risk, and without further research in this area, those born today could be affected in decades to come.”

Key Message – environmental chemicals negatively affect our hormonesAction Point – remove all plastics, pthalates, pesticides and other man made chemicals from […]

9 Foods That Decrease Your Risk of Breast Cancer

I recently went to a seminar on female hormonal disorders and one of the key tips I took away was a list of research-based foods that can help your body balance estrogen. Estrogen can be highly problematic if there is too much in your body and is linked to breast cancer, fibroids, endometriosis and heavy periods.
Certain foods can act as “aromatase inhibitors” – aromatase is an enzyme, which converts androgens into estrogen. In fact, synthetic aromatase inhibitors are used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
By including these therapeutic foods in your diet you can improve your estrogen profile, making sure there isn’t too much estrogen to cause problems.  Now it’s not as simple as “eat these foods and all will be ok” but adding therapeutic foods to your diet can go a long way.

White button mushrooms
Alfalfa sprouts
Green tea

I am off to the kitchen to a big, delicious salad with lots of these key therapeutic foods! If you know any woman with breast cancer please spread the love and share this post with them.


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Got Milk? The Dairy Debate

Are you a firm believer in the benefits of milk? Do you believe it is integral to healthy bones, and a healthy life? There have been campaigns promoting milk since the 1940s, so why wouldn’t you believe milk is necessary for a healthy diet. However, you may want to consider this – just because something is accepted as the norm, does not necessary mean it shouldn’t be questioned.
I am a firm believer that dairy is bad for us. I understand that this is still a controversial stance to take, so I wanted to share with you some peer reviewed studies that explores the possibility that dairy consumption could in fact be more harmful than good.
Healthy Bones
The high calcium found in dairy is its most noted nutritional ‘quality’. We know calcium to be important in maintaining healthy bones. Which is true, however, numerous clinical studies question our ability to absorb the calcium from milk, making the high levels of calcium irrelevant to humans. A study published in the Paediatrics journal in 2005 found that milk consumption does not improve the bone health of children, while another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involving 72,000 women and conducted over 18 years found that milk had no protective effect on bone fracture risk.
On the other hand, adequate calcium intake from plant based foods such as leafy green vegetables and beans has been proven to decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise is another way of maintaining healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Cancer Risk 
Dairy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of some cancers. Most notably it has been linked to breast, prostate and ovarian cancers. A Swedish study found that consumption of […]

Emma’s Book Booster: For the health conscious parent

Child Health Guide
I have used this guide for a number of years now and find it irreplaceable. It is a manual on holistic pediatrics and Dr Neustaedter provides so much information that you can implement. Preventative medicine is always the best, especially when it comes to our children. Learn how to strengthen their immune system naturally, as well as treat both acute and chronic childhood illnesses.
Ideal for parents-to-be and parents.

Healthy Child, Healthy World
This tip-filled book helps you negotiate the world of toxins in your home and environment. To help green your environment, there are sections on body care, children’s toys, outdoor spaces, water, air, cleaning products and more. With plenty of easy to implement tips, I loved this book.
Ideal for pregnant women and parents of small children.

No Drama Discipline
Written by one of my favourite authors on neuroscience, this book is written to help parents negotiate the topic of discipline. Highlighting the link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehaviour, this book provides brilliant practical strategies for win – win disciplining. Anything that can help me navigate the early childhood years is perfect!
Ideal for parents, nannies, godparents and grandparents.

The Holistic Baby Guide
Written by one of my favorite acupuncturist and Chinese medicine doctors, Dr Neustaedter goes through all the most common childhood ills and describes natural medicine, nutritional information and much more to strengthen immunity. As a naturopath, I love this book as it’s a fantastic guide for parents to use at home.
Ideal for parents-to-be and parents.

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Emma’s Book Booster: For the tired and sexually frustrated!

The Sleep Diet
I am such a sleep advocate and see a huge link between poor quality sleep and weight gain. Sleep scientist, Dr Harrington delves into the research on sleep and nutrition and explains it all beautifully. If your sleep isn’t great or you are carrying a few extra kilos, this book is for you.  Ideal for the sleep deprived and those looking to lose weight.

In The Mood Again
The decline in hormones as we age has a huge impact on libido and sex life. Some of this decline can be prevented and this book looks into how. Written by two doctors that are experts in their field, it’s a fantastic read to look at all the options available. Ideal for anyone with a low libido.

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Two Glasses of Wine can Change Your Hormone Levels!

I read some research the other day that I just had to share with you as it freaked me out a little. It was discussing the effects of alcohol on hormone levels and the snapshot is that only two standard drinks a day can increase your estrogen levels by up to 32%!
The study was a thorough one – 34 premenopausal women with a history of regular menstrual cycles were split into two groups. Group one consumed two standard drinks every day for three months, then no alcohol for three months. Group two did it the other way around. All their food was provided in order to make sure their weight stayed the same over the study period.
After three months of daily alcohol intake the average change was:

Day 12-15 (ovulatory phase) – plasma estrone was up by 21%, plasma estradiol was up by 28% and 24 hour urinary estradiol had increased by 32%

Day 21-23 (luteul phase) – all types of estrogen were elevated by 15% or more

This is astounding and very confrontational! I enjoy a glass of wine and now I need to rethink it. I know that long term research has shown an increased breast cancer risk for women who drink moderates amounts of alcohol.
Bad news with the festive season upon us!!

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How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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