Men’s Health

Is Your Phone Making You Infertile?

A new study released by the University of Exeter involving nearly 1500 men showed a clear link between mobile phone use and infertility.  Exposure to environmental factors such as electromagnetic radiation has increased dramatically due to the global rise of mobile phone use in the last 15 years.
Men who used mobile phones regularly had an 8% decrease in motility or the ability to swim forward towards the egg. Sperm viability or the percentage of sperm that were alive as well as the sperm concentration was also negatively affected.
Study author Dr Mathews said: “Given the enormous scale of mobile phone use around the world, the potential role of this environmental exposure needs to be clarified. This study strongly suggests that being exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from carrying mobiles in trouser pockets negatively affects sperm quality. This could be particularly important for men already on the borderline of infertility, and further research is required to determine the full clinical implications for the general population.”
Previous research has shown that using a computer affects sperm quality. If your computer is on your lap, within 1 hour the testicles will be heated above what is considered safe. This increased temperature causes damage to the sperm. This is another form of electromagnetic radiation.
Studies back as far as 2007 have shown a clear link between mobile phone exposure and poor sperm health. The more a mobile phone is used, the greater degree of abnormally shaped sperm and the less able they are to swim forward.
So what do you do? Tell your man to get his phone out of his trouser pocket and use a radiation reducing mobile phone cover such as Cell Safe.

Blokes Business – Androgen Deficiency

It’s time for me to write about men’s stuff – I must apologize, as I tend to overlook the blokes in my quest to help women! I am seeing more and more men in clinic with undiagnosed androgen deficiency so have a read and then send the link to your male friends!
Androgen deficiency affects about one in 200 men under 60 years of age. Testosterone levels in men are highest between the ages of 20 and 30 years. As men age there is a gradual drop in testosterone levels with a 1% decline per year starting in the late 30’s.
Role of testosterone in men;

Protects against cardiovascular disease
Prevents diabetes and obesity
Maintains healthy reproductive function
Supports bone density
Optimise muscle mass
Improves mood and memory
Reduces anxiety

Most common symptoms of androgen deficiency are:

Mood changes (low mood and irritability)
Poor concentration
Low energy
Reduced muscle strength
Increased body fat
Longer time to recover from exercise
Decreased libido
Difficulty getting and keeping erections
Low semen volume
Hot flushes, sweats

This basic questionnaire can be very useful for men to describe the kind as well as severity of their low testosterone symptoms

Please circle

1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
Yes      No

2. Do you have a lack of energy
Yes      No

3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
Yes      No

4. Have you lost height?
Yes      No

5. Have you noticed a decreased “enjoyment of life”?
Yes      No

6. Are you sad and/ or grumpy?
Yes      No

7. Are your erections less strong?
Yes      No

8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
Yes      No

9. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
Yes      No

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?
Yes      No

If you answer Yes to number 1 or 7 or if you answer yes to more than 3 questions you may have low testosterone. I […]

By |September 3rd, 2013|Men's Health|0 Comments

So they say Fish oils = Prostate Cancer? Fact or Fiction?

By now I’m sure you have all read the headlines throughout various media outlets over the past week. If not, let me re-cap for you…

Fish oil supplements increase prostate cancer risk, says study – SMH
Hold The Salmon: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Higher Risk of Cancer – Time (Health and Lifestyle)
Fish oils may raise prostate cancer risks, study confirms – NBC News
Omega-3 raises prostate cancer risk – ABC

What these sweeping headlines are referring to is a study that was published online in July 2013 regarding Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate cancer risk.
This study measured levels of omega-3 in the blood of participating men, however it did not include vital information regarding the men’s eating habits, or current use of medications/supplements. This lack of information meant the researchers could not differentiate between the effects of fatty acids from fish, plants or those of supplements.
What the study actually concluded…
“This study confirms previous reports of increased prostate cancer risk among men with high blood concentrations of LCω-3PUFA”.
Put simply, they found a link between high levels of omega 3 fatty acids in the blood of men with prostate cancer. They DID NOT conclude that fish oil supplementation was the causative agent to their findings or the reason for an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Before heading to the fridge to grab your bottle of fish oil supplements and toss them in the bin, do your own research. Look up some studies that are specific to fish oil (not just omega 3 fatty acids in blood) and prostate cancer. Weigh up the information to see if it is relevant to you. What I mean is, if you’re a woman you need not concern yourself with the possibility of developing […]

Dads to be – watch your alcohol!

A study of 690 Australian families with a child suffering from either acute lymphoblastic leukaemia or childhood brain tumours found men who consumed a moderate amount of spirits – up to seven drinks a week – in the 12 months before conception increased the risk of childhood brain tumours by almost 50 per cent. The Telethon Institute for Child Health Research study also found men who drank 21 or more beers a week might also be placing their future children at greater risk of leukaemia and brain tumours.
Study authors Elizabeth Milne and Carol Bower said with recent data showing 8 per cent of men between the ages of 30 and 39 consumed at least four standard drinks a day, “a large number of men may be putting their future offspring at risk”.
The study concluded that men, as well as women, “should limit their alcohol intake when planning a pregnancy”.
Professor Bower said while there was a great deal of research on the impact that women drinking while pregnant had on babies very few studies had looked at the effects of paternal alcohol consumption.
“We don’t know too much about the causes of leukaemia or brain tumours, so there will certainly be a lot more work being done in this area,” she said.
“As a society we should drink less, and there’s some evidence here that shows alcohol, especially spirits, in fathers in the year before their child is conceived may have an effect.”
The study found no evidence linking maternal alcohol consumption before or during pregnancy with cancer in children.

Research link can be found here

How Coenzyme Q10 Boosts Male and Female Fertility

Infertility is commonly attributed to the woman however facts show that for one third of infertile couples the cause lies with the male partner.
Not being able to have your own child naturally can be very frustrating and even devastating for many couples. There are many causes of infertility – genetic implications, physical or psychological problems, illnesses, nutritional deficiencies, medications, lifestyle factors, reproductive system function failures and hormonal imbalances. (more…)

Winter Snuggles Result in Higher Pregnancy Rates!

I always thought the increased winter pregnancy rates I see in clinic were the results of cold weather causing couples to snuggle up more but research just released in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology reveals that sperm quality really does increase in winter.
Researchers studied over 6,470 sperm samples from men who had been referred to a fertility clinic and found that men with normal sperm counts averaged 71 million sperm per ml in spring and 64 million per ml in autumn. Interestingly, the percentage of fast moving sperm, the ones that increase chance of fertilisation, was highest in winter. The highest percentage of normal sperm morphology was also seen in winter. This certainly correlates the slightly higher birth rate in Autumn! (more…)

Watching TV Can Lower Sperm Count by Almost 50%!

New research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has revealed shocking results – for young men, watching 20 hours of TV per week can reduce sperm count by 44%. Conversely, men who do 15 or more hours of moderate to vigorous exercise every week have sperm counts that are 73% higher than those who exercise little, the findings show.
Semen quality seems to have deteriorated over the past few decades, although it’s not clear why, say the authors. To find out if an increasingly sedentary lifestyle might be a contributory factor, they analysed the semen quality of 189 men between the ages of 18 to 22 in 2009-10, all of whom were from Rochester in New York State, USA.
The men were asked about the quantity and intensity of weekly exercise they had had over the preceding three months, and how much time they spent watching television, DVDs, or videos over the same period. And they were asked about factors that might affect sperm quality, including medical or reproductive health problems, diet, stress levels, and smoking.
Over half the men were within the normal range for weight for their height, and three out of four were non-smokers. The prevalence of reproductive health problems was low. The amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity taken every week ranged from 5 to 14 hours, while weekly TV screen time varied from 4 to 20 hours. Men who were more physically active tended to have a healthier diet than those who watched a lot of TV every week.
The analysis showed that those who were the most physically active — 15+ hours a week — had a 73% higher sperm count than the least physically active. Exercise did not affect sperm motility, shape, […]

The Boys Have It!

It was long believed that conception does not involve a meeting of equals. The egg is a relatively large, impressive biological factory compared with the tiny sperm, which delivers to the egg one copy of the father’s genes. However, a new study from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah reveals that the father’s sperm delivers much more complex genetic material than previously thought. The findings could lead to a diagnostic test to help couples deal with infertility.
Researchers discovered particular genes packaged in a special way within the sperm, and that may promote the development of the fetus.
“Our findings show that the father plays an active role in packaging his genome to help ensure a healthy baby,” says study co-leader Brad Cairns, Ph.D., investigator with HCI and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor of oncological sciences at the University of Utah. “However, they also raise the possibility that a man’s aging, health and lifestyle may alter this packaging and negatively affect fertility and embryo development.”
During fetal development, certain genes make decisions about organ and tissue development. The new research shows that in sperm, these genes are wrapped in special packaging materials called ‘modified histones.’ These modified histones appear to be key factors in ensuring genes are activated or repressed at the right level, place and time, which helps the fertilized egg develop properly.
Chromosomes are long strands of DNA containing thousands of genes, and their packaging helps determine which genes turn on and off. Understanding how these genes are activated or repressed leads to a better understanding of how disorders like birth defects and cancer develop.
“Genes have on-and-off switches, and understanding them allows us to target them, leading to possible treatments, cures […]

Is Zonulin Causing Your Symptoms?

For years I have been noticing the link between gluten and autoimmune conditions as well as intestinal inflammation and poor health. Both situations involve the integrity of the intestinal lining and often the presence of leaky gut syndrome. In this syndrome, the digestive system becomes inflamed and undigested foods and toxins “leak” into the bloodstream causing not only food intolerances, allergies, eczema but also autoimmune conditions.
The intestinal lining provides a barrier to keep bacteria, toxins and undigested food out while allowing water, vitamins and minerals to be absorbed into the blood stream. In between the cells that line the digestive system are tiny spaces that were previously thought to be closed doors, only opening when it was appropriate.
The recent discovery of “zonulin” has revealed the key to intestinal inflammation1. Zonulin regulates the permeability of the tiny doors between cells and many people produce too much zonulin, which results in the doors being left open – to gluten, undigested food, toxins, bacteria, viruses and parasites!
The result is metaflammation, autoimmune disease and weight gain.  Another study had a very interesting outcome – people with higher zonulin levels had higher inflammation levels, a higher BMI, higher fasting insulin and higher cholesterol2!
According to Dr Alessio Fasano, the scientist who discovered zonulin, there are three factors that combine to cause autoimmune conditions and poor health:

Susceptible genetics
An environmental trigger e.g. gluten, stress
Excessive zonulin production resulting in leaky gut

It appears the research is clear – when your body is inflamed, zonulin levels rise and give way to many health problems. I have found that treating excess zonulin and leaky gut can be very complex and challenging. Many clients come to me having already “done a detox” to fix their leaky gut but […]

Nutritional Punch of Hemp Kernels

I have been eating hemp kernels for a while now and love their nutritional bang. I add them to smoothies, make milk by soaking them, blending and straining and also put on my fruit for a protein hit. Hemp seed oil is also a wonderful addition to a salad dressing or add a drizzle over cooked vegetables. Although a little challenging to find, hempseeds and oil are well worth the effort. High in protein and anti-inflammatory fats as well as vitamin E, these little darlings are the answer to radiant skin.
Hemp kernels are produced by removing the outer shell of the hemp seed, with no other processing or additives. The kernels are raw and free of chemicals and artificial additives.
Hemp seed contains both Omega 3 and Omega 6 in an ideal ratio of 1:3 along with uniquely high levels of vitamin E, which protects and preserves the delicate oil from oxidation. Further, unlike marine Omega 3, hemp seed is free from dioxins, PCB and other contaminants, making it an ideal choice for pregnant women and children.
Many modern diseases are caused by nutritional deficiencies due to the industrialisation of our food supply. To gain greater shelf life for their products, manufacturers chemically alter and adulterate foods.
Why eat hemp kernels?
Hemp kernels contain a complete range of amino acids and are suitable for those who choose vegetarian or vegan diets. Because they are low in carbohydrate, they are also suitable for diabetics.
Hemp kernels can be eaten straight from the packet, sprinkled over cereals of fruit salad, or added to a variety of sweet or savoury food. It is generally not recommended that kernels be cooked, although they can be added to baked goods, biscuits or breads, to […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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