
Emma’s Book Booster: For the health conscious parent

Child Health Guide
I have used this guide for a number of years now and find it irreplaceable. It is a manual on holistic pediatrics and Dr Neustaedter provides so much information that you can implement. Preventative medicine is always the best, especially when it comes to our children. Learn how to strengthen their immune system naturally, as well as treat both acute and chronic childhood illnesses.
Ideal for parents-to-be and parents.

Healthy Child, Healthy World
This tip-filled book helps you negotiate the world of toxins in your home and environment. To help green your environment, there are sections on body care, children’s toys, outdoor spaces, water, air, cleaning products and more. With plenty of easy to implement tips, I loved this book.
Ideal for pregnant women and parents of small children.

No Drama Discipline
Written by one of my favourite authors on neuroscience, this book is written to help parents negotiate the topic of discipline. Highlighting the link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehaviour, this book provides brilliant practical strategies for win – win disciplining. Anything that can help me navigate the early childhood years is perfect!
Ideal for parents, nannies, godparents and grandparents.

The Holistic Baby Guide
Written by one of my favorite acupuncturist and Chinese medicine doctors, Dr Neustaedter goes through all the most common childhood ills and describes natural medicine, nutritional information and much more to strengthen immunity. As a naturopath, I love this book as it’s a fantastic guide for parents to use at home.
Ideal for parents-to-be and parents.

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Australian Women Not Having the Births They Expect

Pregnant women have unrealistic expectations about their chances of having an uncomplicated birth and may feel cheated and depressed when they have obstetric interventions, a Victorian study has found. A survey of almost 200 women with a first pregnancy at a Melbourne hospital found that they believed they had a 56% chance of having an uncomplicated birth without the need for induction, forceps, suction cup or caesarean. However, Victorian data show that a woman’s actual chance of a medically uncomplicated birth is only 21%.
Does this reflect our medical systems high intervention rate? In my experience when women birth, suggestions for “moving things along” come far too quickly. Is it to free up hospital beds or keep within “time frames”? Either way, the fact that 80% of women have a birth that involves induction, forceps, suction cup or caesarean is unacceptable to me. What happened to the trust and belief that a woman can birth naturally? Of course there are circumstances that require intervention but I don’t believe that it needs to be as high as 80%!
Likewise, women believed they had a 31% chance of having a delivery without the need for sutures, but the actual chance was only 8%! Attending antenatal classes did not give women a more realistic view of childbirth interventions, the study found.
The findings published in the Australia and NZ Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in January 2012 showed that medical staff also had overoptimistic expectations of a natural birth, with obstetricians predicting a 41% chance of uncomplicated delivery and medical students rating the chances as 45%.
This study is groundbreaking as it highlights where we need to focus our work –supporting a mother to trust her body to bright naturally and […]

Natural Births Better for Babies – Compelling Research Out

Babies born by caesarean section are more vulnerable to asthma, allergies and infection as they miss out on receiving their mothers’ good bacteria during birth, a scientist says.
Professor Patricia Conway, of the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of NSW, said babies delivered vaginally received protective bacteria as they passed through the birth canal. Left on the baby’s skin, this bacteria could then colonise the intestine and help inoculate newborns against hospital bugs. Gut flora was also crucial for developing a balanced immune system, Professor Conway said. “With a C-section, the newborn baby misses an opportunity to pick up a lot of mum’s good bacteria,” she said.
“This can have long-term health implications, as the development of a good intestinal ecosystem is necessary for health and immunity to allergies, from childhood right through to adulthood.”
Professor Conway said emergency caesareans, performed after labour had begun, meant babies did receive some of the beneficial bacteria, particularly if the waters had broken. But elective caesareans were ”sterile” and gave babies no chance to pick up any of the mother’s good bacteria. However babies had other chances to receive their mother’s bacteria, during skin-to-skin contact directly after birth and if they were breastfed.
Australian College of Midwives vice-president Hannah Dahlen said babies born vaginally had the advantage of hormonal surges during labour, which made them more wide-eyed and able to connect with their mothers. Both mother and baby experienced a surge in catecholamines – the fight-or-flight hormone – during labour, making babies more alert at birth.
Recent studies had shown white blood cells in babies born by caesarean were different to those born vaginally, potentially altering the way their bodies responded to attacks on their immune systems for […]

HypnoBirthing Makes the Media!

I have just had the most wonderful experience – a newspaper wants to feature me and HypnoBirthing! I have already been interviewed and this was one of the quotes:What are the benefits of Hypno-birthing?”From the statistics collected by the HypnoBirthing Institute, we know that caesarean rates are halved! 65% of HypnoBirthing women do not use any pain medication and the epidural rate is decreased by two thirds. I would say that these are very impressive statistics as in Australia we have one of the highest Caesarean rates in the world – 30.8%. That’s double the World Health Organisations recommendation of no more than 15%. In my experience HypnoBirthing promotes a rapid postnatal recovery, facilitates a beautiful bonding experience and returns birth to the natural process it is meant to be.”HypnoBirthing is an incredible tool that I teach people and I recommend that you read more about it here if you are pregnant. Or forward this on to any pregnant friends.I did a photo shoot this morning with the gorgeous Noah Raeburn who was such a star! He slept peacefully throughout the whole shoot and only stirred briefly with the sounds of the shutter. I want to thank Noah’s parents, Ash and Brian, for letting me come to their home and take these photos. I will let you all know when the article comes out!

Day 25 of Detox

I woke early to go to the gym and felt rather tired for the first time in weeks. I did my cardio which all seemed very difficult and my time on the rower was 10minutes, 48 seconds, which as you know, was not great. Then I realised that I had my period – oh, it all clicks into place now!Day 23 was a shocker for me – unorganised, cranky, I think I cried 3 times in that day and I was so irritated. You know what makes me chuckle quietly? It’s the fact that every time I get my period I have an “ahaa!” moment, like it is so unexpected! I can hear the mental process now “so that explains why I felt so emotional, tired, irrational etc”. It occurs every month but each month it still comes as a surprise. So anyway, I left the gym and came home to do a 20 minute express Pilates DVD (love these when I am feeling lazy) and have a nice breakfast of gluten free cereal, white peach and apple juice.I made a smoothie to take to clinic – a banana, 2 passion fruits, frozen berries, oat milk, flaxseed oil and probiotic. I then had my last watercress soup from the freezer and I had forgotten how nutritious it is. It is packed with antioxidants, minerals and especially iron which I really need right now. I can feel the goodness seeping into my cells! Todays photo is my soup.Dinner was stunning red snapper fillets, which are perfect on the BBQ. Ensure  you have a really hot surface, a little olive oil, put the fish skin side up and sear the surface, turn it over just briefly […]

Detox Lunch

This is one of my fav lunches during detox and I just had to share it with you! All the ingredients are organic and sourced from my local markets – I am especially excited to see the finger limes back in season. These beautiful little things will delight you – they are like an explosion of citrus and a burst of freshness!Ingredients1 cucumber1 carrot1 small beetroot½ red cabbage40gr broccoli sprouts½ bunch flat leaf parsley1 large finger lime100gr organic firm tofu, cut into slicesSesame seedsMethodMarinate tofu in tamari and extra virgin olive oil for 4 hours. Grill for 3 minutes on each side. Grate carrot and beetroot into a stainless steel bowl. Slice the cucumber and red cabbage finely (I use a Moulis for this). Add to bowl along with broccoli sprouts and pearls from the finger lime. These are just sublime and pop in your mouth just like caviar! Slice the tofu into small bite sized pieces and add to salad. Finely chop parsley and add. Make your favourite dressing. I use a teaspoon of my home made pesto with some additional extra virgin olive oil. To finish, lightly toast sesame seeds for 30 seconds and sprinkle over the top.

Latest Stats on Global Caesarean Rates from WHO

In the 3rd phase of an international survey on delivery and maternal & perinatal outcomes conducted by WHO, results have concluded that caesareans should only be done when medically indicated. Almost 50% of babies in China are born via caesarean and overall, 1 in 4 women underwent caesarean.There is now general acceptance among international maternity service providers that caesarean section rates are too high and should not exceed one in eight births. However, in Australia the caesarean rate is much higher, and women and babies are being subjected to unnecessary operations. In Australia, the caesarean rate of 24.6 per cent for 2008-09 is too high. More efforts need to be made to organise maternity services to offer midwife-led care, which generally promotes normal and natural childbirth without medical interventions like caesareans.All caesarean sections put women at increased risk of adverse events, including death. The World Health Organization’s Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health found China has the highest overall rate (46.2%) of caesareans, and by far the highest rate of caesareans without indication (11.7%). Compared with spontaneous delivery, the risk for the maternal mortality or morbidity index is 2.7 times higher for antepartum caesarean without indications and 14.2 times higher for intrapartum caesarean without indications. Compared with spontaneous vaginal deliveries, operative vaginal deliveries were associated with just over 3 times more maternal deaths. The WHO research group urges that caesareans be done only when medically indicated for the mother or the baby.The benefits of a vaginal birth are well documented; among them are a stronger immune system for baby, higher breast feeding rates and less time in hospital. I strongly encourage every woman to have a natural birth and find that HypnoBirthing […]

Vitamin D Linked to C-Section Births

Caesarean section rates are at an all time high in Australia (28.8%) and the United States (30.2%). As vitamin D is crucial for proper muscle function, the researchers examined the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and caesarean section rates. Between 2005 and 2007, 253 women who gave birth in a Massachusetts hospital were found to be nearly four times more likely to have a caesarean section if their serum vitamin D levels were below 37.5nmol/L than those levels at 37.5nmol/L or greater. The authors concluded that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of caesarean section.Vitamin D has been receiving so much research over the last few years and this study demonstrates the broader functions of vitamin D. Absolutely insist that your vitamin D levels are monitored throughout pregnancy and supplement if necessary – remember that you need to use the D3 form!Association between vitamin D deficiency and primary caesarean section.BACKGROUND: At the turn of the 20th century, women commonly died in childbirth due to rachitic pelvis. Although rickets virtually disappeared with the discovery of the hormone vitamin D, recent reports suggest vitamin D deficiency is widespread in industrialized nations. Poor muscular performance is an established symptom of vitamin D deficiency. The current U.S. caesarean birth rate is at an all-time high of 30.2%. We analysed the relationship between maternal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status, and prevalence of primary caesarean section. METHODS: Between 2005 and 2007, we measured maternal and infant serum 25(OH) D at birth and abstracted demographic and medical data from the maternal medical record at an urban teaching hospital (Boston, MA) with 2500 births per year. We enrolled 253 women, of whom 43 (17%) had a primary caesarean. […]

Natural Birth Takes Time

This is fantastic research and reaffirms my belief that natural birth can take time. Often, the birth process can slow down and rest for a while – this doesn’t automatically call for intervention! All of the women in the study experienced active phase arrest which is defined as no cervical change for 2 hours despite adequate uterine contractions. The 67% of women who went on to have a Caesar experienced more complications than the 33% of women who had a vaginal birth. There were no differences in infant outcomes. The researchers concluded that encouraging vaginal birth in the presence of a slowed or resting birth would reduce adverse reactions for the mother and not cause any additional risk for the baby.So, I strongly encourage you to allow birth to take its natural course as long as it is safe for mum and bub. Medical emergencies can occur but in the majority of cases, it is very safe to take your time and embrace your unique birth process.Perinatal outcomes in the setting of active phase arrest of laborOBJECTIVE: To examine the association between active phase arrest and perinatal outcomes. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of women with term, singleton, cephalic gestations diagnosed with active phase arrest of labor, defined as no cervical change for 2 hours despite adequate uterine contractions. Women with active phase arrest who underwent a cesarean delivery were compared with those who delivered vaginally, and women who delivered vaginally with active phase arrest were compared with those without active phase arrest. The association between active phase arrest, mode of delivery, and perinatal outcomes was evaluated using univariable and multivariable logistic regression models. RESULTS: We identified 1,014 women with active phase […]

By |November 21st, 2009|Fertility, Hypnobirthing|0 Comments

My Favorite Superfood – Edible Sea Vegetables

My Favorite Superfood – Edible Sea Vegetables Many different cultures with well developed traditions, intuitively      incorporated sea vegetables into their diets for their unique nutritional and medicinal properties. The regular use of these sea vegetables adds an extra dimension to flavor but they are also a powerhouse of nutritional energy.Why would anyone want to eat sea vegetables? Because they offer the broadest range of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean-the same minerals that are found in human blood. Sea vegetables are an excellent source of iodine and vitamin K, a very good source of the B-vitamin folate, and magnesium, and a good source of iron and calcium, and the B-vitamins riboflavin and pantothenic acid. In addition, sea vegetables contain good amounts of lignans, plant compounds with cancer-protective properties.Wakame – grows in temperate waters and is raked from the ocean floor, graded and sun dired. Wakame strips need to be soaked for approximately 10 minutes and then cut into pieces. Remember that Wakame will expand up to 7 times its size! This is the type of sea vegetable that you will find in your miso soup.Arame – is hand selected and pre cooked for 7 hours to tenderize. Most are cut into thin strips and just needs to be boiled to 5 minutes before use. Arame has a mild taste so start with this one.Kombu – is dark sea kelp that is being raked from the ocean floor and sun dried. Rinse it well and soak for 10 minutes. Kombu is great to use as a stock and invaluable for reducing the gas causing side effect of beans. Just add a strip of Kombu when cooking […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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